[google-assistant-sdk]-Google Assistant demo - google-assistant-sdk

I am trying to install Google Assistant SDK on raspberry Pi 3. I have followed all the steps which are mentioned on the developer page.Whenever I am trying to run
google-assistant-demo command I am getting following error.

You have to give the argument like project id and device model id to run the model. Those ids can be found by the registered app on action.google.com.

I just got this working on My Pi this morning. I found that in the .asoundrc file in the /Home/pi folder had extra lines in it that was switching the configuration. This caused the sample files to not run properly and gave me an error relating to permissions. Once I fixed that it all worked fine.
I know you said that you followed the developers page. Just want to make sure that we used the same one. It worked great for me. after I setup the security access on my google account. https://developers.google.com/assistant/sdk/guides/library/python/embed/setup
I hope that helps, if not know that at least I tried.

I recommend you register a new device and then write down or copy to a text file the Device model ID. It appears when you run registration of a new device. Link: I had the same problems i believe it is made up of parts of project id and product name. But i will run the setup again later this week and post my results if i get it to work.


App store upload fails, even though bundle identifier is correct

I have a project for which I get:
"App Store Connect Operation Error"
"No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'XXX.XXX-XXX' is correct."
However, the store listing exists and if my coworker does the upload it works fine.
We have no idea how to get it to work from my computer. Other projects seems to work fine.
Additional information:
So far the store listing exists, but only available on test flight.
We have tried upgrading my XCode to be the same version as my coworker's.
We have tried editing my account details in my xcode. We gave up on that and then added my coworker's account details as well (weird, I know, but we are getting desperate).
I havent made a change to the project, I simply download and archive + upload and then i get this error.
Please, any hints or ideas would be great!
OK, so it turns out the problem was that one of the accounts (under XCode > Preferences > Accounts), did not have permissions to this particular app. What is weird, though, is that the four other accounts here DID have access permissions to this app. We aren't sure how XCode decides which account to try and use - but after giving that particular account the correct permissions, everything worked fine.
Will investigate more and maybe update this answer in the future - but, there you have it. Maybe it helps someone else in the future.

Visual Studio Deploying to Hololens Access is Denied

I am trying to deploy to Hololens 2. I followed all of the documentation located here for deploying from USB, but when I go to Debug .> Start without Debugging, I get the following error message:
Unable to activate Windows Store app. 'Template3D__pzq3xp76mxafg!App'.
The activation request failed with error 'Access is Denied'.
Has anyone else gotten this error before? How did you solve it? There doesn't seem to be any documentation anywhere.
The error message may be caused by various different reasons. And for now, we guess that the issue may happens when VS is trying to activate another app with the same package name on your HoloLens. So, we think the following steps worth trying for you.
Uninstall the existing app with the same name on your HoloLens.
Rebuild your Unity project to another empty folder, then open the UWP project with VS.
Update the DisplayName and Package name property in the Package.appxmainfest file with another name.
In my case, uninstalling the app and deleting the existing build folder didn't help. The solution was very simple: You need to be signed in on the Hololens 2 and keep it on your head. I'm using a PIN for my account and also paired the Hololens and allowed the developer options. I just tried several times to confirm and without logging in, I get exactly the described error. I'm deploying over USB.

Build iOS app locally without a developer account

I'm just trying out iOS development and no way willing to pay $99 to try out something. I have a running project that works on android and I wanted to see how it looks on iPhone but it seems I'm stuck on all sides.
First of all, I've installed Sidekick and setup Nativescript on the mac and tns doctor reports no issues (I originally made the project on Windows with Android phone). Now I'm trying to do a local build but I get an error:
[18-10-19 22:49:00.401] Error detected during LiveSync on 9991865793b34ae30366571031b6c251590c222a for /Users/vipulk/Documents/YO. Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/Users/vipulk/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/'
I think this is related to certificates and provisioning profiles. I thought you didn't needed those for local builds. Anyways, The sidekick's Auto Generate is of no use either as it doesn't work with 2FA accounts.
I tried to use this guide to create these files manually. I created the csr file but step 6 asks you to go to this page which asks you to use your development program. Again, don't have that.
The cloud build also needs certificates.
What do I do?
The NativeScript Book has two chapters at the end on iOS deployment, and they address your question, though they don't use sidekick. But, hey, nothing wrong with the good old {N} CLI.

GoogleService-Info.plist not created

I'm upgrading from an earlier version of Google Analytics for my iOS app and when I follow the instructions here, I click the button to create a configuration file and nothing happens. Anyone else experience this? Is there a default GoogleService-Info.plist that I can use and customize?
Seems to be a bug on their site. It worked for me 2 weeks ago. However you have already found Googles Guide - the config file does not contain any complicated settings, however you can download the Sample Apps and get your initial GoogleService-Info.plist file from there:
pod try Google
Steps for getting configuration if your first time login to google developer account.
1. open google developer console.
2. login to developer console.
3. create project with valid name.
4. then goto the API section & enable GCM API.
5. Then get the configuration file.
Thanks for the suggestions, looks like they would work for others. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get Cocoa Pods to upgrade the analytics, so I switched tactics and used the sdk directly. This worked fine, hopefully others have better luck!

Google plus SDK for iOS gives error file not found?

I'm using Google plus sdk for login using Google plus in my app. Every thing is working perfectly on my machine(i tested even other machine in my office), but i gave the source code to client. Where project failed to build, giving Google plus files not found.I checked source code on remote machine via TV and it seems every thing ok for me.But code failed to build.
Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.
here is screenshot of framework search path in target build setting
Edit: I found that the same code not running in one of my machine which we don't use for iOS developement, just installed xcode 6.1 and tried to build and i got same problem which my client facing.
So is it some xcode setup related problem(also my client is not technical guy he just want to be sure that i given him correct code so i think he is also using xcode very first time in his machine :P).
As you have not posted full error message,
I can only predict that "Library Search Paths" is set to your local path.
So, check if it's set relatively, like in this screenshot (NOT full path like "/Users/Bharat/Documents/XcodeProjects/YourProject/Libraries")
