Error creating vocabulary from big text file on disk - text2vec

I try to perform example from but with my file "text" - 3.7Gb plain text, build from Wikipedia XML dump with Perl script from here -
it_files_par = ifiles_parallel(file_paths = "text")
it_token_par = itoken_parallel(it_files_par, preprocessor = tolower, tokenizer = word_tokenizer)
vocab = create_vocabulary(it_token_par)
This causes error:
Error in unserialize(socklist[[n]]) : error reading from connection
I have 8Gb RAM, word2vec model from this file is created without any errors.

First of all it doesn't make sense to use parallel iterators on a single file - each file processed in a separate R worker process. So here it will be worse than just itoken. Also it involves sending result from each worker to the master process. Here we see that result it too big to be send through socket.
Long story short - just use itoken or split your file into several smaller files.


In pyspark, reading csv files gets failed if even 1 path does not exist. How can we avoid this?

In pyspark reading csv files from different paths gets failed if even one path does not exist.
Logs =, format="csv", schema=logsSchema, header="true", mode="DROPMALFORMED");
Here Logpaths is an array that contain multiple paths. And these paths are created dynamically depending upon given startDate and endDate range. If Logpaths contain 5 paths and first 3 exists but 4th does not exist. Then whole extraction gets failed. How can I avoid this in pyspark or how can I check there existance before reading?
In scala I did this by checking file existance and filter out non-existed records by using hadoop hdfs filesystem globStatus function.
Path = '/bilal/2018.12.16/logs.csv'
val hadoopConf = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration()
val fs = org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.get(hadoopConf)
val fileStatus = fs.globStatus(new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path(Path));
So I got what I was looking for. Like the code I posted in the question which can be used in scala for file existance check. We can use below code in case of PySpark.
fs =
This is exactly the same code also used in scala, so in this case we are using java library for hadoop and java code runs on JVM on which spark is running.

Dask script fails on large csv file on a localhost environment

We are trying to use Dask to clean up some data as part of an ETL process.
The original file is over 3GB csv .
When we run the code on a subset (1GB) the code runs successfully (with a few user warning regarding our cleaning procedures such as:
ddf[id1] = ddf[id1].str.extract(´(\d+)´)
repeater = re.compile(r´((\d)\2{5,}´)
mask_repeater = ddf[id1].str.contrains(repeater, regex=True)
ddf = ddf[~mask_repeater]
On the 3GB file the process nearly completes (there is only one task left - drop-duplicates-agg) and then restarts from the middle (that is what I can see from the bokeh status website). we also see the warning which is the same as when the script starts to run.
RuntimeWarning: Couldn't detect a suitable IP address for reaching '', defaulting to ''...
I´m running on a offline single windows64bit workstation with 24 cores .
Any suggestions?

Override dask scheduler to concurrently load data on multiple workers

I want to run graphs/futures on my distributed cluster which all have a 'load data' root task and then a bunch of training tasks that run on that data. A simplified version would look like this:
from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client(scheduler_ip)
load_data_future = client.submit(load_data_func, 'path/to/data/')
train_task_futures = [client.submit(train_func, load_data_future, params)
for params in train_param_set]
Running this as above the scheduler gets one worker to read the file, then it spills that data to disk to share it with the other workers. However, loading the data is usually reading from a large HDF5 file, which can be done concurrently, so I was wondering if there was a way to force all workers to read this file concurrently (they all compute the root task) instead of having them wait for one worker to finish then slowly transferring the data from that worker.
I know there is the method which I can use to get all workers to read the file concurrently, but how would you then get the data you've read to feed into the downstream tasks?
I cannot use the dask data primitives to concurrently read HDF5 files because I need things like multi-indexes and grouping on multiple columns.
Revisited this question and found a relatively simple solution, though it uses internal API methods and involves a blocking call to Using the same variables as in the question:
from distributed import get_worker
client_id =
def load_dataset():
worker = get_worker()
data = {'load_dataset-0': load_data_func('path/to/data')}
info = worker.update_data(data=data, report=False)
worker.scheduler.update_data(who_has={key: [worker.address] for key in data},
nbytes=info['nbytes'], client=client_id)
Now if you run client.has_what() you should see that each worker holds the key load_dataset-0. To use this in downstream computations you can simply create a future for the key:
from distributed import Future
load_data_future = Future('load_dataset-0', client=client)
and this can be used with client.compute() or dask.delayed as usual. Indeed the final line from the example in the question would work fine:
train_task_futures = [client.submit(train_func, load_data_future, params)
for params in train_param_set]
Bear in mind that it uses internal API methods Worker.update_data and Scheduler.update_data and works fine as of distributed.__version__ == 1.21.6 but could be subject to change in future releases.
As of today (distributed.__version__ == 1.20.2) what you ask for is not possible. The closest thing would be to compute once and then replicate the data explicitly
future = client.submit(load, path)
You may want to raise this as a feature request at

zlib inflate giving data error in erlang

I have a java client which is sending some message to an erlang server process listening on TCP.The java client sends the data using outputstream.On the server side i am using following call to uncompress the data after initialising zlib
zlib:inflate(ZStream, Data),
where Data is binary.I am getting data_error on this call.
Under what conditions do I get data_error with zlib.
Try setting a 0 or -15 WindowBits, would help if you paste more code like the zlib:inflateInit call, the binary dump of Data variable, and the Java side zlib init.
If you are streaming the data in relatively small chunks, you can use my ezlib on Github.
Performance wise it's around 69 % faster than erlang driver and also works better when you have concurrent sessions.
To integrate, use rebar as you would do for any other erlang app. To run a small example:
StringBin = <<"this is a string compressed with zlib nif library">>,
{ok, DeflateRef} = ezlib:new(?Z_DEFLATE),
{ok, InflateRef} = ezlib:new(?Z_INFLATE),
CompressedBin = ezlib:process(DeflateRef, StringBin),
DecompressedBin = ezlib:process(InflateRef, CompressedBin).
Do not use it to compress large blocks, because you can block the erlang scheduler. I will change this in the subsequent versions.

REXML :: RuntimeError (entity expansion has grown too large)

After upgrading to Ruby-1.9.3-p392 today, REXML throws a Runtime Error when attempting to retrieve an XML response over a certain size - everything works fine and no error is thrown when receiving under 25 XML records, but once a certain XML response length threshold is reached, I get this error:
Error occurred while parsing request parameters.
RuntimeError (entity expansion has grown too large):
/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rexml/text.rb:387:in `block in unnormalize'
I realize this was changed in the most recent Ruby version:
As a quick fix, I've changed the size of REXML::Document.entity_expansion_text_limit to a larger number and the error goes away.
Is there a less risky solution?
This issue is generated when you send too much content as XML response.
To fix this issue : You need to restrict the data(< 10k) in the individual node (Instead of sending the whole data, show truncated data and provide a seperate link to view full content)
The error is being raised from the below file :
# Unescapes all possible entities
def Text::unnormalize( string, doctype=nil, filter=nil, illegal=nil )
sum = 0
string.gsub( /\r\n?/, "\n" ).gsub( REFERENCE ) {
s = Text.expand($&, doctype, filter)
if sum + s.bytesize > Security.entity_expansion_text_limit
raise "entity expansion has grown too large"
sum += s.bytesize
The limit ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rexml/text.rb defaults to 10240 which means 10k data per node.
REXML already defaults to only allow 10000 entity substitutions per document, so the maximum amount of text that can be generated by entity substitution will be around 98 megabytes. (Refer )
That sounds like a LOT of XML. Do you really need to get all of it? Maybe you can just request certain fields from the remote server? One option might be to try another XML parser (Nokogiri for example). Another option to maybe use something other than XML as a transport (JSON? Binary?).
