IOS youtube player shows white screen while loading - ios

I am integrating youtube player via cocoapods. I am using storyboard, problem is while loading video, youtube player shows blank white space it gives very ugly look to my complete UI. How can I show some sort of loader while it is loading.
I have also tried to use activity indicator behind the player but I guess player view itself has white color which hides my indicator. Also, I tried to use indicator on the player but it kept on showing even if video got load.
And I didn't find any possible solution in delegate by which I can find that weather the video loads or not?
Any possible solution Please????? Thanks in advance.

You can take an imageview on top of your player and set the background to black and in player delegate when player state become ready , set the image background color to clear.
Hope this will work, this works for me.


why my youtube video not displaying an image?

on this page, the video at the top of the page does not display an image unlike the video located on the side bar.
When play is pressed, there is no playback problem.
But my visitors may not click on the video thinking it doesn't work.
How can I make it appear?
the original video is here
The javascript code is here
The thumbnail sddefault isn't loading for an unknown reason for video VnWbJbtsyv4. However hqdefault seems to be working. So use instead of

What can be done to make a Youtube video play properly upon the first attempt to view it?

What can be done to make a Youtube video play properly upon the first attempt to view it?
Most of the time I get dark areas as shown for example in the attached:
Update your flash player. That is probably corrupt.

Auto video in iphone?

Anyone know how to add the auto playing video background in iOS? I am guessing its actually images? But the video lasts for 15 seconds so if its images then at 24fps minimum that is a lot of images.
I tried using the UIImageView swapping of images, but it seems like a hack way to do this.
See Uber's app and I think Airbnb has it also.
You can make them images as you guessed, or play video using either MPMoviePlayerController or AvPlayer. Just add any as a subview to your view and make it play at viewWillAppear. I used AvPlayer as the app home screen background before and it worked perfectly.

Play M4V in background IOS

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to play an m4v file in the background with buttons that overlay ontop of the video? The video is basically an animation (no sound) but I need to be able to add additional navigation on top of the animation to bring in other calls in the app.
Is that possible to do? If so what is the call that would be required? I've tried hunting around but can't find an answer yet
You can use MPMoviePlayerController, set control style to none, and put your own buttons on top of it.

Movie Player goes blank with white screen once the movie is completely played

I have a MPMoviePlayer whose controls have been hidden.
I have custom sliders to move the video, back and forth and controls to control the speed as well.
Now whenever it reaches the end I can see a white screen.
app does not crash but I can't see the video.
I tried debugging and realized that moviPlayer instance is still there, but naturalSize is reported to be zero.
rest everything is there, including the contentURL property.
has the player released the video ?
The bug onbly appears on iOS4 and not on iOS5.
Anyone any idea on what changes have come to movieplayer in the two versions which we might have missed.
