How to implement webRTC in iOS app - ios

I have successfully implemented xmpp Connection and text chatting by using xmpp in my application. Now want to implement video calling by using webRTC. I don't know the exact procedure for it. I have searched about it but, I'm unable to implement the video chat.
If anyone have any idea about the procedure, please help me.

look at the code. The library compiles with bindings for iOS, and the app (appRTCDEMO) provides a full example for iOS. It's a great start.


Video call and chat using WebRTC and Pubnub in native iOS Swift

I'm working on a doctor-patient appointment app on native iOS Swift project. Here I want to implement a live video call with chat using WebRTC and PubNub signaling server. I'm totally new to it. I don't know how to implement this. I have seen some of the Objective-C codes but still I didn't understand. Please help if any of you implement the same in swift.
Highly recommend you reach out to a service such as Vonage ( who can provide HIPAA compliant WebRTC video service for you.
Once you have a set of keys on Vonage, you can use PubNub to move the video session details around the channel in question.
Traditionally I use a JSON object model that looks like this:
channel: "UUID of medical session"
messageID: "MessageID on your platform"
messageType: "videoInvite"
sender: "Hilaj"
sessionDetails: "session JWT and/or session token"
timestamp: "1597347054"
This means you can send text based messages as well as video invites in the same channel and write the event to logs.
I have implemented this in Swift (and previously in Objective C) but it is completely proprietary.
You are going to have to download the Google WebRTC framework.
Taking a quick look at PubNub, it looks like it just does signalling. You are still going to need an actual WebRTC server (eg, Janus). There are others and I'm not really sure which ones support PubNub.

iOS no audio after hold using webrtc and Call Kit

I am facing some serious issue with my internet calling app. We have discovered this in final testing, we are ready for launch but now this webrtc issue is some thing where we stuck.
I am sharing the reference link of same issue as well. From this reference link i came to know that you are the call kit expert.
Here is the link :
This is the issue:
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Create an WebRTC application with callkit integration
Hold a call
Unhold a call
What is the expected result?
You will still be able to hear the other side, and the other side will be able to hear you.
What do you see instead?
No audio being heard on either side.
Test Case: My internet call is set on hold /unhold when i receive other call from a landline.
I have edit the WebRtc framework, a patch work for me. You can follow this link for more information:
You can download framework with this patch here: Integration in Swift4

I'm new in IOS. I'm working on a Video Call project in swift. i'm using SDK for video Call and message chat. But I have some questions
If my app is in kill state or my phone is locked. how can I receive call Notification.
Some SDK's have VoIP support for Call notification in locked State. have support for VoIP? If yes how can I implement. Documentation have some methods for use camera, microphone, Customize UI etc can we implement all these methods in swift?
if any one have good tutorials or helping materials please share.
You can find a sample app built with Swift here: is a CPaaS focused on video chat. You can use the service for voice only, but you probably have better options if that is what you want to achieve.

iOS - XMPP with WebRTC for realtime video call or chat

I have searched the whole web but did not get any document for passing the XMPP IQ to WebRTC. Also I see is the XMPP Jingle class, but cannot find any document for integrate this.
Can someone help me with setting up a two-way video call using XMPP and WebRTC? By providing a working sample of Objective-C code?
I have tried:
Checking and many other Github projects.
Are you want to support different platforms to get live video streaming?
So, i have a very good experience with library.
It's supports iOS, Android and Web. Has demo applications and trial period.
About documentation:
XMPP Framework:
It's very good documented.
WebRTC Native Code:
It's contains all information about WebRTC.

Using Socket I/O client in Objective-c

HI i'm new to using socket I/O.
I would like to use the socket send and receive functions in multiple screens like a chat app. I'm not understanding how to handle it. can anyone help me.
I'm using the socket from
I'm using objective-c coding
My dear friend,
Links below are links I've read when I developed iOS Chat Client using recently,
If you're a project based learner, you can see full working iOS Chat Client Using sample here:
Just try to build and run it. It helps me a lot, but unfortunately it's written in Swift. Hope you can translate it to Obj-C by yourself.
for your information, for chat view, you can use this library:
or if you like to create your own code for chat view, you can read this tutorial:
