iOS map kriging (interpolation) - ios

Is there any way (or framework) which will allow me to krig my map. I have a few sensors on my map, each with a value (which is dynamic), and based on that value the surrounding area should be painted with some color.
I would like the map to look something like this:
Any help or idea, for any type of kriging, is more than welcomed.


Spotfire Map Multiple Values in same geo code

Im drawing a simple map in spotfire using US cities as geo location. The values I want to show on the map is the location of 'specific gas stations' by the geo code.
For larger cities there are many but im only able to get one 'shape'. I can work on the coloring or size. But im interested to get all 5 dots next to each other or a call-out highlighting there are five..?
Is there a way to show all values, or does spotfire need to combine them?
I know I can get more details with lat/long but that is not an option.
are your shapes literally being combined? that shouldn't happen unless you are doing a "Marker by: City". double check this setting.
if they aren't being literally combined into one point on the map, but instead they are sitting on top of each other, you could adjust the jitter settings on your Marker Layer (check the Appearance page in the Properties dialog) to spread them out a little bit.
if that doesn't suit your needs, and the former case is true, please update your question with some screencaps of your map chart's configuration and I'll see if I can provide a better answer :)

L.polygon boundings in leafletjs

I have several markers in a map, I want to color the area inside the maps of a different color. I've tried L.multiPolygon , L.polygon, L.rectangle, but nothing does but I want. I guess my only option is to calculate the boundings of all the markers and draw the polygon based on these points, right ?
Here the code
<c:forEach var="marker" items="${markers}" varStatus="rowIndex">
var marker${rowIndex.index} = L.marker([${},${marker.lng}],{icon: yellowIcon,title: '${marker.title}'}).addTo(mymap)
.bindPopup( "${marker.HTMLMarkerPopupCode}").openPopup();
storeCoordinate(${}, ${marker.lng}, polygonPoints);
var polygon = L.polygon(polygonPoints);
polygon.setStyle({fillColor: '#0000FF'});
polygon.setStyle({color: 'red'});
polygon.setStyle({fillOpacity: 0.5});
I would like to achieve something similar to this picture:
You can use L.Polygon as well.
Just do something like this:
var polygon = L.polygon([
], {
fillColor: '#f03' // My custom color here
Not sure exactly what you are trying to achieve?
You might be interested in computing the Convex Hull of your markers area.
In that case, you should be able to find some JavaScript implementations on the Internet. E.g., you can look at how it is done in Leaflet.markercluster plugin:
As for creating Convex Hull, you could also use Turf, in particular turf.convex.
Turf also provides you with plenty other functionalities, including turf.concave.

Can we add multiple values on balloon marker with image in ios-charts?

I am using ios-charts and i added one value to balloon marker,
now i wish to add two values in two line in balloon marker and also wants to add two dots before that two values, i have implemented it in objective c.
I want to change balloon marker font color as well
So is it possible to implement in iOS charts ?
I would say it's definitely possible, but how easily you can do it is what you need to think about.
Balloon marker is just a example of how to use ChartMakrer. You can of course sub class ChartMarker and make your own.
I would consider render all your values and dots into one image, and assign it to ChartMarker's image property.

Custom SVG marker, dependent on data

I can add a custom SVG element to a chart like the wind arrows in the meteogram example. Note how the look of each individual wind arrow is customized with the parameters (a) wind speed and (b) direction.
I can also place custom SVG markers on to a series like the cross in the custom markers demo.
The latter approach has the advantage that if I have a zoom-able chart (Highstock) the markers will stay where they are supposed to be when zooming/panning. However, the latter example does not allow parameter dependent customization of the SVG marker!
Is there a way to combine these two? As in, I want custom SVG markers, that are bound to the series but whose shape is determined by other external parameters.

get info about a CGpath, UIBezierPath?

I have a series of paths, mostly straight lines, or almost straight lines.
I'd like to categorize them as horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and also the direction in which they are drawn (up->down, down->up, left->right, right->left etc). some of the lines are L shaped, and I'd like that info too.
this can probably be done if i knew the endpoints of the path, but i don't know how to extract that info. Also, I need more than that for L shaped lines since the endpoints would indicate a diagonal. I've looked on all the reference pages, and can't find that sort of info.
so, if you know that, or another way to get the information i'm looking for ... thanks
The only way you can access the underlying structure is using the CGPathApply method on it. You pass a C function that is passed each of the elements(CGPathElement) in the bezier path. You should be able to discern what type of line it is in that method.
There is a good example on using CGPathApply. It's not exactly what you need but looks like a good starting point.
