Minimizing the Image of a function with an Optimizer - z3

Is it possible to minimize the image of a function with an Optimizer? If not, how else would I go about achieving it?
The function is defined as
(declare-fun vmorph (V) V)
where V is
(declare-datatypes () ((V V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6))).
There's other stipulations that make vmorph neither surjective nor injective. Instead of just ruling out those two I'd like to minimize the image of vmorph in the first place, ideally mapping all Elements to the same element. If it were python it would be something like:
a = len({vmorph(v) for v in V})
Where minimize is the z3 functionality I'm looking for.

Perhaps you can assign a "cost" function for each V and ask that to be minimized. Something like this:
(declare-datatypes () ((V (V1) (V2) (V3) (V4) (V5) (V6))))
(declare-fun vmorph (V) V)
(define-fun cost ((x V)) Int (ite (= x V1) 1
(ite (= x V2) 2
(ite (= x V3) 3
(ite (= x V4) 4
(ite (= x V5) 5 6))))))
(minimize (+ (cost (vmorph V1))
(cost (vmorph V2))
(cost (vmorph V3))
(cost (vmorph V4))
(cost (vmorph V5))
(cost (vmorph V6))))
This will "favor" V1 over V2 over V3, etc. Of course, this isn't guaranteed to get you a global minimum; since preferring V6 for all might work out better. But depending on the properties of vmorph you might be able to come up with a good cost function that achieves the effect you want.


Z3; Simplify with if-then-else

Is there a way to simplify the following expression to "6 < var"?
According to Z3, these expressions are equivalent but simplification does not produce the latter.
I have tried the three parameters since they seem to be related to if-then-else but this also did not help.
(declare-fun var () Int)
(exists ((bx Int))
(exists ((byX Int))
(ite (> bx 5) (= byX 0) (&& (> bx 2) (= byX (+ byX 4)))))
(= bx (+ var 1))
(> var 6)
:push_ite_arith true
:pull_cheap_ite true
:ite_extra_rules true
(exists ((bx Int))
(exists ((by Int))
(ite (> bx 5) (= by 0) (&& (> bx 2) (= by (+ by 4)))))
(= bx (+ var 1))
(> var 6)
(< 6 var)
Not in general, no.
Z3's simplifications and what you would consider "simple" are typically not the same, and it works more or less as a black-box. It won't produce output like what you would get from a symbolic math package or alike: The simplifications are more geared towards making the input "simpler" for further solving; not for "presenting it back to the user" purpose.
You can find many similar questions on stack-overflow, see: and in particular this answer from Leo: simplification in Z3

List "contains" function in Z3

Given a typical list datatype:
(declare-datatypes (X)(
(head X)
(tail Lst)))))
I'm trying to create a function that returns whether a given element is in a given list. It looks like I have to use an uninterpreted function. I've tried different approaches without success. For example:
(declare-fun is-in-lst ((Int)(Lst Int)) Bool)
(assert (forall((elem Int)(lst (Lst Int)))
(is-in-lst elem lst)
(is-insert lst)
(= elem (head lst))
(is-in-lst elem (tail lst)))))))
(declare-const l1 (Lst Int))
(assert (is-in-lst 6 l1))
(assert (is-in-lst 5 l1))
Is this doable in Z3? If so, what would be the best way to address the problem?
Thank you
The latest SMTLib standard allows for recursive definitions. Also List is predefined in Z3, so you don't need to define it yourself. You can code your function as:
(define-fun-rec elem ((e Int) (l (List Int))) Bool
(ite (= l nil) false (or (= e (head l)) (elem e (tail l)))))
(declare-const l1 (List Int))
(assert (elem 6 l1))
(assert (elem 5 l1))
(get-value (l1))
For this, z3 responds:
((l1 (let ((a!1 (insert 6 (insert 4 (insert 7 (insert 5 nil))))))
(insert 0 (insert 1 (insert 3 (insert 2 a!1)))))))
You might have to get a recent version of Z3 from their nightly builds, as support for recursive-functions is rather new and thus the latest official release (4.6.0) may or may not work with this. (You can get nightly builds from

Why operators '/' and 'div' in Z3 give different results?

I was trying to represent a real number with two integer numbers as using them as the numerator and the denominator of the real number. I wrote the following program:
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const f Real)
(assert (= f (/ a b)))
(assert (= f 0.5))
(assert (> b 2))
(assert (> b a))
The program returned SAT result as follows:
(define-fun f () Real
(/ 1.0 2.0))
(define-fun b () Int
(define-fun a () Int
However, if I write '(assert (= f (div a b)))' instead of '(assert (= f (/ a b)))', then the result is UNSAT. Why does not div return the same result?
Moreover, and the main concern for me, I did not find a way to use operator '/' in z3 .Net API. I can see only function MkDiv, which actually for operator 'div'. Is there a way so that I can apply operator '/' in the case of z3 .Net API? Thank you in advance.
Strictly speaking neither of these formulas is SMT-LIB2 compliant, because / is a function that takes two Real inputs and produces a Real output, whereas div is a function that takes two Int inputs and produces an Int (see SMT-LIB Theories). Z3 is more relaxed and automatically converts those objects. If we enable the option smtlib2_compliant=true then it will indeed report an error in both cases.
The reason for the div version being unsatisfiable is that there is indeed no solution where f is an integer according to (= f (/ a b)), but there is indeed no integer that satisfies (= f 0.5)

Can Z3 output "anything" for unconstrained values of UF?

Some values of uninterpreted functions can be unconstrained during the search. For example, if in smt query only f(1) is called, then f(2), f(3) can be anything. Is there a way (some option may be) to know which values were not used during the solving and therefore can be anything?
For quantifier free problems, you can achieve that by using the option :model-partial to true.
Here is an example (also available here):
(set-option :model-partial true)
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(assert (> (f 0) 0))
(assert (< (f 1) 0))
In this example, we get the output:
(define-fun f ((x!1 Int)) Int
(ite (= x!1 0) 1
(ite (= x!1 1) (- 1)
BTW, in the next release (Z3 4.3.2), this option is renamed to :model.partial. In the next release, the options are grouped in modules.

mixing reals and bit-vectors

I've two SMT2-Lib scripts using reals, which are morally equivalent. The only difference is that one also uses bit-vectors while the other does not.
Here's the version that uses both reals and bit-vectors:
; uses both reals and bit-vectors
(set-option :produce-models true)
(define-fun s2 () Real (root-obj (+ (^ x 2) (- 2)) 2))
(define-fun s3 () Real 0.0)
(define-fun s6 () Real (/ 1.0 1.0))
(declare-fun s0 () (_ BitVec 1))
(declare-fun s1 () (_ BitVec 1))
(let ((s4 (- s3 s2)))
(let ((s5 (ite (= #b1 s1) s2 s4)))
(let ((s7 (+ s5 s6)))
(let ((s8 (- s5 s6)))
(let ((s9 (ite (= #b1 s0) s7 s8)))
(let ((s10 (ite (>= s9 s3) #b1 #b0)))
(= s10 #b1))))))))
Here's the morally equivalent script, using Bool instead of a bit-vector of size 1, otherwise it's essentially the same:
; uses reals only
(set-option :produce-models true)
(define-fun s2 () Real (root-obj (+ (^ x 2) (- 2)) 2))
(define-fun s3 () Real 0.0)
(define-fun s6 () Real (/ 1.0 1.0))
(declare-fun s0 () (Bool))
(declare-fun s1 () (Bool))
(let ((s4 (- s3 s2)))
(let ((s5 (ite s1 s2 s4)))
(let ((s7 (+ s5 s6)))
(let ((s8 (- s5 s6)))
(let ((s9 (ite s0 s7 s8)))
(let ((s10 (ite (>= s9 s3) #b1 #b0)))
(= s10 #b1))))))))
For the former I get unknown from z3 (v4.1 on Mac), while the latter nicely produces sat and a model.
While SMT-Lib2 doesn't allow mixing reals and bit-vectors, I thought Z3 handled these combinations just fine. Am I mistaken? Is there a workaround?
(Note that these are generated scripts, so just using Bool instead of (_ BitVec 1) is rather costly, as it requires quite a bit of changes elsewhere.)
The new nonlinear solver is not integrated with other theories yet. It supports only real variables and Booleans. Actually, it also allows integer variables, but it is very limited support for them. It actually solves nonlinear integer problems as real problems, and just checks in the end whether each integer variable is assigned to an integer value. Moreover, this solver is the only complete procedure for nonlinear (real) arithmetic available in Z3.
Since your first problem contains Bit-vectors, the nonlinear solver is not used by Z3. Instead, Z3 uses a general purpose solver that combines many theories, but it is incomplete for nonlinear arithmetic.
That being said, I understand this is a limitation, and I'm working on that. In the (not so near) future, Z3 will have a new solver that integrates nonlinear arithmetic, arrays, bit-vectors, etc.
Finally, the bit-vector theory is a very special case, since we can easily reduce it to propositional logic in Z3.
Z3 has tactic bit-blast that applies this reduction. This tactic can reduce any nonlinear+bit-vector problem into a problem that contains only reals and Booleans. Here is an example (
; uses both reals and bit-vectors
(set-option :produce-models true)
(define-fun s2 () Real (root-obj (+ (^ x 2) (- 2)) 2))
(define-fun s3 () Real 0.0)
(define-fun s6 () Real (/ 1.0 1.0))
(declare-fun s0 () (_ BitVec 1))
(declare-fun s1 () (_ BitVec 1))
(declare-fun v2 () (_ BitVec 8))
(let ((s4 (- s3 s2)))
(let ((s5 (ite (= #b1 s1) s2 s4)))
(let ((s7 (+ s5 s6)))
(let ((s8 (- s5 s6)))
(let ((s9 (ite (= #b1 s0) s7 s8)))
(let ((s10 (ite (>= s9 s3) #b1 #b0)))
(= s10 #b1))))))))
(assert (or (and (not (= v2 #x00)) (not (= v2 #x01))) (bvslt v2 #x00)))
(assert (distinct (bvnot v2) #x00))
(check-sat-using (then simplify bit-blast qfnra))
