Salesforce URL Hacking - url

I have an object with many record types, and I need to populate some fields on it whenever it is created.
For example, I have an object called "CustomObj" with a field called "CustomF" with these 2 Record Types "RecType1" and "RecType2".
On the creation of a new "CustomObj" I need to populate the field the "CustomF" by "Hello" when the record type is "RecType1"
and by "Bye" when the record type is "RecType2"
Can I do that using the URL Hacking or I have to create 1 visualforce page to select the record type then redirect to the standard page with the values to populate this field or there is another approach?
What is the best practice?
How can I know the RecordType selected from the url itself ?
Thank you.

You can do this by an Workflow Rule. Go to Setup->Create->Workflow & Approvals. Than u can choose your object on which u want to set up the workflows. Most of the part should be straightforward since all the steps are well documented.
So one rule would be like:
If Record Type == RecType1 than fill in Field XY with value ABC

I see.
This is also possible. Go to the object and than your field you want to fill in the value. Click on edit and use the formula editor.
You can use a rule like
IF( $RecordType.DeveloperName = 'RecType1', 'Value for this', '')
for the default value

Salesforce does not provide an option to override "continue" button on record type selection page. but you can override "new" button. So you can do the following
Override "New" button to move to a record type selection page, which
will be a custom vf page (use radio buttons, description etc.).
The submit button (u can name as "Continue", just to imitate) should redirect to the standard page of data entry. But the
URL will be custom made.
You can refer to this Blog (Saurabh's Salesforce Blog) - - for the idea of how the URL hacking can be done as per your need. Here you need to identify the field id and use them in the URL to provide a value to be prepopulated.


While creating a workflow variable(of type String) for a hyperlink field in SPDesigner 2013, the return field is "As Dictionary from JSON"

Scenario :
I have a list of items. This list has columns with text value information(lets say Val1, Val2, Val3,..) and links which will take the user to the other pages. One of these fields is a URL column (type - hyperlink) which acts as a filter. On clicking the URL, it directs to another page and filters the page for each specific value(for e.g Val1) from the parent page.
So to achieve this,
- I created a new workflow in SP Designer 2013,
- Created a workflow variable of type String (lets say **'WFVar1'**) and added to Action ‘Set Workflow Variable’
- For the ‘value’ in the action I clicked the 3 dots (…) on the right, I set the URL for e.g and then clicked on Add or
Change Lookup and set the field from Source as Val1. The return
field automatically fills up *"As String"*. The URL is now followed
by Val1.
- Once done with the URL and description, I added the workflow Action ‘Set Field in Current Item'
- I clicked ‘field’ in the Action and choose the hyperlink field(URL) of the list.
Here comes the issue :
I click the ‘value’ in the Action and choose ‘workflow Variable and
Parameters’ and select the variable WFVar1. The return field
automatically gets set to "As Dictionary from JSON" instead of
"As String".
Due to the type difference, the workflow doesn't work and remains suspended.
Need help!!
URL fields do contain multiple string values for the URL and text description.
Since the return type is a dictionary, you may need to store it into a dictionary variable and then extract out the text and URL into separate string variable for later use.
If you need to know what the fields in the JSON are, you can save the dictionary to a string variable and write it out to the log if the JSON string is less than 250 characters, else it will also lock up and in that case you can write the value to a multi-line text field in a list which has a length limit of 64k characters.

Select from drop down menu or add another

I'm using simple_form. How can I have a select menu and a text input and have something like Select or add another.
The app will only take one value, either from the select menu or the text input.
It would also be good to validate to have either one or the other but not both, to avoid user confusion.
Implement what is called a 'combobox' to your simple_form
Jquery UI has a combobox:
something fancier:
This will get you as far as your combo boxes displaying. I don't think there is a plugin for validating, so you'll have to write the code yourself.
You can try to use a combination of JavaScript and Ruby to solve this. If a user wants to enter a different value then what's available in the dropdown, you should have JS listen to a keydown event in that input and clear the dropdown, i.e.:
$(".input_field").bind('keydown', function() {
$(".select_field").val('0') // this should be a default blank value
That will clear the select when a user types. Likewise, you want to clear the input when the user selects from the dropdown, right?
$(".select_field").change(function() {
// Let's only clear the input field if the value is not the default null value
if ( $(this).val() != 0 ) {
This will handle the front-end interactions. In the controller, you'll want to do some additional logic:
def create
if params[:select] and params[:input]
# Overwrite the select with the input value
object.attribute = params[:input]
I assume that you want the input value to supersede the select, therefore if they are most submitted, we can just overwrite the select value with the input value and then continue to save the object.
Is this what you're looking for? Not sure if the inputted value was suppose to create a new object with a relationship or not. Hope this helps.

Is there a way I can simply use a data annotation attribute to add a JavaScript attribute to a form field?

I would like to add a data-other-for attribute to a text input, to link it to a select, so that it can be used to capture a value not present in the select when the user selects 'Other' in the select. The attribute's code will determine which value or description is in fact 'Other', and if so, enable the text input and maybe make it mandatory.
It seems like the only way to do this is by creating a new helper, because going via a ValidationAttribute I can only add preset validation HTML attributes to my text input. Or go large and write a whole new metadata provider.
You could try to implement a custom ModelBinder.
Say, in the select you would have:
new SelectListItem(Text = "Other", Value="bind:propertyName", Selected = False);
Then in the overriden BindModel, you simply look for bind: in the model properties and when found, copy your value from there.
After this, you should be able to add normal validation attributes to your select list.

Multiple instance of partial razor form

I have 2 nested partial controls
User Control1:
Html.RenderPartial (path of child form)
Html.LabelFor(x=>x.FirstName,"First Name")
I have 2 instance of this partial control on home page. When I click on Submit button of second instance, form is posted using AJAX & JQuery. Since FirstName has a required constraint, form renders back with required validation triggered for FirstName. Here comes the issue: When I click on label "First Name", cursor gets focused on First Name TextBox of first instance of partial form instead of second instance where validation triggered.
Any suggestion on how to tackle this?
Thanks a lot!
At a guess, I'd say you're the victim of a duplicate ID, because the two instances of ChildControl are likely generating the same ID string.
Unlike ASPNET, MVC appears to generate IDs "locally". In other words, nothing behind the scenes keeps track of how many "controls" are generated, which is what allows ASPNET to generate unique ids.
If so, it's an easy enough problem to solve. Just add your own ID to each instance of ChildControl, doing something like the following:
#Html.TextBox("rel_date", Model.Value.rel_date.ToSiteString(), new { #class = "date-picker", style = "width: 75px;", id = "" })
Here I'm actually suppressing the ID on a textbox I'm generating by passing in an empty ID value in the html attributes parameter of the TextBox helper call. You'd insert some ID which you know to be unique to the page.
BTW, you can quickly check to see if I'm right about the duplicate IDs by checking the generated html for the page. When it's up in IE just hit F12 (in IE9 anyway). That'll open a window which allows you to browse the html that's generating your page. You can read it to see if the ID attributes of the two textboxes are the same, which would support my theory.
Good luck!

ASP.NET MVC Ajax: How to update an Ajax.ActionLink itself on-click

I have a page that displays a list with a of elements with a large number of elements, each of which has a boolean property, representing an Enabled and a Disabled state.
I need to provide the user with a link for each list item, and the link text must show the opposite status (so if the item is enabled, the link text must display 'Disable').
When the user clicks the link for a Disabled, the corresponding link text for the item must change to 'Enable' (and vice versa).
I would like to NOT reload the entire list for each click, just the text of the ActionLink itself, so my question is:
Is it possible to update just an ActionLink itself when the user clicks the link, or do I have do handle this using custom javascript?
As far as I remember, you can add HTML attributes to the "a" tag by newing up an anonymous class as the last param on most overloads.
Off the top of my head this can be written like the following:
Html.ActionLink("Name", "Action", "Controller", new { #class = 'updateId' });
(You may be able to do this with an ID which would be preferable over a class - if not just use a unique class name to avoid updating multiple items.)
Then you can use javascript to access the class "updateId" and change the inner html.
In the case of jQuery:
This can be done with a custom user control contained within the element to update. A writeup of the solution can be found here. No custom client-side scripting is necessary.
