Trigger dependent Jenkins job at specific time - jenkins

I have 2 jobs called job A and job B.
If Job A is built successfully I want to trigger job B next day at 8 am.
How can I put condition to build trigger ?

I have done this by querying the upstream job with an intermediate job. The intermediate job is scheduled at 8am and queries job A using the Jenkins API to find out when it last run and triggers B if it has run in the last 24 hours.

We have parent job that triggers the child job only on success, after one hour of the completion of the parent job. In order to postpone the execution of the child job, we have specified a quiet time in the child job - this is a time measured in seconds that the job waits to be executed.
For more details about the setup in Jenkins, you could see this 1-minute youtube video.


Jenkins: Running/queuing a concurrent job with interval

I have a job and it can run concurrently. The trick part here is that this job needs to have an interval to one another, at least for 30 seconds. So when Build1 runs, Build2 should wait for 30 seconds to start.
I already tried using the quiet period but it does not fit my needs (it only works when a job is not triggered by Build Now or Build With Parameters)
Is there a way for me to be able to do this kind of condition?
You can try enumerating other builds of this job and sleeping until all the other builds have been running above 30 seconds. See example code in this answer.

Move queued jobs from one node to other based on node availability in Jenkins

What we have done -
We have 20 jobs say A to T, and 5 node machines VM1-VM5. When we take a full run of all jobs/suites on all nodes, jobs gets queued. So in this scenario 5 jobs are running and other 15 are in queue on nodes.
As soon as one job is finished other job in the queue will start executing. This is working fine.
What we want-
In a scenario lets say VM4 is available, while other 4 VMs have a queued jobs, do we have some plugin to move those queued jobs to VM4 for better mileage.
You can try these:
Hope this helps.

can jenkins job wait for results without taking a slot

I am building a project in Jenkins and want to launch tests right after it, wait
until the tests are finished and than run another job to analyze the results. The testing system is a close system (I can't modify it) so in order to check if the tests are finish I need to query the system every X seconds. One way to so that is to create a job that will query the system but it will take a slot (I can create 1000 slots but it looks like a hack). is there another way to make the job "sleep" while it is waiting for the next X seconds so it will not take a slot while waiting for another process to finish ?
You can trigger one Jenkins job from another. No need to make jobs sleep or anything complicated like that. Look at upstream and downstream triggers using the parameterized build plugin.

How may I configure a Jenkins job to run at a specific time if an upstream job succeeds?

My use case:
Job A is set to run Monday through Friday at 18:00.
Job B is dependent upon Job A succeeding but should only run Monday through Friday at 06:00. (Monday morning's run would depend upon Friday evening's run). I prefer set times rather than delays between jobs.
On any given morning, if I see that Job A failed (thus Job B never ran), I would like to be able to run (fix) Job A then immediately trigger Job B.
What I have found so far only offers part of this use case. I have tinkered with Pipeline and recently upgraded my Jenkins instance to 2.89.3, so I have access to the most recent features and plugins. Filesystem triggering seems doable.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
You can use the options available in "Build Triggers".
Build Trigger
Hope this work for you!
This is a tricky Use Case as generally you want a job to immediately follow on from another one rather than waiting for potentially three days.
Further complicated by wanting it to run straight away when you want it to.
I do not believe there is a "I have finished so kick this job at this time" downstream trigger So for the first part the only things I can think of are:
Job A kicks Job B as soon as it is finished and job B sits there with a time checker in it and starts its task when the time matches.
or Job A artefacts a file with its exit status and job B has a cron trigger for 6am mon-fri and picks up this artefact and then runs or doesn't dependent on the file contents
For the second part you could get the build Cause (see how to get $CAUSE in workflow for pipeline implementation and vote on to get the feature when using sandbox).
And then get your pipeline to behave differently depending on trigger
i.e. if you went for the second option above then In job B you could do if triggered by Cron then read the artefact and do as needed. If triggered by Upstream then just run regardless.

Jenkins prevent specific jobs from building during defined time frame

I've got two Jenkins jobs, a continuous integration job that runs whenever a new change is submitted, and a build/deploy job that runs everyday at noon. I do not want the builds to run simultaneously, so I am using the Throttle Concurrent Builds plugin to force only these two jobs to queue up if either of them is already running. Any of my other jobs are allowed to run at the same time as these two jobs.
I would like the build/deploy job to always run at noon, but sometimes a developer submits a change just before noon causing the build/deploy job to wait until the CI job finishes.
Is there a way to block only the CI job during a defined time frame, like 11:30am until 1pm, so that the build/deploy job will not be blocked at noon?
IMHO the are few possibilities:
a first pre-step which check the date and exit with error if the date do NOT match the requirements
two jobs which disable and enable the job programmatically calling the REST
eg job 1
curl -X POST http://usr:pwd#host/job/joobname/disable
and job 2
curl -X POST http://usr:pwd#host/job/joobname/enable
at given time.
You can try to add slave node which is offline from 11:30am until 1pm and restrict change-caused build to this.
Second possibility is to enable SCM poll schedule to check for changes during allowed time-frame.
