Communication between a http server and https server will be secured? - ios

I am trying to implement an HTTP server inside an iOS app. I could see similar apps in the app store. But in my case, embedded HTTP server has to communicate with external HTTPS Server. So now,
is the communication secured? Or do I need to implement HTTPS server, instead?
Is it possible to implement an HTTPS server in iOS app?
Will Apple reject this approach?
Thanks in Advance

I'm assuming that you use the internal HTTP server to provide interceped content for a WKWebView. I this case you web view connects to the HTTP server over HTTP and this connection is insecure. But generally this shouldn't be an issue because nobody can intercept the connection. You HTTP server connects to the internet over HTTPS, and this should be done because this connection could be compromised.
Don't be confused about the different protocols. If you call a HTTPS-URL NSURLSession will use HTTPS and use a secured connection. There is no pitfall or issue. You needn't to support HTTPS for the web view to server connection. This will give you not more notable security.
I use a similar setup in my application and it works perfectly.
BTW: In iOS 11 you may use WKURLSchemeHandler to intercept web view requests. This should be much easier than a local HTTP server. The disadvantage is, that you have to define a custom protocol (e.g. xhttp instead of http), and rewrite the URLs in the web content. But this should be much easier to achieve than a local HTTP server.


how to secure api call from proxy

I am working on some app which as API call. while i add proxy in mobile and see response in web debugging tools. I can see my api call parameters and response too.
while in others app I cant see this things and it is secured.
how can i acheive this?
Pictures said your API is using non-secure HTTP protocol while others app using HTTPS. The Web API should be performed via HTTPS protocol. HTTPS using SSL/TLS as secure transport layer, it means all data are encrypted before they're online. So, we don't care about any kinds of proxy

Security - Ejabberd - Validate Client

I have installed Ejabberd in our AWS Server
We are developing an iOS messenger app and we don't want other clients to access our messaging server other than our iOS app.
All the ejabberd services should be accessible only by our iOS app,
To register
To login
To send message and use any other service.
What are all the configurations and settings should I have to do to secure our server?
There is no 100% way to disable other clients from mimicking your own client. You may use different protocol, or one more layer of encryption or special marks that allow your server use to make sure that client is yours. But if someone will have desire to write his own client, he'll use your own client to understand what should be sent on the wire.
XMPP is build on the top of TCP so there is no good way of restricting access to the server socket. If you want to be compliant with XMPP you need to use encryption, otherwise use your own custom protocol (like Skype).

HTTP live stream over https

I'm just having a problem with understanding if I can get Apple HTTP live stream working over HTTPS.
I want to establish a https connection between a apache server holding the segmented media files and a ios client, be able to stream content that way. i tried it with and without certificate (including a intermediate in SSLCertificateChainFile) but nothing works. all is fine when i use http, but if I switch to https it doesn't work.
does anybody have a running linx configuration for that?

Does iOS send HTTPS requests through the HTTP proxy?

I am trying to write up an HTTP proxy server in node.js, and I have successfully managed to route unsecure HTTP connections through it. But when applications (on my iOS device) use HTTPS for APIs 'n such, it always throws an error, and the attempted HTTPS connection never hits the server. So there are a few explanations of what could possibly be happening:
iOS chooses not to send HTTPS connections over the proxy for security reasons
iOS is looking for an HTTPS connection at the server on a different port, but can't find one
Basically what I am asking is: What does iOS do with HTTPS connections when an HTTP proxy is configured?
Please ask for any details or further questions in the comments. Thanks.

Does dart support client SSL/TLS connections yet?

I am thinking of writing an Apple Push Notification server using Dart. Does Dart support client side SSL/TLS certificates?
Yes! Dart VM now supports SSL/TLS, and HTTPS.
See and which are now closed. :)
Dart supports SSL/TLS client connections using SecureSocket. It also supports secure server sockets using SecureServerSocket to (use this if you need to listen on a secure port on the VM).
Note that the ordinary HttpClient will automatically handle HTTPS for your browser connections so no extra code is needed in these cases.
