Camunda 7.2: how to configure camunda-webapp to work on a different host than engine - business-process-management

I'm still very new to Camunda. Maybe I've missed something obvious. But is there a simple way to configure camunda-webapp-jboss-7.2.0 (admin, cockpit, tasklist) to run on a different host than camunda-engine?
E.g., I have a host "A" with camunda-bpm-wildfly-7.2.0 and want to deploy camunda-webapp-jboss-7.2.0.war on host "B" (vanilla wildfly). Is there a way in webapp to configure the engines hostname or IP or baseURL? I assume, webapp uses REST API?

Such a deployment scenario is not possible at the moment. The webapp always needs at least an embedded process engine that is configured against the correct database. The best you can do is use the standalone webapp.

You can setup the camunda server by using the shared process engine way of deployment by using springboot starters of camunda


Trouble connecting to Docker application via subdirectory instead of port

Preface: I'm new to the whole web hosting thing, so I apologize if any information I give doesn't make sense or is inaccurate. I will do my best to explain things.
I currently have a self-hosted server running Windows Server 2019 that is hosting two sites via IIS. I recently have created an application that runs on a Docker container instance that hosts a website on port 40444. I would like to access this site via a specific subdirectory on my website instead of the port ( instead of For clarification, here is an example of what I'm looking to do: (hosted on IIS) (hosted on IIS) (hosted on docker via port 40444)
I was able to get a basic reverse proxy set up and successfully got the docker application to show on localhost/, but I would prefer using a subdirectory if possible.(image below).
I attempted to change (.*) to (.*)website3$ and it did what I wanted, but the website cannot load any files (i.e css, js, etc.) and gives me the following error net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
If IIS isn't the best option to accomplish what I need I am more than happy to use a different solution. As I mentioned before, I'm new to web hosting and it was just the simplest to set up.

Azure Cloud Service microservice to K8 Migration

I am in the process of evaluating moving a very large Azure Cloud Service (Web Role) microservice architecture to AKS and have been working through the necessary code and build changes to support it.
In order to replicate the production environment locally for the developers, we run nginx on the host with SSL offloading and DNS (hosted in Azure) A records pointing to When running in the Azure Emulator, the net affect is the ability for both the developer to visit the various web front ends in their browser (i.e. as well as hit the various API's in the solution (Web API 2) in Postman/cURL, etc.
Additionally due to how the networking of the Azure Emulator works, the apps themselves can resolve each other through nginx on the host (i.e. MVC app at can obtain a token from the IdP web API at and then use that token at the API at This is the critical piece and the source of my question.
All attempts at getting the containers themselves to resolve each other the same way the host OS can (browser/Postman, SSL offloading via nginx) have failed. Many of the instructions out there are understandably for linux containers but having adapted the various networking docker-compose settings for the windows container equivalent have not yet yielded an success. In order to keep the development environments aligned with the real work systems, which are tenantized and make sure of the default mapping in nginx to catch all incoming traffic and route it to a specific user facing app/container, it is not as simple as determining a "static" method of addressing these on startup and why the effort was put in to produce the development environments we have today.
Right now when one service (container) attempts to communication with another, it ultimately results in a resolution error as all requests resolve to due to the DNS A records hosted in Azure for the domain. Since this migration will be a longer term project, the environments need to co-exist so changing the way that DNS is resolved (real DNS A records pointing to, host running nginx and handling SSL offloading to the various webroles normally running in the Azure Emulator is not an option.
Is there a way (with Windows containers) to either:
Allow the container to utilize nginx on the host OS transparently (app must still call the API at, which will cause the traffic to be routed properly to the correct container/port defined in the docker-compose file?
Run nginx on each container, allowing each container to then resolve and route appropriately without knowing the IP of the other container, possibly through an alias which could be added to the containers nginx.conf before the service starts?
The platform utilizes OAuth2/OIDC and it is critical to maintain the full URL to the other services from the applications perspective. Beyond mirroring production and sandbox environments, this URL's are utilized for redirect URL and post logout redirect URL validation among other things so using "https://myContainerNameForOtherContainerAlias" is not a workable solution.
Will I have the same problem when setting up the AKS environment as well?

How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app to AWS-EC2 Ubuntu Linux using Apache 2?

We want to configure Apache to work with a Rails app. We want Apache to do load control. We cannot get them to work together. We are using MySQL for the database. If we could please have some type of instruction or tutorial to follow to be able to deploy our application in AWS-EC2, it will be greatly appreciated.
We have a domain and we want to have multiple Rails app running in the same domain. Each rails app seems to want to run in a different port. We do not want to expose port 80/443. Apache is managing the inbound request. My attempts to use the host file has not been successful.

Deploying Apache Solr

I've been experimenting with Apache SOLR and I'm ready to integrate it with a rails application. However, I'd like to make sure I know how to deploy solr. I currently have the rails application deployed using passenger+nginx. Is it possible to deploy SOLR using nginx as well? If so, how would I do that? Otherwise, what is the preferred method of deployment? Thanks!
Solr needs to run in a Java EE application server. You can use Jetty or Tomcat. Nginx will act as a proxy via AJP or something simliar to forward all RESTless request to Solr. I haven't used my ajp with nginx but I have read about this. Essentially you will have a Java EE application server, Rails server, nginx, passenger and ajp proxy running all at the same time.
You can also setup a proxy pass and there is a tutorial here. Explore different options to see which one is bet for you.

How to publish a JSP Webpage created with Netbeans?

I want to allow others to access my website created through Netbeans but I don't know how to do so. Ive searched and I found that you had to buy webservers and domain names?
However, I only want to host the webpage using my own computer since it isn't really anything commercial. How can I publish the webpage using Netbeans or my own computer? Would using IIS of Windows be possible?
You can download or use (if you have installed) Apache-Tomcat to deploy your web-app on your local machine.
Text from the above mentioned link.
It is possible to deploy web applications to a running Tomcat server.
If the Host autoDeploy attribute is "true", the Host will attempt to
deploy and update web applications dynamically, as needed, for example
if a new .WAR is dropped into the appBase. For this to work, the Host
needs to have background processing enabled which is the default
