Grafana plugin activation - monitoring

Is there any way to enable a grafana plugin within its configuration files?
I am using grafana v5 or v4
It looks like you have to login and then click then enable button

I found a workaround for my problem running docker with a volume that would map the default sqlite db for grafana in /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db
this would keep any configuration, dashboard, datasource firstly set up in the web interface

You can use the Zabbix Plugin for Grafana.
You need to install and enable the plugin, then configure the Zabbix datasource:
URL: http://yourserver/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php
access: proxy or direct, depends on the reachability of Zabbix and grafana servers
username: use a dedicated one, with the required read permissions
And you're ready to create dashboards by referencing groups, applications, hosts and items.
Here you can find the getting starded guide, it's quite complete.
The regexp & templating features are really powerful, I advise to read it carefully.


DocuSign E-Signature Api, Docker and Server Proxy

I am using the e-signature Java SDK for the application that I developed.
The application will run on a docker container and the container on a Linux server.
There is a proxy configured on this server and I have been asked if there is anything that they have to configure regarding DocuSign integration.
This answer on GitHub says that SDK would automatically pick up the proxy settings of the system.
What happens on my case. Will it pick the server or the container settings. Should I manually set the proxy settings in code?
Unfortunately I do not have access to the system (or to any similar system) so it is not possible to test the application.
The answer you linked to ( talked about an enhancement request that will enable a specific ApiClient with its own proxy for the Java SDK.
You do need to update the proxy settings in your code if you know what they are.

Simple configurable web server docker image for test environment

I have a microservice that sends HTTP requests to an external non-dockerized service.
Can anybody point me to a docker image of a simple web servicer, that I can start as part of my test environment? Ideally, it should be simple to customize (endpoints, ports, etc) and provide some meaningful logging of the incoming requests.
It depends on your preference for vendor. Here are some to choose from:
Apache httpd
The links to those pages show you a few different distro's for each and contain the configuration information.
You can look at my project: its very crude and simple setup I use for performance test trainings. It contains few containers:
cinema-http / cinema-gateway - scala/akka based microservices
frontend - apache http server + simple php/js webpage
haproxy - haproxy as loadbalancer
plus some extra containers: postgres, mysql, jenkins, graphite, grafana
When it comes to dockerfiles and composer file it strongly depends on what technology you want to use for http server.
It does not have any extra logging but it should be easy to add, or maybe standard apache http logs will be enough for you.

AppDynamics monitoring with AMQ 7.0.1

I am using the ActiveMQ extension of AppDynamics. It is good to start. With JMXRemote(enabled in artemis.profile) it is OK. But, I want it from localhost. JMX is enabled by default for localhost for AMQ. AMQ management console use jmx internally and it works without JMXRemote enabled. What service URL jolokia use internally to connect using JMX from localhost? I have tryed with following URL:
serviceUrl: "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://:1099/jmxrmi"
The first step is to add a username and password in the etc/ file. For most purposes, it is ok to just
use the default settings provided out of the box. For this, just uncomment the following line:
admin=admin,admin,manager,viewer,Operator, Maintainer, Deployer, Auditor, Administrator, SuperUser
Then, you must bypass credential checks on BrokeViewMBean by adding it to the whitelist ACL configuration. You can do so by replacing this line:
with this:
In addition to being the correct way, it also enables several different configuration options (eg: port, listen address, etc) by just changing the file on broker's etc directory.
Please keep in mind that JMX access is made through a different JMX connector root in this case: it uses karaf-root instead of jmxrmi, which was previously used in the older method. It also uses port 1099 by default, instead of 1616.
Therefore, the uri should be

Jhipster can not select API first development using swagger-codegen

I'm going thru the Jhipster and can't select some option. How could I have it selectable? Why I can't select the 'API first development using swagger-codegen' option?
These are the console steps after running jhipster command:
Check your Internet connection.
If you are using an HTTP proxy, try this command: git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
? Which type of application would you like to create? Microservice application
? What is the base name of your application? service1
? As you are running in a microservice architecture, on which port would like your server to run? It should be unique to avoid port conflicts. 8086
? What is your default Java package name?
? Which service discovery server do you want to use? JHipster Registry (uses Eureka, provides Spring Cloud Config support and monitoring dashboards)
? Which type of authentication would you like to use? JWT authentication (stateless, with a token)
? Which type of database would you like to use? No database
? Would you like to use Maven or Gradle for building the backend? Maven
? Which other technologies would you like to use?
❯◯ API first development using swagger-codegen
◯ Asynchronous messages using Apache Kafka
To select answers on multiple choices questions you need to press the spacebar.

Camunda 7.2: how to configure camunda-webapp to work on a different host than engine

I'm still very new to Camunda. Maybe I've missed something obvious. But is there a simple way to configure camunda-webapp-jboss-7.2.0 (admin, cockpit, tasklist) to run on a different host than camunda-engine?
E.g., I have a host "A" with camunda-bpm-wildfly-7.2.0 and want to deploy camunda-webapp-jboss-7.2.0.war on host "B" (vanilla wildfly). Is there a way in webapp to configure the engines hostname or IP or baseURL? I assume, webapp uses REST API?
Such a deployment scenario is not possible at the moment. The webapp always needs at least an embedded process engine that is configured against the correct database. The best you can do is use the standalone webapp.
You can setup the camunda server by using the shared process engine way of deployment by using springboot starters of camunda
