Jenkins - Discard old builds according to success/failed status - jenkins

Jenkins Freestyle.
Is it possible to set a different discard behavior according to the build status? Just like a TFS build has. For example:
Failed - keep 12 last builds
Success - keep 5 last builds
After exploring this plugin, its not sufficient.

Upto now there is no direct plugin to do that. You can check this source code and write one for your own. discard-old-build-plugin. It's not that much hard to write on seeing its source code. If not you can write a program in Jenkins Script Console to do that. Here I am attaching a sample script link to do that.


Can you ask for user input for TFS 2015 CI build?

This seems simple enough, but I can't find a solution for this online.
I am integrating SonarQube into our build definitions that get triggered on check in. I want the version SonarQube uses to be tied back to the project number defined by the business side of things.
Ideally, I would like to be able to prompt the user for input. When you go to check in and it kicks off the build, it would ask you for the project number to be used as the version for SonarQube. Is this something TFS 2015 supports?
User input for build definitions
As far as I know, build definitions that are not manually triggered do not prompt for user input. A prompt allowing users to set build variables is shown for manually triggered builds from the VSTS web page.
SonarQube project version
I would recommend against you using the build or assembly version in your build tasks. This is because the SonarQube concept of version is quite different from the build concept. SonarQube uses versions as a baselining mechanism / to determine the leak period. If you up the version number often, the leak period is going to be too short to be actionable.
I'd recommend keeping the SonarQube project version in sync with your release schedule instead.
The short answer to this question is no, there is no way to prompt for input on a non-manually triggered CI build.
Here's what we did to work around this:
I wrote a Powershell script to read a config file and set the values to environment variables exposed to later build steps. Those variables are then what are specified in the Sonar Begin Analysis build task. I packaged that script up as a custom build task that will read a "sonar.config" file. This means all we have to do is add a "sonar.config" file to each solution we want to run Sonar analysis for, defining the key, name and version for the project, and then this build task will populate all necessary environment variables as the first step in the build.
So not a perfect solution, but it gets the job done without us having to add a lot of extra code to our solutions.

Jenkins: trending graph for build step time

My project has about 20 build steps and i want to monitor how much time each step takes over builds. I found Jenkins doesn't display such info.
Can use any of Jenkins tools or plugin to do that?
Was just looking for the same and found your post. There is this plugin though it doesn't show you a nice graph or anything it will add the raw timestamps to your log lines on a per project basis. If you install it you have to configure each project separately to check the add timestamps to console box (there is a script for doing all projects at once but I didn't want to chance that and only need it to diagnose a particularly slow build).
Did you try this. Makes sense to your case.

Can I force a plugin in Jenkins to run every single time any job runs

I have a plugin in Jenkins for Checkmarx which scans the source code for static code analysis. Is there to make that plugin be compulsory for every job in jenkins?
For that matter any plugin.
The answer, that you probably don't want to hear, is: No.
The only way you can enforce something to happen at all times, is by writing your own plugin for your own "Project type" (instead of Maven or Free-style), and then enforce that everyone uses your project type.
Found a implicit way to do it.
Using jenkins rest api(batch,python,ruby) - run through all job
Download the jobConfig.xml
Update the xml with the plugin(checkmarx in this case) config
Upload(POST) it back to jenkins server.
Run this on a schedule and it shall force everyone to use it.
As I said its an implicit way of doing it.
Checkmarx plugin provides a build step, so it will run every time the job runs. No need to force, if I understand the question correctly. Just make sure the "Skip scan if triggered by SCM Changes" flag is unchecked, which is the default. See more info about the plugin here:
Downloading the config.xml for the job and posting it back is a bad idea for several reasons. First checkmarx does not require the code to be compiled so you are wasting precious cycles on a build slave. Second Jenkins jobs can do more than compile and they could deploy to production accidentally. Just don't do it. The best way to do what you want to do is to download the config.xml file and then extract the repository url. You can use the Checkmarx rest api to perform a scan. You can probably name the program in checkmarx in some way to relate it back to the jenkins job.

Jenkins continuous integration and nightly builds

I’m new to Jenkins and I like some help (reassurance) about how I think I should setup my jobs.
The end goal is fairly simple.
Objective 1: When a developer commits code to a mercurial repo Jenkins pulls the changes, builds the project and runs the unit tests. This happens continuously throughout the day so developers get the earliest possible feedback if they break something.
Objective 2: Nightly, Jenkins pulls the last stable build from above and runs automated UI tests. If those tests pass it publishes the nightly build somewhere.
I have a job configured that achieves objective 1 but I’m struggling with objective 2.
(Not the publishing part, the idea of seeding this job with the last stable build of objective 1).
At the moment, I’m planning to use branches in the HG repo to implement this.
My branches would look something like Main >> Int >> Dev.
The job in objective 1 would work on the tip of the Dev branch.
If the build succeeds and the tests pass it would commit to the Int branch.
The job in objective 2 could then simply work on the tip of the Int branch.
Is this how it’s generally done?
I’ve also been looking at/considering:
- plugins like Promoted Builds and Copy Artifacts
- parameterised builds
- downstream jobs
IMO my objectives are fairly common but I can’t find many examples of this approach online. Perhaps it’s so obvious there was no need but I just wanted to check.
In the past I've stored generated artifacts like this in an artifact repository. You could use something like Nexus or Artifactory for this, but I've also just used a flat file system.
You could put the build artifacts in source control, like you said, but there usually isn't a reason to have version control on compiled builds (you should be able to re-create them based on rev numbers) - they usually just take up a lot of space in your repo.
If your version numbers are incremental in nature your nightly job should be able to pull the latest one fairly easily.
Maybe you can capture the last good revision ID and post it somewhere. Then the nightly build can use that last known good revision. The method to go about doing this can vary but its the concept of using revision ID that I want to communicate here. This would prevent you from having to create a separate branch.

Jenkins Dependent build for common branch

I have a requirement to do a dependent build using Jenkins Following is the requirement:
Project 1 has a branch which is used among two release lines. For example project1 development branch ikt/master is share in two release line rel1.2_4GB and rel_1.2_2JB.
When ever a change is submitted in ikt/master of project1 it should trigger build of both the release line rel1.2_4GB and rel_1.2_2JB simultaneously.
Build results should wait for other build to pass means both builds should be green.
Please suggest me steps using both plugin as well as without plugin (if possible).
Kind Regards,
I think your best option is to use the Parameterized Trigger Plugin to do this.
It's very simple and easy to use and you can trigger several child jobs and wait for their results. Based on their results, you can choose to fail or pass the build.
I suggest you read some more about it and do some experimenting. It works very well for me.
I hope this helps.
NOTE - I suggest not wasting time looking for a non plugin solution. If you have a good tool, use it. Don't loose time trying to be smarter...
