How do you test an iOS framework - ios

I am developing an iOS framework. My question is how do I test it in a dummy app. Ideally in the same project window

Technically you have to split into two scenarios.
Your framework contains functionality only.
In that case I suggest to add a unit test target and test your framework by writing unit tests.
Your framework contains a ui component.
In that case I suggest to add an application target and name it ExampleApp or something like that. In that app you can implement a visual example.
Both scenarios are used in open source GitHub repositories.


Can I refactor my xcode swift app into a lib?

I have an Xcode swift app that uses "import CoreBluetooth" to access a wearable.
Now, my teammate wants to use my functionality, and thus wants a lib (.a) that he can incorporate into his xcode GUI app.
Can I refactor my app into a lib for him to add to his GUI app?
Or, is the only way to create a new xcode lib project?
Short answer is yes, you can use the same project. You need to separate 2 things:
Project is a design-time / code organization entity. One project can contain framework, app, tests, etc - all at the same time
What actually dictates what is going to be built are Targets. Some targets will build an app, some will build the library etc. Each target may contain any subset of files from your project (as long as they compile).
So that's one way to go about it: create a second target for Framework, add relevant files to Build Phases > Compile Sources and voila.
The advantage is simplicity. The disadvantages are many: how do you know you didn't break compatibility with wearable? how do you know which file belongs to app, and which belongs to app and framework (sure, you can see when you click on file, or folder structure can help, but it's not going to stop the mistake from happening)? or what if compatibility your iOS app needs is different with what wearable app needs? how do you maintain versions of such framework? etc etc
So a much better cleaner way is to create a separate repo for your framework, and maintain it as an internal product you are sharing between various components. That way you can maintain clear versioning, compatibility, and address bugs without the fear of breaking either app or wearable. And you can include that framework in both projects using (like suggested above) Swift Package Manager, or CocoaPods, or even manually.

UITest does not work within Framework

I am creating a framework for an iOS and my framework contains UI(Visual Presentation) as well now I want to write XCTest for my framework and I am able write and run the unit Test as we do within application but I am not able run UITest within the framework.
Could anyone help me with this?
your help will be appreciated.
UI tests for iOS that use XCTest
run in a separate process
require a host application that runs on the simulator
If you want to UI test your framework, I would create a separate iOS app target that includes and consumes your framework. Then you can create a UI Tests target for this demo application which will assert the framework behavior.

xCode - how to link dynamic framework from workspace

What is the proper way to link a dynamic framework which lives in the same workspace like the app?
I have a problem when adding the framework from the products folder to the App's "Embedded Binaries" section - because the added framework may be built for simulator and the app builds against iphoneos. I can not add both, can I?
I want to achieve that when my app builds, the framework is built too and I can work the changes immediately instead of doing some cumbersome update via Carthage or something link that.
EDIT: This blog post describes exactly what i want to do - but this does not work since i want to develop on simulator and iphone (it would require a fat framework). Or did I miss something.
Although is possible to develop main app and framework and doing integration test in the same time from many workspaces, at same point becomes a slow-ish and not scalable development process.
So I suggest you to make a sample app in the workspace of your framework and develop and test your features directly from there. Once your framework is quite stable you release it and you integrate it with your main app.

How to test an iOS Framework

I need to test an iOS Framework. I do not wish to test the UI. Is there any way to test just the Framework which would be used in the main Project?
If you just plan to test logical stuff, you can create new Unittest target for framework by using XCTest.framework. It is available in Xcode 5 and above. There are also third-party unittest frameworks. Check this out

Static Library added as sub-project vs static library added as target

First of all I'd like to say that I'm pretty new to this topic so I'm a bit confused on some general aspects of how it works.
Basically I'm working on an iOS project which has two targets, one is the app itself which I'm developing and it is a front-end iOS client, one is a static library which the former developer used to define classes belonging to a back-end framework.
Both the files of the app itself (the client I'm working on) and the static library (the back-end framework) are in the same xcode project bundle.
Even If I've never done the "setup procedure" of the static library anything seems to be working just fine on compilation.
Now the question is: I'm setting up unit tests because I'd like to start developing new features adopting a Test Driven Development approach, so one of the things I was struggling on was if I had to generate or not two separate test targets, one for the iOS app and one for the static library (since they're two separate targets), ore use one single test target for both the static library and the iOS App.
So, reading on the internet to find a solution I discovered that, as even Apple suggests here , a common approach is to add the static library as a "sub-project" of the app project.
I'm just asking myself why and what is the difference with my current situation (one project, to targets, one of it is the static library). Are there any drawbacks? Should I reorganize the whole project?
My experience agrees with Apple and the common approach. I'd suggest making the framework a subproject. (I've had some issues finding headers, but that's my lack of mastery over Xcode, not a flaw in the process.)
Set up unit tests on each project, independently. This way, your tests are true to your objective with a framework: You've successfully decoupled the framework from the parent project entirely.
If you write the all of the unit tests in the parent project, what happens when the framework is needed in another project? You've got two choices. You can not test the framework, or string along the original parent. Do the right thing and split up your tests.
I've got an open source framework that I built, called SpiffyKit, that has a parent project called SpiffyTester. (I admittedly didn't unit test much, because it's all UI and no logic.) It may serve as a good example of a starting point.
Depending on your needs you can use Pods, static or adding it to the project. If you add a library as a "subproject" is useful when you are working on the 2 projects at once. For example if you add something new to the library you just compile the library and voila you have access to the new library in your project. However if you just link the static library you will have to open the project for the library then build then replace it in the library and add the new headers witch is a lot of setup work.
