ViewPager (Swipe-able tabs) in iOS - ios

I'm trying to build a tabbed bar with swipe-able pages exactly similar to Android's ViewPager. Each page is supposed to hold one UITableView only.
I don't know what's the better way to achieve this but so far I have 2 ideas. Also the tabs are dynamic. I can have one tabs or 10 tabs. It depends on the API I'm communicating with. (The tabs represent shop categories and the table views represent the products)
The tabs will be a UICollectionView and then I'll use one of the following options:
First approach is to build two UIViews, each of which will hold a UITableView. One UIView will be outside the screen bounds and the other one will be the one being displayed. When the user swipes and the tabs change, the UIView being displayed will move outside the screen bounds, either to the right or left and the other UIView will be displayed. As soon as the swipe action begins, I will change UIView's (the one that's about to be displayed) datasource and reload its data.
Second approach is to have a number of ViewControllers OR UIViewContainers equal to the number of tabs (which is dynamic). I'm not sure how I'd implement this because I'd have to worry about reusing UIViewControllers/UIViewContainers inside of my main UIViewController as well as handling a large number of them.
Using one big UICollectionView to host a UITableView in each UICollectionView cell. It's pretty much the reverse of the old App Store.
UICollectionView in UITableView Tutorial
So, how do most people implement similar UIs? Is there a different approach I should consider? Any other tips that can help me implement it?
EDIT: I may have left a final detail. I actually have 2 sets of tabs (categories and sub categories). They may both be displayed, one of them, or none. It depends on the API's response. For that reason, using a 3rd party library may be hard or even impossible.
EDIT2: Added 3rd approach.


TableView with bar to change content on top, how to build it?

I have to build a tableView with a top bar "slider" like the one in the youtube app in the picture below.
I just wanted to ask if it's better to:
Use just one tableView and switch the content by changing some switches in the delegates methods and reloading all the rows
Use two tableViews and hide the one that's not displayed
If none of the two methods above is the best one please point me in the right direction, thank you.
Option 1 :
Take a UISegmentView on the top and have a single UITableView. Change the content of UITableView on valueChange event of segment.
Option 2 :
Have look at this awesome library by Yalantis - Segmentio. I have myself used this on couple of occasions. Handy when you have to horizontally scroll the segments (exactly what you need in your case). You can have a single UITableView for this as well.
Option 3 :
Check out another useful library by Yalantis - Persei. Just hard scroll the table to see these options. Again, single UITableView.
In all, the best solution, in my opinion is to have a single UITableView. Working with multiple tableView might seem a clean way for a start, but trust me, maintainability is the key and having a single UITableView would be a better approach.

Create a listing inside of a ScrollView

I am writing a Swift app, and on my main screen I have a long scrollview with several regions of content in it (upcoming events, announcements, and then featured products, and finally some basic info). So it's this really long scroll, and you can swipe down to the bottom.
So visualize 4 boxes, if you will, stacked vertically.
The 3rd box shows featured products. This can be anywhere from 1 to 30 items, depending upon any filters the user has in their settings.
My first try was using a UITableView for region#3 inside of this parent scrollview, but the problem is it only shows the first few items/rows and then the rest you scroll inside the table (which is the default/natural behavior of a table, right?). Unfortunately, the requirement I have is that the inner table can't scroll - it needs to display everything at once and you have to scroll (in the main UIScrollView) to get to the bottom (not scroll inside the inner uitableview scroll). Also, everyone seems to say don't use UITableView inside of a scroll.
So how do I create some sort of list where I create one template (like how you would in a xib/tablecell, and then assign a data source to it, and then repeat down without scrolling? Should I use a tableview after all, and just make the height of it very high and turn scrolling off?
Do I somehow instantiate xibs in a for loop and assign them dynamically to some view?
Thanks so much!
Sounds like you want a Table View with Grouped style. That would make it fairly easy to keep your "4 boxes" segregated, and your "3rd box" would simply be 1 to 30 rows in that section.
On note: you don't want to have a "very tall" table view - or any other type of view, for that matter. You want to allow iOS to manage memory for you, and to load and display only those parts of your content that is visible at any one time.
In other words, use a table view like its designed to be used :)

Best practice to have multiple tableviews in a single view controller

This question maybe already asked in stackoverflow. But, I did not get any clear idea to my scenario.
I have a viewcontroller (Say, MyViewController).
I have a scrollview(Say, MyScrollView) and I have N number of views (Say MyView1, MyView2, ...) in it.
Those views can be scrolled horizontally. Refer the below image for more clarification.
This image was taken from here.
So, the red area is the scroll view that holds multiple views which are yellow color.
I want to call API's for each view, when the API calling and parsing data occurs, I need to show some loading activity indicator in the views. After successful parsing, I need to update corresponding view with UITableView.
In my case, the number of views may vary from 3 to 6. Should I maintain 6 separate UITableViews and UIActivityIndicator's?
I tried with three pointers like left, middle & right to hold reference of tableview and activity indicator. But the problem is, before the first three pages are loading, if the user goes to the fourth view, this system will collapse with so many conditions.
Suggestions needed. Confused!!
I think you have to use UIPageViewController with UITableView. it will solve your problem.

Need Suggestion to Swipe through Views

I have a UITableView on didSelectrowAtIndex it pushes to a viewController which shows the detail on UIScrollView which is vertically scrollable.
Now I need that If I tap on any row it would be pushed to the same viewController and shows the detail of selected row,Additionally I need to have the Swipe Functionality to see the data for all rows in tableview instead of go back & select another row.
I know it can be achieved by UIPageControl or [scrollView setPagingEnabled:YES];,But I am wondering If there is any better approach to do the same or I should go with any of these two,If yes then Which one is better?
Please Help Guys.....Any Help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance....:)
Of course, there are plenty of approaches to achieve what you want. You should keep in mind that UIPageControl has limitation on number of items (dots) displayed (over 20 items would overlap). Also, it would be appropriate to have next/previous buttons for the users preferring tapping buttons instead of swiping/panning. I prefer using UISwipeGestureRecognizers and buttons on toolbar for navigating between items.
The key, in my opinion, is to control how many UIKit controls are held in memory at the same time. However you implement this, you want to make sure that you have solution that holds UIKit controls for the currently visible child element only, or perhaps the previous and next ones, too, but not for the full array (especially if you're dealing with UIImageView objects).
One control to consider is UIPageViewController. At first blush, it might look complicated, but in reality it's quite simple and offers a nice way to swipe between various "pages" while not holding all of the pages in memory at the same time. See View Controller Catalog for iOS: Page View Controller.
If you decide to implement a scroll view with paging enabled, I'd suggest specifying the delegate and implementing the UIScrollViewDelegate methods to add and remove subviews as appropriate. This is historically what I've done, but I now lean towards page view controllers.
There are also a ton of third-party implementation of "infinite scrollers", which implement this sort of functionality, though I can't vouch for any particular one.

Multiple Visible Pages in Scroll Style UIPageViewController

So what I'm looking to do is have a UIPageViewController that will end up displaying three view controller vies, one fully visible and then two as previews to the right and left. An example would be the iOS6 App Store:
Is doing this using a UIPageViewController set to UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll possible?
Basically I'd ideally like to have is a case where I can have three UIViewControllers that I recycle as the user pages through the 1- items in the list (with n being at least 50). I know an interface that behaves like this can be done with a UIScrollView with paging enable, but re-using views would take some view shuffling code that I'd rather not write if Apple has already done it for me.
I'm totally comfortable with the fact that this is iOS6 only, by the way, and also comfortable with alternatives, if they exist.
Check the new collection view. I think you may be able to create something like that with reusing cell etc.
