iOS no audio after hold using webrtc and Call Kit - ios

I am facing some serious issue with my internet calling app. We have discovered this in final testing, we are ready for launch but now this webrtc issue is some thing where we stuck.
I am sharing the reference link of same issue as well. From this reference link i came to know that you are the call kit expert.
Here is the link :
This is the issue:
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Create an WebRTC application with callkit integration
Hold a call
Unhold a call
What is the expected result?
You will still be able to hear the other side, and the other side will be able to hear you.
What do you see instead?
No audio being heard on either side.
Test Case: My internet call is set on hold /unhold when i receive other call from a landline.

I have edit the WebRtc framework, a patch work for me. You can follow this link for more information:
You can download framework with this patch here:


Is making a video calling and live broadcast app possible in Swift?

I am new to Swift and I want to integrate video calling in my app using Swift. I want to make a live broadcasting video app where one host will come live and other clients can join him/her.
I tried several third party apps like but it didn't work for me. Do you guys have a better suggestions?
Try quickblox. It is a very smart solution, it can manage everything for you, your only task is to present the UI and the buttons. It is relatively cheap, even free for low user count. We have used it to create an "intercom" like application
Quickblox website

How to receive incoming call with TwilioXamarinBindings Twilio.Voice.iOS

I'm new to Twilio and expected there to be a Xamarin SDK for iOS and Android but apparently there isn't. I have been working with for native libraries but cannot seem to find any help with getting an incoming (to the iOS/Android app) call. I'm not sure if there's a tutorial somewhere explaining exactly how to route the call to a specific device but I can't see it....
So, can somebody explain the procedure, do I need Apple APN and if so how is it acheived in Xamarin Forms?
I haven't found anything for incoming calls to Xamarin apps via VOIP but all outgoing is fine.
Twilio evangelist here.
I'm not familiar with those bindings but looking at the sample application that is included in the repo it looks like in iOS there is a method called AcceptWithDelegate that you call to accept an incoming Twilio Voice call.
The binding source appears to map this to the iOS SDK's acceptWithDelegate function:
Hope that helps.

How to implement webRTC in iOS app

I have successfully implemented xmpp Connection and text chatting by using xmpp in my application. Now want to implement video calling by using webRTC. I don't know the exact procedure for it. I have searched about it but, I'm unable to implement the video chat.
If anyone have any idea about the procedure, please help me.
look at the code. The library compiles with bindings for iOS, and the app (appRTCDEMO) provides a full example for iOS. It's a great start.

How to make sample regular FaceTime call in iOS

I am very beginner in iOS and present I am doing one project in that project I have to make simple video call facility for users (i.e regular Face-time call,Based on persons phone numbers I need to make video call),I have seen so many sample tutorials but no one explain how to make sample regular face video call
And for this I have searched lot in Internet but I did not get any result and I am eager to search and wait for this requirement, please someone post sample video calling app.
Well, i am same stage Buddy as like you .I thing you can do or cover using webrtc or quickblox webartc link and quickblox link , i hope its helps you

Video file share with YouTube and Twitter on iOS 6 and above

I'm working on a Video recording iOS app and as a final step I need to allow the user to share the video file ( MOV ) with FB, Twitter and YouTube. FB implementation is done. But I'm having difficulty with YouTube and Twitter.
I know that Twitter doesn't have Video share option by default and we have to relay on 3rd part services like Vine or twitpic. So I'm ok to drop Twitter video sharing if its too difficult.
But There should be a easy way with YouTube. I have read but its seems bit outdated.
So I need any one of your's help on this point. Has anyone done any similar implementation for iOS 6+ ? If so kindly give me a helping hand. Or at least a suggestion to use YouTube API with iOS app.
Really appreciate any help.
Kind Regards
The Google objective-c API client that you reference in your question has a sample app for YouTube authentication and file upload. You should be able to just copy and paste most of the code, just using the correct API keys that you obtained in the Google API Console.
I recently open sourced YouTube Direct Lite for iOS.
Here's the upload protocol that I'm using latest resumable uploads.
If you don't want to implement yourself, you can use ESSVideoShare. (Will not work with iOS 7 or higher)
Thanks everyone for answering and comment on this question because that leads me to get the best solution for my problem. Since I was looking for a very simple solution for my problem there was no direct answer to my question.
After searching on Google and trying out possible solutions I think I have found the simplest way of doing this. The resources are
Again the code is bit out dated but still work.
Combination of these two and some changed to the Github code to make it ARC enabled I managed to do it.
Its 2 simple files and GData static library.
Thanks everyone!
I recently discovered that the new 'Youtube Capture' app can be used with
Reference on iOS
Sadly I have been trying to pass a caption using the annotation field without any success.
But if caption is not important, it's worth knowing.
