Jenkins: trending graph for build step time - jenkins

My project has about 20 build steps and i want to monitor how much time each step takes over builds. I found Jenkins doesn't display such info.
Can use any of Jenkins tools or plugin to do that?

Was just looking for the same and found your post. There is this plugin though it doesn't show you a nice graph or anything it will add the raw timestamps to your log lines on a per project basis. If you install it you have to configure each project separately to check the add timestamps to console box (there is a script for doing all projects at once but I didn't want to chance that and only need it to diagnose a particularly slow build).

Did you try this. Makes sense to your case.


Jenkins - Discard old builds according to success/failed status

Jenkins Freestyle.
Is it possible to set a different discard behavior according to the build status? Just like a TFS build has. For example:
Failed - keep 12 last builds
Success - keep 5 last builds
After exploring this plugin, its not sufficient.
Upto now there is no direct plugin to do that. You can check this source code and write one for your own. discard-old-build-plugin. It's not that much hard to write on seeing its source code. If not you can write a program in Jenkins Script Console to do that. Here I am attaching a sample script link to do that.

jenkins: performance plugin shows only recent build data in the perf report

I set up jmeter job in jenkins, which supposed to publish *.jtl results and then display them in a nice trend graph.
But, depite that I see that they're published under the builds//performance-results/JMeter folders, the trend always shows only current day results. So if I run this build three times during a day - I'll see graph with a three points. If it was just one run today - I'll see 1 run on that graph. I don't see yesterday and etc results on graph. I'd like to see this trend to display all the data from all the previous builds, including yesteday, etc.
What should I check, how perf plugin decides which *.jtl data to use to display data??
in settings of the job I have this regexp for jtl source: **/*.jtl, so I would expect all the builds data being displayed on the trend ...
Apparently the solution is very simple. Found it myself!
By default all jtl files had a timestamp at the beginning, thanks to jmeter-maven-plugin. Pattern was yyyyMMdd. Trend report in jenkins displayed last build results. And because of the pattern jtl results for all builds run this day were the same, and were different for previous day.
So, easiest solution was to remove that timestamp from the results file name.
in configuration part of jmeter-maven-plugin in the pom file.
Annoying, is that Performance plugin guys haven't put it into the documentation, - the requirement for results file to have the same name in order to be displayed on the graph...
Apart from that, there is an issue with Performance plugin (version 1.12 and 1.13). Due to that, the LastReport (image doesn't show) and other reports are showing missing info.
To fix it, either you can download/git clone the latest code from Performance Plugin github repo and build it locally (using mvn clean install and you'll get performance.hpi Jenkins plugin file) OR revert back to Performance plugin 1.11 version.
As 1.12/1.13 have some other enhancements over 1.11, I selected to build myself, until someone will fix Performance Plugin and come up with a recent release version (aka 1.14 containing the fix for this issue).

Jenkins Dependent build for common branch

I have a requirement to do a dependent build using Jenkins Following is the requirement:
Project 1 has a branch which is used among two release lines. For example project1 development branch ikt/master is share in two release line rel1.2_4GB and rel_1.2_2JB.
When ever a change is submitted in ikt/master of project1 it should trigger build of both the release line rel1.2_4GB and rel_1.2_2JB simultaneously.
Build results should wait for other build to pass means both builds should be green.
Please suggest me steps using both plugin as well as without plugin (if possible).
Kind Regards,
I think your best option is to use the Parameterized Trigger Plugin to do this.
It's very simple and easy to use and you can trigger several child jobs and wait for their results. Based on their results, you can choose to fail or pass the build.
I suggest you read some more about it and do some experimenting. It works very well for me.
I hope this helps.
NOTE - I suggest not wasting time looking for a non plugin solution. If you have a good tool, use it. Don't loose time trying to be smarter...

jenkins build profiling

The builds in my project have started to take more time recently. I need to optimize them, but I don't want to do blind optimizations. I need how many time is consumed by respective steps of the build process (fetching, preparing, build script, publishing etc). It there any jenkins plugin that enables cuch profiling?
Not really a profiling tool, but you should start with the Timestamp plugin
This will put a timestamp for every line in your console log. You can then easily see how much time was spent on each particular section (checkout, building, publishing) in the log
If your build calls out to standard build tools like Ant, Maven etc., you may want to give YouMonitor a try: Be aware this does not show you any details of the Jenkins pipeline or job, but summarizes the external build tools quite nicely by their goals/targets etc.

Get source slow in CI when a website project contains a lot of small images

I have a website project with a lot of small images (more than 15000), every time CI tools get source code from TFS will take a very long time. If there is a solution can avoid this?
thanks for any help.
You need the SkipClean and SkipInitializeWorkspace properties. This is a cleanest solution. These will manipulate the IncrementalGet and IncrementalBuild properties correctly.
See here and here for more info.
Make sure you are doing an update, not a full/fresh checkout every time. Then you will only pay the price to update the changed file(s), not fetch the entire set of files.
The Hudson's SVN plugin has a checkbox for "Use Update"
If checked, Hudson will use 'svn
update' whenever possible, making the
build faster. But this causes the
artifacts from the previous build to
remain when a new build starts.
