Ocaml parser "unterminated action" error - parsing

I am new to OCaml and I am trying to create a Parser for a specific language using a parser generator - ocamllex, ocamlyacc. When i'm trying to compile my parser.mly file, I am getting the following error:
Error (with mark at =) :
File "parser.mly", line 94: unterminated action
| id = IDENTIFIER { identifier id }
The following is an extract from the parser.mly file:
open Ast
let identifier name = {
Identifier.name = name;
%token <int> INT
%token <string> IDENTIFIER
%start monitor
%type <Ast.Expression.t> monitor
| id = IDENTIFIER { identifier id }

Ocamlyacc does not support giving names to the parts of a rule like this. You'll either need to use $1 etc. or switch to Menhir, which does support this feature.


ocaml menhir parser production is never reduced

I'm in the middle of learning how to parse simple programs.
This is my lexer.
open Parser
exception SyntaxError of string
let white = [' ' '\t']+
let blank = ' '
let identifier = ['a'-'z']
rule token = parse
| white {token lexbuf} (* skip whitespace *)
| '-' { HYPHEN }
| identifier {
let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
scan_string buf lexbuf;
let content = (Buffer.contents buf) in
| _ { raise (SyntaxError "Unknown stuff here") }
and scan_string buf = parse
| ['a'-'z']+ {
Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
scan_string buf lexbuf
| eof { () }
My "ast":
type t =
String of string
| Array of t list
My parser:
%token <string> STRING
%token HYPHEN
%start <Ast.t> yaml
| scalar { $1 }
| sequence {$1}
| sequence_items {
Ast.Array (List.rev $1)
(* empty *) { [] }
| sequence_items HYPHEN scalar {
| STRING { Ast.String $1 }
I'm currently at a point where I want to either parse plain 'strings', i.e.
some text or 'arrays' of 'strings', i.e. - item1 - item2.
When I compile the parser with Menhir I get:
Warning: production sequence -> sequence_items is never reduced.
Warning: in total, 1 productions are never reduced.
I'm pretty new to parsing. Why is this never reduced?
You declare that your entry point to the parser is called main
%start <Ast.t> main
But I can't see the main production in your code. Maybe the entry point is supposed to be yaml? If that is changed—does the error still persists?
Also, try adding EOF token to your lexer and to entry-level production, like this:
parse_yaml: yaml EOF { $1 }
See here for example: https://github.com/Virum/compiler/blob/28e807b842bab5dcf11460c8193dd5b16674951f/grammar.mly#L56
The link to Real World OCaml below also discusses how to use EOL—I think this will solve your problem.
By the way, really cool that you are writing a YAML parser in OCaml. If made open-source it will be really useful to the community. Note that YAML is indentation-sensitive, so to parse it with Menhir you will need to produce some kind of INDENT and DEDENT tokens by your lexer. Also, YAML is a strict superset of JSON, that means it might (or might not) make sense to start with a JSON subset and then expand it. Real World OCaml shows how to write a JSON parser using Menhir:

Creating Simple Parser in F#

I am currently attempting to create an extremely simple parser in F# using FsLex and FsYacc. At first, the only functionality I am trying to achieve is allowing the program to take in a string that represents addition of integers and output a result. For example, I would want the parser to be able to take in "5 + 2" and output the string "7". I am only interested in string arguments and outputs because I would like to import the parser into Excel using Excel DNA once I extend the functionality to support more operations. However, I am currently struggling to get even this simple integer addition to work correctly.
My lexer.fsl file looks like:
module lexer
open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing
open Parser
let lexeme = LexBuffer<_>.LexemeString
let ops = ["+", PLUS;] |> Map.ofList
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let operator = "+"
let integ = digit+
rule lang = parse
| integ
{INT(Int32.Parse(lexeme lexbuf))}
| operator
{ops.[lexeme lexbuf]}
My parser.fsy file looks like:
open Program
%token <int>INT
%token PLUS
%start input
%type <int> input
exp {$1}
| INT { $1 }
| exp exp PLUS { $1 + $2 }
Additionally, I have a Program.fs file that acts like an (extremely small) AST:
module Program
type value =
| Int of int
type op = Plus
Finally, I have the file Main.fs that is supposed to test out the functionality of the interpreter (as well as import the function into Excel).
module Main
open ExcelDna.Integration
open System
open Program
open Parser
[<ExcelFunction(Description = "")>]
let main () =
let x = "5 + 2"
let lexbuf = Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing.LexBuffer<_>.FromString x
let y = input lexer.lang lexbuf
However, when I run this function, the parser doesn't work at all. When I build the project, the parser.fs and lexer.fs files are created correctly. I feel that there is something simple I am missing, but I have no idea how to make this function correctly.

Reading new line giving syntax error in LEX YACC

I am trying to parse a code, and for that i have written LEX and YACC file which will given below. first line it is reading correctly but after that it is giving syntax error, it is not reading next line,should i modify input and unput function,i am reading from file and writing my output in a file.....i have just started using LEX YACC, need some of the idea.
input file
b_7 = _6 + b_3;
a_8 = b_7 - c_5;
lex file
parser for ssa;
[\t]+ ;
\n ;
[if]+ printf("first input\n");
[else]+ return(op);
[=]+ return(equal);
[+]+ return(op);
[*]+ return(op);
[-]+ return(op);
[\<][b][b][ ]+[1-9][\>] {return(bblock);}
([[_][a-z]])|([a-z][_][0-9]+)|([0-9]+) {return(var);}
. ;
yacc file
/* lexer for ssa gramer to use for recognizing operations*/
char add_graph(char,char,...);
%token opif opelse equal op bblock var
sentence: var equal var op var { add_graph($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);}
extern FILE *yyin;
int argc;
char **argv;
if(argc > 1) {
FILE *file;
if(file==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"couldnot open%s\n",argv[0]);
}while (!feof(yyin));
char add_graph(something)
char *s;
fprintf(stderr,"%s there is error\n",s);
printf("the output");
Lots of problems here:
your grammar is expecting the token op, but your lexer will never produce it, instead producing opadd opmul etc
your example has ; at the end of lines, but neither your lexer nor parser deal with them. The default lexer action of copying to stdout is almost never what you want.
your yacc file tries to use \\ as some sort of comment marker, but yacc doesn't understand that. Some versions of yacc understand C++-style // as a comment, but not all
your grammar only allows for one sentence in the input
your sentence has a spurious op at the end (on the next line), which is not a separate sentence rule -- you need | to separate rules.
you attempt to loop if you haven't reached the eof when yyparse returns, but if there's an error, its likely that the input will still have some cruft that will cause an immediate error, resulting in an error storm -- probably not what you want.
Your grammar only permits one sentence. So if there is any input after the first sentence, an error will be raised. You want to permit one or more sentences. Try this in your .y file:
sentences : sentences sentence
| sentence
sentence : var equal var op var { add_graph($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);}
";" ;
SEE IF THIS CAN HELP.acknowledge me if i am wrong.

Matching a "text" in line by line file with XText

I try to write the Xtext BNF for Configuration files (known with the .ini extension)
For instance, I'd like to successfully parse
a = Easy123
b = This *is* valid too
c = Voilà # inline comments are ignored
My problem is matching the property value (what's on the right of the '=').
My current grammar works if the property matches the ID terminal (eg a = Easy123).
PropertyFile hidden(SL_COMMENT, WS):
'[' name=ID ']'
(NEWLINE properties+=Property)+
name=ID (':' | '=') value=ID ';'?;
terminal WS:
(' ' | '\t')+;
terminal NEWLINE:
// New line on DOS or Unix
'\r'? '\n';
terminal ID:
('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z') ('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '_' | '-' | '0'..'9')*;
terminal SL_COMMENT:
// Single line comment
'#' !('\n' | '\r')*;
I don't know how to generalize the grammar to match any text (eg c = Voilà).
I certainly need to introduce a new terminal
name=ID (':' | '=') value=TEXT ';'?;
Question is: how should I define this TEXT terminal?
I have tried
terminal TEXT: ANY_OTHER+;
This raises a warning
The following token definitions can never be matched because prior tokens match the same input: RULE_INT,RULE_STRING,RULE_ML_COMMENT,RULE_ANY_OTHER
(I think it doesn't matter).
Parsing Fails with
Required loop (...)+ did not match anything at input 'à'
terminal TEXT: !('\r'|'\n'|'#')+;
This raises a warning
The following token definitions can never be matched because prior tokens match the same input: RULE_INT
(I think it doesn't matter).
Parsing Fails with
Missing EOF at [Section1]
terminal TEXT: ('!'|'$'..'~'); (which covers most characters, except # and ")
No warning during the generation of the lexer/parser.
However Parsing Fails with
Mismatch input 'Easy123' expecting RULE_TEXT
Extraneous input 'This' expecting RULE_TEXT
Required loop (...)+ did not match anything at 'is'
Thanks for your help (and I hope this grammar can be useful for others too)
This grammar does the trick:
grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDsl hidden(SL_COMMENT, WS)
generate myDsl "http://www.xtext.org/example/mydsl/MyDsl"
import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore"
'[' name=ID ']'
(NEWLINE+ properties+=Property)+
terminal PROPERTY_VALUE: (':' | '=') !('\n' | '\r')*;
terminal WS:
(' ' | '\t')+;
terminal NEWLINE:
// New line on DOS or Unix
'\r'? '\n';
terminal ID:
('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z') ('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '_' | '-' | '0'..'9')*;
terminal SL_COMMENT:
// Single line comment
'#' !('\n' | '\r')*;
Key is, that you do not try to cover the complete semantics only in the grammar but take other services into account, too. The terminal rule PROPERTY_VALUE consumes the complete value including leading assignment and optional trailing semicolon.
Now just register a value converter service for that language and take care of the insignificant parts of the input, there:
import org.eclipse.xtext.conversion.IValueConverter;
import org.eclipse.xtext.conversion.ValueConverter;
import org.eclipse.xtext.conversion.ValueConverterException;
import org.eclipse.xtext.conversion.impl.AbstractDeclarativeValueConverterService;
import org.eclipse.xtext.conversion.impl.AbstractIDValueConverter;
import org.eclipse.xtext.conversion.impl.AbstractLexerBasedConverter;
import org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.INode;
import org.eclipse.xtext.util.Strings;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
public class PropertyConverters extends AbstractDeclarativeValueConverterService {
private AbstractIDValueConverter idValueConverter;
#ValueConverter(rule = "ID")
public IValueConverter<String> ID() {
return idValueConverter;
private PropertyValueConverter propertyValueConverter;
#ValueConverter(rule = "PROPERTY_VALUE")
public IValueConverter<String> PropertyValue() {
return propertyValueConverter;
public static class PropertyValueConverter extends AbstractLexerBasedConverter<String> {
protected String toEscapedString(String value) {
return " = " + Strings.convertToJavaString(value, false);
public String toValue(String string, INode node) {
if (string == null)
return null;
try {
String value = string.substring(1).trim();
if (value.endsWith(";")) {
value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);
return value;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ValueConverterException(e.getMessage(), node, e);
The follow test case will succeed, after you registered the service in the runtime module like this:
public Class<? extends IValueConverterService> bindIValueConverterService() {
return PropertyConverters.class;
Test case:
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.eclipse.xtext.junit4.XtextRunner
import org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDslInjectorProvider
import org.eclipse.xtext.junit4.InjectWith
import org.junit.Test
import org.eclipse.xtext.junit4.util.ParseHelper
import com.google.inject.Inject
import org.xtext.example.mydsl.myDsl.PropertyFile
import static org.junit.Assert.*
class ParserTest {
ParseHelper<PropertyFile> helper
def void testSample() {
val file = helper.parse('''
a = Easy123
b : This *is* valid too;
# comment
c = Voilà # inline comments are ignored
assertEquals(2, file.sections.size)
val section1 = file.sections.head
assertEquals(2, section1.properties.size)
assertEquals("a", section1.properties.head.name)
assertEquals("Easy123", section1.properties.head.value)
assertEquals("b", section1.properties.last.name)
assertEquals("This *is* valid too", section1.properties.last.value)
val section2 = file.sections.last
assertEquals(1, section2.properties.size)
assertEquals("Voilà # inline comments are ignored", section2.properties.head.value)
The problem (or one problem anyway) with parsing a format like that is that, since the text part may contain = characters, a line like foo = bar will be interpreted as a single TEXT token, not an ID, followed by a '=', followed by a TEXT. I can see no way to avoid that without disallowing (or requiring escaping of) = characters in the text part.
If that is not an option, I think, the only solution would be to make a token type LINE that matches an entire line and then take that apart yourself. You'd do that by removing TEXT and ID from your grammar and replacing them with a token type LINE that matches everything up to the next line break or comment sign and must start with a valid ID. So something like this:
('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z') ('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '_' | '-' | '0'..'9')*
WS* '=' WS*
!('\r' | '\n' | '#')+
This token would basically replace your Property rule.
Of course this is a rather unsatisfactory solution as it will give you the entire line as a string and you still have to pick it apart yourself to separate the ID from the text part. It also prevents you from highlighting the ID part or the = sign as the entire line is one token and you can't highlight part of a token (as far as I know). Overall this does not buy you all that much over not using XText at all, but I don't see a better way.
As a workaround, I have changed
name=ID ':' value=ID ';'?;
Now, of course, = is not in conflict any more, but this is certainly not a good solution, because properties can usually defined with name=value
Edit: Actually, my input is a specific property file, and the properties are know in advance.
My code now looks like
'[' name=ID ']'
(NEWLINE (properties+=AbstractProperty)?)+;
| BDef
'A' (':'|'=') ID;
'B' (':'|'=') Float;
There is an extra benefit, the property names are know as keywords, and colored as such. However, autocompletion only suggest '[' :(

Why is this fsyacc input producing F# that does not compile?

My fsyacc code is giving a compiler error saying a variable is not found, but I'm not sure why. I was hoping someone could point out the issue.
open Ast
// The start token becomes a parser function in the compiled code:
%start start
// These are the terminal tokens of the grammar along with the types of
// the data carried by each token:
%token NAME
%token EOF
// This is the type of the data produced by a successful reduction of the 'start'
// symbol:
%type < Query > start
// These are the rules of the grammar along with the F# code of the
// actions executed as rules are reduced. In this case the actions
// produce data using F# data construction terms.
start: Query { Terms($1) }
| Term EOF { $1 }
| VOID { Void }
| NAME { Conc($1) }
| TICK NAME { Abst($2) }
| LPAREN Term RPAREN { Lmda($2) }
| Term ARROW Term { TermList($1, $3) }
The line | NAME {Conc($1)} and the following line both give this error:
error FS0039: The value or constructor '_1' is not defined
I understand the syntactic issue, but what's wrong with the yacc input?
If it helps, here is the Ast definition:
namespace Ast
open System
type Query =
| Terms of Term
and Term =
| Void
| Conc of String
| Abst of String
| Lmda of Term
| TermList of Term * Term
And the fslex input:
module Lexer
open System
open Parser
open Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing
let lexeme lexbuf =
LexBuffer<char>.LexemeString lexbuf
// These are some regular expression definitions
let name = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9']
let whitespace = [' ' '\t' ]
let newline = ('\n' | '\r' '\n')
rule tokenize = parse
| whitespace { tokenize lexbuf }
| newline { tokenize lexbuf }
// Operators
| "->" { ARROW }
| "'" { TICK }
| "void" { VOID }
// Misc
| "(" { LPAREN }
| ")" { RPAREN }
// Numberic constants
| name+ { NAME }
// EOF
| eof { EOF }
This is not FsYacc's fault. NAME is a valueless token.
You'd want to do these fixes:
%token NAME
%token <string> NAME
| name+ { NAME }
| name+ { NAME (lexeme lexbuf) }
Everything should now compile.
