Why is this fsyacc input producing F# that does not compile? - f#

My fsyacc code is giving a compiler error saying a variable is not found, but I'm not sure why. I was hoping someone could point out the issue.
open Ast
// The start token becomes a parser function in the compiled code:
%start start
// These are the terminal tokens of the grammar along with the types of
// the data carried by each token:
%token NAME
%token EOF
// This is the type of the data produced by a successful reduction of the 'start'
// symbol:
%type < Query > start
// These are the rules of the grammar along with the F# code of the
// actions executed as rules are reduced. In this case the actions
// produce data using F# data construction terms.
start: Query { Terms($1) }
| Term EOF { $1 }
| VOID { Void }
| NAME { Conc($1) }
| TICK NAME { Abst($2) }
| LPAREN Term RPAREN { Lmda($2) }
| Term ARROW Term { TermList($1, $3) }
The line | NAME {Conc($1)} and the following line both give this error:
error FS0039: The value or constructor '_1' is not defined
I understand the syntactic issue, but what's wrong with the yacc input?
If it helps, here is the Ast definition:
namespace Ast
open System
type Query =
| Terms of Term
and Term =
| Void
| Conc of String
| Abst of String
| Lmda of Term
| TermList of Term * Term
And the fslex input:
module Lexer
open System
open Parser
open Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing
let lexeme lexbuf =
LexBuffer<char>.LexemeString lexbuf
// These are some regular expression definitions
let name = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9']
let whitespace = [' ' '\t' ]
let newline = ('\n' | '\r' '\n')
rule tokenize = parse
| whitespace { tokenize lexbuf }
| newline { tokenize lexbuf }
// Operators
| "->" { ARROW }
| "'" { TICK }
| "void" { VOID }
// Misc
| "(" { LPAREN }
| ")" { RPAREN }
// Numberic constants
| name+ { NAME }
// EOF
| eof { EOF }

This is not FsYacc's fault. NAME is a valueless token.
You'd want to do these fixes:
%token NAME
%token <string> NAME
| name+ { NAME }
| name+ { NAME (lexeme lexbuf) }
Everything should now compile.


Breaking head over how to get position of token with a rule - ANTLR4 / grammar

I'm writing a little grammar using ANLTR, and I have a rule like this:
operation : OPERATION (IDENT | EXPR) ',' (IDENT | EXPR);
OPERATION : 'ADD' | 'SUB' | 'MUL' | 'DIV' ;
IDENT : [a-z]+;
INTEGER : [0-9]+ | '-'[0-9]+
FLOAT : [0-9]+'.'[0-9]+ | '-'[0-9]+'.'[0-9]+
Now in the listener inside Java, how do I determine in the case of such a scenario where an operation consist of both IDENT and EXPR the order in which they appear?
Obviously the rule can match both
ADD 10, d
ADD d, 10
But in the listener for the rule, generated by ANTLR4, if there is both IDENT() and EXPR() how to get their order, since I want to assign the left and right operands correctly.
Been breaking my head over this, is there any simple way or should I rewrite the rule itself? The ctx.getTokens () requires me to give the token type, which kind of defeats the purpose, since I cannot get the sequence of the tokens in the rule, if I specify their type.
You can do it like this:
operation : OPERATION lhs=(IDENT | EXPR) ',' rhs=(IDENT | EXPR);
and then inside your listener, do this:
public void enterOperation(TParser.OperationContext ctx) {
if (ctx.lhs.getType() == TParser.IDENT) {
// left hand side is an identifier
} else {
// left hand side is an expression
// check `rhs` the same way
where TParser comes from the grammar file T.g4. Change this accordingly.
Another solution would be something like this:
: OPERATION ident_or_expr ',' ident_or_expr
and then in your listener:
public void enterOperation(TParser.OperationContext ctx) {
Double lhs = findValueFor(ctx.ident_or_expr().get(0));
Double rhs = findValueFor(ctx.ident_or_expr().get(1));
private Double findValueFor(TParser.Ident_or_exprContext ctx) {
if (ctx.IDENT() != null) {
// it's an identifier
} else {
// it's an expression

Happy resolution of an error

In Regular Expressions, I can write:
And this will match the entire string in, for example
I try to simulate this with a token stream in Happy.
t : a wildcard b
wildcard : {- empty -} | wild wildcard
wild : a | b | c | d | whatever
However, the parser generated by Happy does not recognize
Is there a way around this/am I doing it wrong?
As you noted Happy uses an LALR(1) parser, which is noted in the documentation. You noted in the comments that changing to right recursion resolves the problem, but for the novice it might not be clear how that can be achieved. To change the recursion the wilcard wild is rewritten as wild wildcard, which results in the following file:
module ABCParser (parse) where
%tokentype { Char }
%token a { 'a' }
%token b { 'b' }
%token c { 'c' }
%token d { 'd' }
%token whatever { '\n' }
%name parse t
: a wildcard b
{ }
{ }
| wildcard wild
{ }
: a
{ }
| b
{ }
| c
{ }
| d
{ }
| whatever
{ }
Which now generates a working parser.

Debug parser by printing useful information

I would like to parse a set of expressions, for instance:X[3], X[-3], XY[-2], X[4]Y[2], etc.
In my parser.mly, index (which is inside []) is defined as follows:
| INTEGER { $1 }
| MINUS INTEGER { 0 - $2 }
The token INTEGER, MINUS etc. are defined in lexer as normal.
I try to parse an example, it fails. However, if I comment | MINUS INTEGER { 0 - $2 }, it works well. So the problem is certainly related to that. To debug, I want to get more information, in other words I want to know what is considered to be MINUS INTEGER. I tried to add print:
| INTEGER { $1 }
| MINUS INTEGER { Printf.printf "%n" $2; 0 - $2 }
But nothing is printed while parsing.
Could anyone tell me how to print information or debug that?
I tried coming up with an example of what you describe and was able to get output of 8 with what I show below. [This example is completely stripped down so that it only works for [1] and [- 1 ], but I believe it's equivalent logically to what you said you did.]
However, I also notice that your example's debug string in your example does not have an explicit flush with %! at the end, so that the debugging output might not be flushed to the terminal until later than you expect.
Here's what I used:
open Ytest
open Lexing
rule test =
"-" { MINUS }
| "1" { ONE 1 }
| "[" { LB }
| "]" { RB }
| [ ' ' '\t' '\r' '\n' ] { test lexbuf }
| eof { EOFTOKEN }
%token <int> ONE
%start item
%type <int> index item
ONE { 2 }
| MINUS ONE { Printf.printf "%n" 8; $2 }
item : LB index RB EOFTOKEN { $2 }
open Test;;
open Ytest;;
open Lexing;;
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
ignore (Ytest.item Test.test lexbuf)

semicolon as delimiter in custom grammar parsed by flex/bison

I'm trying to write a simple parser for a meta programming language.
Everything works fine, but I want to use ';' as statement delimiter and not newline or ommit the semicolon entirely.
So this is the expected behaviour:
// good code
v1 = v2;
v3 = 23;
should parse without errors
// bad code
v1 = v2
v3 = 23;
should fail
yet if I remove the 'empty' rule from separator both codes fail like this:
ID to ID
Error detected in parsing: syntax error, unexpected ID, expecting SEMICOLON
If I leave the 'empty' rule active, then both codes are accepted, which is not desired.
ID to ID // should raise error
ID to NUM;
Any help is welcome here, as most tutorials do not cover delimiters at all.
Here is a simplified version of my parser/lexxer:
#include "parser.tab.h"
num [0-9]
alpha [a-zA-Z_]
alphanum [a-zA-Z_0-9]
comment "//"[^\n]*"\n"
string \"[^\"]*\"
whitespace [ \t\n]
<INITIAL>"/*" {BEGIN(ML_COMMENT); printf("/*");}
<ML_COMMENT>"*/" {BEGIN(INITIAL); printf("*/");}
<ML_COMMENT>[.]+ { }
<ML_COMMENT>[\n]+ { printf("\n"); }
{comment}+ {printf("%s",yytext);}
{alpha}{alphanum}+ { yylval.str= strdup(yytext); return ID;}
{num}+ { yylval.str= strdup(yytext); return NUM;}
{string} { yylval.str= strdup(yytext); return STRING;}
';' {return SEMICOLON;}
"=" {return ASSIGNMENT;}
" "+ { }
<<EOF>> {exit(0); /* this is suboptimal */}
char *str;
%token <str> ID
%token <str> NUM
%token <str> STRING
%start input
input: /* empty */
| expression separator input
expression: assign
| error {}
separator: SEMICOLON
| empty
assign: ID ASSIGNMENT ID { printf("ID to ID"); }
| ID ASSIGNMENT NUM { printf("ID to NUM"); }
yyerror(char* str)
printf("Error detected in parsing: %s\n", str);
Compiled like this:
$>flex -t parser.l > parser.lex.yy.c
$>bison -v -d parser.y
$>cc parser.tab.c parser.lex.yy.c -lfl -o parser
Never mind... the problematic line was this one:
';' {return SEMICOLON;}
which required to be changed to
";" {return SEMICOLON;}
Now the behaviour is correct. :-)

Antlr whitespace token error

I have the following grammar and I want to match the String "{name1, name2}". I just want lists of names/intergers with at least one element. However I get the error:
line 1:6 no viable alternative at character ' '
line 1:11 no viable alternative at character '}'
line 1:7 mismatched input 'name' expecting SIMPLE_VAR_TYPE
I would expect whitespaces and such are ignored... Also interesting is the error does not occur with input "{name1,name2}" (no space after ',').
Heres my gramar
grammar NusmvInput;
options {
language = Java;
#header {
package secltlmc.grammar;
#lexer::header {
package secltlmc.grammar;
specification :
: ('0'..'9')+
: ('{' (NAME | INTEGER) (',' (NAME | INTEGER))* '}' )
: ('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z') ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '_' | '$' | '#' | '-')*
: (' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r')+ {$channel = HIDDEN;}
And this is my testing code
package secltlmc;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws
IOException, RecognitionException {
CharStream stream = new ANTLRStringStream("{name1, name2}");
NusmvInputLexer lexer = new NusmvInputLexer(stream);
CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
NusmvInputParser parser = new NusmvInputParser(tokenStream);
Thanks for your help.
The problem is that you are trying to parse SIMPLE_VAR_TYPE with the lexer, i.e. you are trying to make it a single token. In reality, it looks like you want a multi-token production, since you'd like whitespace to be re-directed to hidden channel through WS.
You should change SIMPLE_VAR_TYPE from a lexer rule to a parser rule by changing its initial letter (or better yet, the entire name) to lower case.
specification :
simple_var_type EOF
: ('{' (NAME | INTEGER) (',' (NAME | INTEGER))* '}' )
The defintion of SIMPLE_VAR_TYPE specifies the following expression:
Open {
followed by one of NAME or INTEGER
follwoed by zero or more of:
comma (,) followed by one of NAME or INTEGER
followed by closing }
Nowhere does it allow white-space in the input (neither NAME nor INTEGER allows it either), so you get an error when you supply one
: ('{' (NAME | INTEGER) (WS* ',' WS* (NAME | INTEGER))* '}' )
