Is it possible to install Docker container in Windows -32 bit systems? - docker

I am getting error as Docker needs 64bit configuration, is there any way where i can install docker in 32 bit systems. It's a 32 bit i3 processor having windows 7 machine.

As per the document of docker, it says that you can install it only on 64 bit machine.
But there is another solution if you don't have a 64 bit machine. Just use the below url to play with docker (it's official site) it works like a charm
Docker play
Edit 1: Please note that this is only for practise purpose, Once your session is over your work will be lost.
Edit 2: I have found a very interesting site to practise docker kodekloud

The first step to getting this whole setup to work is installing Oracle’s VirtualBox on the host system. Once the installation is complete, installing docker-machine is as simple as running the following in an Administrative PowerShell session:
choco install docker-machine -y
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
docker-machine env | Invoke-Expression
For more details You can follow this blog.

No, this is not possible for current versions of the docker.
This was possible for early versions of docher (boot2docker 32bit iso), but the project is closed and thoroughly killed


Any reason not to remove Docker as default WSL distro?

I have the latest version of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) installed, but when I run wsl from the command line I get the following error:
An error occurred mounting one of your file systems. Please run ‘dmesg’ for more details.
I hunted down a few possible explanations and one is the possibility that Docker is set as my default wsl. Sure enough, when I run wsl -l -v, the response is:
* docker-desktop-data | Stopped | 2
docker-desktop | Stopped | 2
To correct this, I am told to change the default from Docker to something else with the command wsl -s distroName where “distroName” should be changed to … something.
So I have two questions:
What should I type instead of “distroName”?
Will Docker Desktop still perform as intended if I do this?
If you're not using WSL for anything other than Docker Desktop, then it really doesn't matter.
But since you attempted to run wsl, it sounds like you may want to try it out. In that case, you should definitely install a WSL distribution that is meant for interactive use.
The docker-desktop and docker-desktop-data distributions aren't really intended to be accessed directly by the user, but one of them will get set as default if you don't have any other distribution installed. There's a proposal to have a way for Docker to set these as "hidden" so that WSL wouldn't automatically set either as default.
What should I type instead of “distroName”?
First, install a user distribution. Which one you choose is up to you, but I typically recommend Ubuntu for first-time installs. When installing WSL on recent Windows releases, it should be the default.
It's installable via the Microsoft Store -- Just find the one that says "Ubuntu" (with no version number). It will install the latest release.
Then, in PowerShell;
wsl --set-default Ubuntu
Will Docker Desktop still perform as intended if I do this?
Absolutely -- It's really an error/corner-case/oversight that docker-desktop-data ever gets set as default anyway, which is why it's nice that the WSL team is considering a method to prevent this.

Docker for windows missing quick start terminal

I installed the latest version of Docker for windows in my windows 10 machine. It seems the new Docker Desktop toolbox doesn't contain the Quick start terminal. Every documentation says to check the quick start terminal option at the time of installation. I dont see any option to check that option with the latest Docker toolbox.
Is there any way we could install Quick start terminal for windows.
Or are there any other alternate to the QS terminal. My objective is to build, tag and push / pull docker images to a gitlab registry. Powershell, command promt doesn't work because its a windows machine.
with the new Docker-for-desktop versions there's no need for the added toolbox as marked here
Legacy desktop solution. Docker Toolbox is for older Mac and Windows
systems that do not meet the requirements of Docker for Mac and
Docker for Windows. We recommend updating to the newer applications,
if possible.
You can just open any typical terminal in your OS of choice and use the docker cli if you can't remember the exact usage try docker --help 😉

Docker for Windows installed WSL2 without apt

I'm trying to work on a project, and the setup steps begin like this:
Clone the repo
Set up Docker
Run make
Being a Windows user, I installed Docker for Windows, and it installed WSL2 to get all the Linux stuff set up. But when I went to run make from the WSL shell, it couldn't find it. So I tried to get make from apt-get... and that wasn't there either!
It would appear that my WSL2 install is broken. Unfortunately, Googling for it hasn't turned up much of use. So how do I obtain apt for WSL so that I can build my toolchain?
Something similar happened to me: I installed Docker Desktop in Windows some months ago and it configured WSL to run behind it. However, it was WSL version 1 instead of version 2, and it did not install any Linux distro, since both apps run on top of WSL.
So please, go through the tutorial on the manual installation of WSL to check if all the steps are actually configured.
Before that, you can already check what version of WSL you have installed and its state, by running, in CMD or PowerShell:
wsl -l -v
After you set WSL v2 as your default version (Step 5 of the tutorial), you can make sure that Docker Desktop uses it. For that, check this link on the Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend, more specifically the Install section.
Regarding the make part of your setup, I believe that you can do that in a system of your preference. If you want to do that on WSL, I recommend you install Ubuntu running over your WSL (Step 6 of the tutorial).
Once you installed Ubuntu or other distro, you can run it as any other app. There, you can manage your apt, make and other installations right as in Linux :)

Docker for linux is giving error

I am new learner for Docker.I have a very simple question.
I want my application to work on Linux system but I am writing application in Windows.So do I need to install Docker for Windows or Linux?
If I run using Docker for Linux,i am not getting option to run in windows and it is getting failed(I understand it might be some other unrelated error) but I need to confirm if my approach is correct or not.
Am I right in installing Docker for Linux?
Also,in case I plan to move to AWS, what docker I need in that case.
Consider docker as any software. if your OS is windows you install windows version of a software. if your is a linux distro then you install linux version of a software.
So you need to install docker for windows afterwards you can install any docker image/container you want under your operating system. Could be windows, linux or anything else.

Docker installation error on windows

I am trying to install Docker client on windows but when i start the installer i get the below pop up .
Can someone please guide me what should the solution to this issue be.
I am using windows 7 enterprise, 64 bit.
Thanks in advance.
Docker requires Windows 10. If you are using Windows 7, use Docker toolbox from the following location
As you install the toolbox, automatically the VM virtual box also will get installed. Atleast, that is what happened to me.
After installation, my docker container did not start properly.
So, I uninstalled the VM virtual box, installed it again, then started the kitematic and it was all a great flow to see my docker up and running!
Couple of the links that helped me gain better understanding:
