How to immediately completely stop an application and show a message? - delphi

When my application needs to make an emergency stop, I could call Halt or ExitProcess to terminate it immediately. This shouldn't happen quietly, though; the user needs to be shown a message. Therefore I looked to FatalAppExit but was surprised that it keeps everything (timers, threads) running until the user has closed the dialog.
I understand that showing a UI owned by the process requires the process to keep running. The UI does not need to be owned by my process, however. The dialog presented by FatalAppExit seems to be owned by Windows, even though it keeps the process running as well.
The main problem with FatalAppExit is that it's blocking—I want the dialog but not wait for confirmation—so I still can't terminate right after. To circumvent this, I'd have to start a thread that calls FatalAppExit, wait for a bit and then terminate the process. Not liking the race condition there.
I could also launch a process of my own to show the message, but I'd rather not if Windows can handle it.
Does Windows provide means to both terminate and show a friendly message at the same time? Any other suggestions to handle this as cleanly as possible?

As far as I know the only option here is to start an external process that displays the message and terminate immediately. You could write your own program for that purpose (which might be the easiest option) or you could start a batch file like this:
msg "%USERNAME%" %*
This sends a message to the given user (%USERNAME% is the currently logged on user) and uses all parameters passed to it as the actual message.
Personally I would write my own program, so I could write a log entry and do other stuff if it becomes necessary later.

You can have a global variable, such as
var ShutdownMessage: string;
When you need to terminate with an error, do:
ShutdownMessage := 'Error occured';
and in the dpr file after Application.Run:
if ShutdownMessage <> '' then
MessageBox(0, PChar(ShutdownMessage), 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
Then the message will be shown after all forms closed and main loop exited.
Or, if that fails, you can try to raise an exception after Application.Run - it should be propagated to OS


TidCustomTCPServer.Active := False, never returns

I downloaded some interesting code from Indy 10 TIdTCPServer and compiled and ran it. It's a bit messy and it probably needs work but it's a good foundation for something interesting. At least I don't have to post all the code here. Anyway, I decided that the ExampleServer needs to be de-activated first, not just freed in OnDestroy. So I added:
procedure TServerPushExampleForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject);
ExampleServer.Active := False; // bug here - never returns
To try to debug this, I added IdCustomTCPServer.pas to the project and stepped into it.
An exception is raised in TIdCustomTCPServer.StopListening; at the line LListener.WaitFor; This exception is trapped in the exception handler in TIdListenerThread.Run; but the E.message isn't retrieved there, so I had to modify the code there to get the message:
"Operation Aborted"
I traced it further after that, but the code execution eventually comes back to the same exception handler.
Is this a bug or is it just better to never set the Active property to False? In my tests, if I close the app and let the RTL manage all the free'ing. The infinite loop doesn't occur (the app does actually close)
The exception is normal behavior.
Indy uses blocking sockets.
TIdListenerThread runs a loop waiting for clients to connect. Each wait is a blocking operation.
When the server is being deactivated, it closes its listening socket(s), causing pending socket operations to abort, and then the listening thread(s) are terminated. The abort exception is handled internally.
The server's destructor also sets Active=False, so whether you deactivate explicitly or not, the server will be deactivated.
This, in if itself, is not causing your hang. Typically, the only way setting Active=False can ever hang is if a server event handler tries to sync with the main UI thread synchronously while the main thread is blocked waiting for the server to deactivate. Classic deadlock scenario.
That does not appear to be the case in the demo you linked to, though (the only sync being used is asynchronous instead). So, something else is likely going on that your debugging hasn't reveiled yet. There should be no hang.

How to wait for termination of itself

my currently running application (A1) needs to be terminated but as well as run some other application (A2). But I need to run application A2 after fully terminated of A1. Now I have something like this:
wait(2000); <<<<<<<
To be more exact - I need to call installation (A2) and want to be sure A1 is not running, because A2 is installation of A1. Please imagine that termination could last more time or it shows some modal dialog...
Is there any easy way how to do it (wait for it)? Of course without communication with or changing of A2! A2 could be anything else in the future.
I need to call installation (A2) and want to be sure A1 is not running.
This is impossible. You cannot execute code in a process that has terminated. Once the process has terminated there is nothing that can execute code.
You'll need a new process. Start the new process with the sole task of waiting on its parent to terminate, and then do whatever is needed once the parent has terminated.
If want to make a proper installer/updater program don't worry about when and how do you execute it but instead how it will detect if your application is running or not.
Now if your main application already has a mechanizm to prevent starting of multiple instances of your application you already have half the work done. How?
Such mechanizms publish the information about an instance of your application already running to be available by other programs.
Most common appraoch to do so is by registering a named Mutex. So when second instance of your application starts it finds out that it can't create a new Mutex with the same name becouse one already exists. So now in most cases second instance of your application sends a custom message to the first instance to bring that instance to the front (restore application) and then closes itself.
If you want to read more about different mechanizms to controling how many instances of your application can be running at the same time I suggest you check the next article:
So how do you use such mechanizm for your installer/updater?
Just as you would check in second instance of your application to see if another instance is already running you check this in your installer/updater instead. You don't even need to do this schecking at the start of installer/updater. You can do it even later (downloading the update files first).
If there is an instance of your application running you broadcast a custom message. But this message is different from the one that one instance would send to another.
This will now tell your application that it is about to be updated so it should begin the closing procedure.
If you form this custom message in such a way that it also contains information about your installer/updater application.handle you give yourself the ability for your main application to send a return response in which it notifies the installer/updater in which state it is. For instnace:
asClosing (main application is just about to close)
asWaitinUserInput (main application is waiting for user to confirm save for instance)
asProcessing (main application is doing some lengthy processing so it can't shut down at this time)
And if there is no response in certain amount of time your installer could asume that your main application might be hung so it notifies the user that automatic closure of main application has failed and so that the user should close it manually and then retry the updating process.
Using such approach would allow you to start your installer/updater at any time during execution of your main application.
And not only that. You can start your installer/updater by double clicking its executable, by a shourtcut, by some other application or even by a windows task system.

try/except doesn't seem to capture exceptions - Delphi Service Application

I have a service written in Delphi 2007 in which I'm trying capture any unknown exceptions. Assigning a method to the on exception doesn't seem to work ('Forms.Application.OnException:=UnknownApplicationException'). The 'UnknownApplicationException' doesn't appear to get called - I attribute this to the fact that there is no form in the application so the method never actually gets assigned. Aside from this, I've also tried creating an exception on a timer (after commenting out 'Forms.Application.OnException:=UnknownApplicationException' so that it does not interfere). The timer triggers 60 seconds after the service has started up:
procedure TProcessScheduler.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
Raise Exception.Create('THIS GIG SUCKS');
The exception never seems to get captured - the service starts up and after 60 seconds when this timer triggers, I hear a windows error sound but don't see any error dialog - perhaps this could be due to the fact that the application is a service? The 'Halt' never gets called and the application keeps running (i assume its waiting for someone to click ok on the invisible error dialog that it created). Any ideas why the code under the 'except' doesn't get called? Thanks in advance! KP
Reassigning Forms.Application.OnException is a bad idea, as TServiceApplication.Run() does this itself. You either do it before, then your assignment won't have an effect, or you do it afterwards, in which case you remove the exception handling mechanism that has been put into place.
If you leave the handling in place, then all exceptions will be logged to the Windows Event Logger, which seems a reasonable thing to do from a service.
A couple of notes:
As you are raising an exception within a try-except block, it should not trigger any Application.OnException handler, simply because the exception isn't unhandled.
How have you determined that the Halt doesn't get called? Does the exception get logged through your LogEvent?
In a Service application ExitCode and Halt don't function the way you would expect them to in a normal windows application. A service isn't stopped by calling halt, it should be stopped by going through the Windows' Service Control Manager.
If the except part of your try-except block is indeed not reached, it means that Windows has cut in because something has happened that it isn't happy with. That could be something in the LogEvent method you are calling. If that shows a dialog or if that raises an exception as well, the ExitCode and Halt won't be reached.
A service doesn't normally have a desktop associated with it, so showing dialogs isn't going to work.
If you need the service to show dialogs (bad idea by the way, services are intended to run without user interaction), you need to make it interactive and have it run under another user account than the normal "system" account that services run under. You do this through the services manager.
Why are you setting Forms.Application? AFAIK a service uses the Application variable declared in SvcMgr, which is declared as:
Application: TServiceApplication = nil;
Moreover a service should not display any dialog, it may not have access to the user desktop, and your dialog will hang the service. There are ways to display a dialog anyway, but services could also run when no human user is watching the screen.
Log events to the event log (or if you don't like it to a file, but the event log has several useful features, including remote access).
I create my own version of the SvcMgr.pas file to eliminate the in-place hook to the Application global exception handler so that I can instantiate my own. I do this because 1) I could find no other simple way of doing this, and 2) since this unit is a stand-alone unit that is only included with Windows Services then the effect on other units is minimal. You can download the code from my web-site to see how this works.

Multithreaded (TThread) Delphi application will not terminate

I have written an application (using Delphi 2009) that allows a user to select a series of queries which can be run across a number of different systems. In order to allow queries to be run concurrently, each query is run in its own thread, using a TADOQuery object. This all works fine.
The problem that I have is when I try to close the application when a query is still running (and therefore a separate thread is active). When I create each thread, I record the thread's THandle in an array. When I try to close the application, if any threads are still running, I retrieve the thread's handle and pass it to TerminateThread, which should theoretically terminate the thread and allow the application to close. However, this doesn't happen. The main form's onClose event is triggered and it looks like the application is closing, but the process remains active and my Delphi interface appears as though the application is still running (i.e. "Run" button greyed out, debug view active etc.). I don't get control back to Delphi until I manually end the process (either Ctrl-F2 in Delphi or via Task Manager).
I am using TerminateThread because the query can take a long time to run (a few minutes in cases where we're dealing with a million or so records, which in the end user environment is perfectly possible) and while it is running, unless I'm mistaken, the thread won't be able to check the Terminated property and therefore won't be able to end itself if this were set to True until the query had returned, so I can't terminate the thread in the usual way (i.e. by checking the Terminated property). It may be the case that the user wants to exit the application while a large query is running, and in that case, I need the application to immediately end (i.e. all running threads immediately terminate) rather than forcing them to wait until all queries have finished running, so TerminateThread would be ideal but it isn't actually terminating the thread!
Can anyone help out here? Does anyone know why TerminateThread doesn't work properly? Can anyone suggest anything to get the threads running large ADO queries to immediately terminate?
You should be able to cancel an ADO Query by hooking the OnFetchProgress event, and setting the Eventstatus variable to esCancel. This should cause your query to terminate and allow the thread to close gracefully without having to resort to using TerminateThread.
Instead of using threads with TADOQuery, maybe you should consider using the async options of ADO.
ADOQuery1.ExecuteOptions := [eoAsyncExecute, eoAsyncFetch, eoAsyncFetch];
Then when your application close, you can call :
As you can read in the msdn using TerminateThread is dangerous.
TerminateThread is a dangerous
function that should only be used in
the most extreme cases. You should
call TerminateThread only if you know
exactly what the target thread is
doing, and you control all of the code
that the target thread could possibly
be running at the time of the
But it also is very effective in killing threads. Are you sure you are right in your conclusions? Maybe the thread is killed, but another thread is still running? Maybe your handles are not thread handles? Could you show us some code? Or even better: A small working example we could try for ourselves?

postthreadmessage and peekmessage problem in delphi 2006

I created a multichilded application. The application windows (W[n]: TMyWindows) are all the same and all have an private object class instance associated with them (E: TMyObject).
The child windows generate through this objects some messages. I have created in the main application two threads which process these messages depending on the content of the messages. For example lets have the following asynchronous calls:
the TMyObject.Service(servicetype) is
case servicetype of
thread1service: PostThreadMessage(thread1id,...);
thread2service: PostThreadMessage(thread2id,...);
Now, in the Execute Method of each thread i have something like that:
while not terminated do
if peekmessage(msg,0,thread1message_1,thread1message_n,pm_remove) then
process message
do other things;
All goes fine exept that the second thread doesn't receive any messages.
Do you have any idea why?
I would check to make sure that the range you are supplying to PeekMessage() is valid. Try putting zeros in instead to receive all messages, like this:
PeekMessage(msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)
If that doesn't work, I would check the result of the PostThreadMessage() function... It may be that the thread hasn't called PeekMessage() yet, that's what prompts windows to create the message queue for you.
As stated in this article (under "Remarks"), you can either check the result of the call to PostThreadMessage(), and Sleep() if it fails, or use an event to signal to the main thread that the child thread is ready to receive messages.
So, I had to give up as I didn't find any rational explanation.
I've decided to send messages using a critical section with event signaling to tell the working threads that they have a message to process. Unfortunately, this means that the main thread have to check that the working thread processes any message before sending a new one.
I know this is an old question, but I have just had a similar problem in our code. We are running Delphi 2006 on Win 7 64-bit and the code in question involved a DLL communicating to a separate application via peekmessage/postthreadmessage.
I eventually managed to trace the issue down to administrator rights being granted either to the application or to Delphi. Compatibility mode also causes the problem to surface, as it requires admin rights to be granted. If admin rights are granted, the admin thread could communicate to the non-admin thread, but the non-admin thread could not then post a message back to the thread with admin privileges. The PostThreadMessage call on the non-admin app was reporting success, but the message never appeared in the target app's message queue.
I haven't solved the problem, but fortunately was able to run the application in normal mode, so it wasn't an issue other than the lost time in chasing it down.
