In my firebase app, a users feed is populated with posts, however the usernames of the posts are displayed. However, the username is inside of the snapshot, but there is no place where it is displayed in the app. Is it secure to have the username transferred to the client's device if they are not supposed to be able to access it? Would it be better to remove the username from the snapshot in the posts node and instead create a separate node which has the username for each post, accessing the username each time it is needed so that when a users feed is populated the username is not sent in the snapshot?
Any data that is transferred to the device, can be accessed by the user on that device. If you want certain data to be non-accessible, don't transfer it to the client.
A common way to do this is to make an extra node that contains only the information that is publicly readable. For some example of this, see:
Firebase: How to structure public/private user data
How to create public/private user profile with Firebase security rules?
How to create public/private user profile with Firebase?
Make a public profile and a private profile in angular 4+
We have an app that allows us to signup using one email id and can add/ link another email id. When we enter the home page after signup, it should show the teams/challenges created using the first email id on the top and the teams created using the second email id on the bottom. We are thinking of using firebase for backend. Is it possible to have two email ids active at the same time?
No. You must go outside BaaS, particularly Firebase, as you have mentioned. You can consider making your own backend server for that feature.
What Firebase can provide you is the ability to have a single email address connected to different sign-in methods.
If you're using Firebase Authentication to sign in users, then no, it's not possible to have two accounts signed in to a single device at a time. If you sign in a second account, then the first one will be automatically signed out.
If you want to "link" two accounts in such a way that they can query each others' data, you're going to have to establish that relationship in your database or custom claims, and use that in security rules to allow shared access to data.
I have an iOS app where all user and data functionality is handled through firebase. For all required firebase functions, we have set the rights on firebase set such that they are secure (i.e., everyone can only read/write the parts of the database that are relevant to them).
Now, in the “create new user” screen of my app, obviously no user is signed in yet, but I would like to check for availability of the desired email address and username.
How can I conduct the check without making a list of all email addresses and usernames openly accessible in the database (i.e., setting the rights such that everyone can read them).
Keeping an openly accessible list of usernames in the database in my view is a security risk. On the other hand of course no user is signed in when on the “create user” screen, so I don’t know how to restrict the access.
There are many ways around this. Here are a couple suggestions:
Sign the user in anonymously before choosing a username. This would then give them the access you're looking for without making the data public. Then, when the user creates an account, the anonymous account can be converted, as shown in the documentation.
Use an HTTP-triggered Cloud Function, passing the username the user wants to try as a query. Inside the function, check the database for the existence of the username, and then respond to the HTTP call accordingly.
I'd probably do the former because it'll return a quicker response. Cloud Functions can take time to spin up if they haven't run for a while.
I am busy with a Web Api 2 project in VS 2013. We have a number of established applications, and a couple hundred clients with in turn thousand's of users registered at each client.
I am assigned with creating a Mobile App (Cordova/Phonegap), but before I can do this I need to create an API that can handle http Requests from the app.
We have a large database with 173 tables including a user table. This database exists at each client (with their own users). I have imported the default AspNet... tables into our database, changed the connection string and have successfully managed to register users on our database.
My questions is this: Is it possible add additional registration requirements? e.g. in addition to Email, Password, (ConfirmPassword), I'd like to add:
1) Mobile Number
2) Identity number
so that they are also written to AspNetUsers, and then somehow create a foreign key link to my existing USERS table, let's say on ID number provided by the user?
The idea is to not let any user register with the mobile APP that is not already registered on the database.
So, how it should be able to work in my head is not necessarily correct, but here is a summary below:
1) User download app from app store.
2) App shows register/login screen, user register with Email, password, ConfirmPW, MobileNr, ID
3) App sends HTTPS Post request to API with above info.
4) API gets info, before binding to model and writing to db, first does a query to existing User table. If a user exists with ID and mobile Number, then AspNetUsers record is created (with FK reference to Users table). If not, user is not allowed to register, and message is returned, e.g. You need to be a Client of "CompanyName" to register.
5) After this, user logs in and uses Bearer token etc. (default log in way).
I know this is not necessarily how it will work in practice, but can something like this be done. I don't want to re-invent any wheel, only add what listed above. Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can customize the User information. You need to customize the IdentityUser class. Here is a great tutorial on how to do it. I even managed to change the normal Id in the AspNetUsers table (which is nvarchar by deault) to an int.
This is probably a repeat. However, the other answers haven't helped me out. So, here goes.
I'm working on an application and we with need to add 'users' to it. We'll be giving the option for people to sign in with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. I've worked with these APIs before, however never combined them globally.
How can I maintain and manage these users that will use different services to log in. I'm confused as to how they would be stored in a database, would I need to have a different table for each different social service or is there a way to implement a table that will house all users in one place.
From what I understand, you're asking how to manage, store, verify users that will be logging in your application through different social services.
This is how we've implemented it through the various projects we've worked with. From the list of services you've provided we've worked only with twitter and facebook, so I can only speak about that.
We have a web service that our iOS app communicates with such as when the iOS app needs to make a request call for user login the server would take the user details trying to login and gives back a response where the app would then do whats necessary.
We have a database stored on the server with a users table which is used to verify a user.
That being said, you need to understand whats common between most social services, or to at least know what the property is that is used by these social services to uniquely identify its users. In this case they all use email to identify users.
You'll find that when interfacing your app with these different APIs, they like to use a login session key used for unique logged in sessions.
So on your database you would store whatever details you want to save of the user, but know that you need to store atleast the username, password (encrypted), email (for identification, unique column), and login_session_key.
Just double check that linkedIn does have something like a session key that it creates when a user logs in with that method. Facebook and twitter do. Send at least the 4 main data properties needed (username, password, email, session) to the server You then follow this sort of approach:
New user
If the user that is new tries to login, the server first checks the email provided even exists in the database, if it does not then you sent a response back alerting the user that the user does not exist; your app would then take them to the register screen for example.
If the user is in the registry page, save all the details you want to store of theirs including username, password and email.
If the user logs in the email will exist on the server side, its an existing user so just update the session key that was sent from the app on log in if the password matches, (in some apps these session keys are used through the life cycle of the application being used, with each request sending the same session key and if at any point the session key does not match during app interaction, it can be concluded that the user has logged elsewhere on another device perhaps.
if the password does not matches return the appropriate message.
That's about it really. We're able to store all facebook and twitter users in one table.
I'm creating an application that requires the user to log in, I've read that it's a bad idea to use NSUserDefaults so I want to go with either storing the data inside a sqlite databaseor use keychain access. My app will show data based on what user is logged in from that device, so if two people have an account with me they can log in from the same device and it shows the data pertaining to their log in. Is it possible to store multiple log in credentials with keychain or should I go with an sqlite database so that I can properly connect it to the data pertaining to that log in? If keychain is the best way can someone point me to a demo that lets you store multiple users in the keychain.
The reason I need to store multiple user/pass in the keychain is because after they log in they are required to create a four digit pin to use within the app. As of now if someone else logs in it uses the previous pin instead of asking for the user to create a new one. Should I add an if statement to check if the user is in the keychain and if they are not there call the pincontroller. Using the keychain how can I tell which pin belongs to which user?
iOS provides a very secure way to do this via the keychain. It's really the only way to store this type of information so I strongly recommend against rolling your own solution.
If you want to access the keychain you can use one of the many libraries available for this. Here are two: