try/except doesn't seem to capture exceptions - Delphi Service Application - delphi

I have a service written in Delphi 2007 in which I'm trying capture any unknown exceptions. Assigning a method to the on exception doesn't seem to work ('Forms.Application.OnException:=UnknownApplicationException'). The 'UnknownApplicationException' doesn't appear to get called - I attribute this to the fact that there is no form in the application so the method never actually gets assigned. Aside from this, I've also tried creating an exception on a timer (after commenting out 'Forms.Application.OnException:=UnknownApplicationException' so that it does not interfere). The timer triggers 60 seconds after the service has started up:
procedure TProcessScheduler.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
Raise Exception.Create('THIS GIG SUCKS');
The exception never seems to get captured - the service starts up and after 60 seconds when this timer triggers, I hear a windows error sound but don't see any error dialog - perhaps this could be due to the fact that the application is a service? The 'Halt' never gets called and the application keeps running (i assume its waiting for someone to click ok on the invisible error dialog that it created). Any ideas why the code under the 'except' doesn't get called? Thanks in advance! KP

Reassigning Forms.Application.OnException is a bad idea, as TServiceApplication.Run() does this itself. You either do it before, then your assignment won't have an effect, or you do it afterwards, in which case you remove the exception handling mechanism that has been put into place.
If you leave the handling in place, then all exceptions will be logged to the Windows Event Logger, which seems a reasonable thing to do from a service.

A couple of notes:
As you are raising an exception within a try-except block, it should not trigger any Application.OnException handler, simply because the exception isn't unhandled.
How have you determined that the Halt doesn't get called? Does the exception get logged through your LogEvent?
In a Service application ExitCode and Halt don't function the way you would expect them to in a normal windows application. A service isn't stopped by calling halt, it should be stopped by going through the Windows' Service Control Manager.
If the except part of your try-except block is indeed not reached, it means that Windows has cut in because something has happened that it isn't happy with. That could be something in the LogEvent method you are calling. If that shows a dialog or if that raises an exception as well, the ExitCode and Halt won't be reached.
A service doesn't normally have a desktop associated with it, so showing dialogs isn't going to work.
If you need the service to show dialogs (bad idea by the way, services are intended to run without user interaction), you need to make it interactive and have it run under another user account than the normal "system" account that services run under. You do this through the services manager.

Why are you setting Forms.Application? AFAIK a service uses the Application variable declared in SvcMgr, which is declared as:
Application: TServiceApplication = nil;
Moreover a service should not display any dialog, it may not have access to the user desktop, and your dialog will hang the service. There are ways to display a dialog anyway, but services could also run when no human user is watching the screen.
Log events to the event log (or if you don't like it to a file, but the event log has several useful features, including remote access).

I create my own version of the SvcMgr.pas file to eliminate the in-place hook to the Application global exception handler so that I can instantiate my own. I do this because 1) I could find no other simple way of doing this, and 2) since this unit is a stand-alone unit that is only included with Windows Services then the effect on other units is minimal. You can download the code from my web-site to see how this works.


Recurrent exception in Delphi TService on W10 and Server 2012r2

I am working on a Delphi application using the TService functionalities.
It is a large project that was started by someone else.
The application uses several separate threads for processing, communicating with clients, database access, etc. The application’s main job is to poll regularly (every 2-300ms) certain devices and, a couple times a day, execute specific actions.
Now somewhere there is an unhandled exception for which I cannot seem to find the cause:
According to the debugger, the faulting method is System.Classes.StdWndProc.
This also seems to be confirmed by analyzing the crash dump file with WinDbg.
After numerous tests and debugging, I noticed that the crash happened on my dev computer every day at almost the same time.
I looked at the windows log and found this event:
This, coupled with the fact that the stack trace from Delphi indicates that a message with ID=26 (WM_WININICHANGE) was processed, made me believe that there might be something wrong with my usage of FormatDateTime() or DateTimeToStr() when regional settings are reloaded.
I checked every call and made sure to be using the thread-safe overload with a local instance of TFormatSettings.
However today the service crashed again.
A few points that I think are worth mentioning:
The application is also installed on a Windows 2008 server and has
been running OK for over a month.
On 2012r2 I tried forcing DEP off, but it didn’t change anything.
The service’s OnExecute() method is not implemented. I create a base thread in TService. ServiceStart() which then in turn creates the main data module and all the other threads.
The service is not marked as interactive and is executed with the Local System account.
All data modules are created with AOwner=nil.
With a special parameter, the application can be started a normal windowed application with a main form (which is created only in this case). The exception does not seem to happen when running in GUI mode.
Almost all threads have a message pump and use PostThreadMessage() to exchange information. There are no window handle allocations anywhere.
I have checked the whole project and there are no timers or message dialogs or other graphical components anywhere.
I have activated range as well as overflow checking and found no issues.
I am a loss for what to do here. I have checked and re-checked the code several times without finding anything that could explain the error.
Looking online I found several reports that seem to be pertinent to my situation, but none that actually explains what is going on:
Before taking everything apart I would like to know if anyone experienced anything similar or has any tips.
Edit: looking at the call stack and the first method executed I am thinking of the TApplication instance that is used in TService.
LPARAM is always 648680.
LPARAM is a pointer to a string (you can cast it to PChar).
You could try to catch WM_SETTINGS_CHANGE and log anytime it's processing.
I think you could use TApplicationEvents component. The component has OnSettingsChange event. The event provides a setting area name (section name) and a flag that points to changed parameter.
Have a look at doc-wiki.
There is a full list of possible parameters.
I did not test it, but maybe you can use Abort procedure in OnSettingsChange event handler to stop the message distribution. Of course it's not a solution, but it may work.

How to immediately completely stop an application and show a message?

When my application needs to make an emergency stop, I could call Halt or ExitProcess to terminate it immediately. This shouldn't happen quietly, though; the user needs to be shown a message. Therefore I looked to FatalAppExit but was surprised that it keeps everything (timers, threads) running until the user has closed the dialog.
I understand that showing a UI owned by the process requires the process to keep running. The UI does not need to be owned by my process, however. The dialog presented by FatalAppExit seems to be owned by Windows, even though it keeps the process running as well.
The main problem with FatalAppExit is that it's blocking—I want the dialog but not wait for confirmation—so I still can't terminate right after. To circumvent this, I'd have to start a thread that calls FatalAppExit, wait for a bit and then terminate the process. Not liking the race condition there.
I could also launch a process of my own to show the message, but I'd rather not if Windows can handle it.
Does Windows provide means to both terminate and show a friendly message at the same time? Any other suggestions to handle this as cleanly as possible?
As far as I know the only option here is to start an external process that displays the message and terminate immediately. You could write your own program for that purpose (which might be the easiest option) or you could start a batch file like this:
msg "%USERNAME%" %*
This sends a message to the given user (%USERNAME% is the currently logged on user) and uses all parameters passed to it as the actual message.
Personally I would write my own program, so I could write a log entry and do other stuff if it becomes necessary later.
You can have a global variable, such as
var ShutdownMessage: string;
When you need to terminate with an error, do:
ShutdownMessage := 'Error occured';
and in the dpr file after Application.Run:
if ShutdownMessage <> '' then
MessageBox(0, PChar(ShutdownMessage), 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
Then the message will be shown after all forms closed and main loop exited.
Or, if that fails, you can try to raise an exception after Application.Run - it should be propagated to OS

Ending an Application within the Loaded procedure

my application uses two self-written components that perform actions during the "loaded" procedure.
The component created first is an single-instance control that should exit the application when another instance is found.
The component created secondly is my database access that establishes the database connection in the "loaded" procedure.
I try to end the application before anything else happens, if a first instance has been found.
Tryout 1:
In my instance control, i call "Application.Terminate" to stop my application. That does not work - my database connection still gets established. Seems that "Application.Terminate" uses a "PostMessage" call to itself, which won't get read until the message gets received (which will happen after all components are loaded...). So obviously, this solution does not work for me.
Tryout 2:
In my instance control, i call "Halt" to stop my application. This immediately stops my application, but seems to create a load of memory leaks - at least that's what delphi's "ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown" tells me. Afterwards, i get this annoying "This application has stopped working" windows dialogue. This solution does not work for me.
Question A:
Is there another way to end an Application?
Question B:
Does Delphi's memory leak report work correctly when using "Halt"? Are there really memory leaks after exiting the Application with "Halt"?
If Application.Terminate terminates too late, and you want to terminate post haste, then Halt seems to me to be the appropriate course of action. I don't particularly see why Halt should lead to This application has stopped working exceptions. That suggests that your program's unit finalization code is raising exceptions which are not handled. You could perhaps try to work out (using the debugger, say) why these exceptions are raised and protect against it. Or you could avoid unit finalization with a call to the even more brutal ExitProcess.
There will indeed be memory leaks when you call Halt. However, these can safely be ignored because the operating system reclaims all allocated memory when a process terminates. In other words, the memory is leaked in the sense that is not freed by the application, but the operating system frees it immediately in any case.
However, whether or not a brutal Halt is the correct course of action for you, I cannot say. That's for you to decide. FWIW, a call to Halt from inside a component's Loaded method sounds exceptionally dubious to me.
If all you want to do is ensure that just a single instance of your program runs, then you can make simple modifications to the .dpr file to achieve that. That subject has been covered over and over again here on Stack Overflow. You'll find good coverage and advice in Rob Kennedy's answer here: How can I tell if another instance of my program is already running?

Delphi - Message loop for Form created in DirectShow filter goes dead

I have a DirectShow filter created with Delphi Pro 6 and the DSPACK direct show library. I'm running under windows XP. I've tried creating the form dynamically when the container class for the DirectFilter has its constructor called, passing NIL into the constructor as the AOwner parameter (TMyForm.Create(nil) and then calling the Form's Show() method. The form does show but then appears to stop receiving windows messages because it never repaints and does not respond to input. As a test I then tried creating my own WndProc() and overriding the Form's WndProc(). My WndProc() did get called once but never again.
I'm guessing it's because I'm a DLL and the context that I am running in is not "friendly" to the window message handler for the form; perhaps something to do with the thread that calls it or whatever. If someone could give me a tip on how to solve this or what the proper way to create a persistent window is from the context of a DirectShow filter I'd appreciate it. Note, as I said the window needs to be persistent so I can't create it as a Filter property page.
I can't help you with the DirectShow filter specifics, but I feel that some general information about windows and message handling might help.
Windows have thread affinity, which means that all messages for a window will be handled in the context of the thread that created it. That means that this thread needs to have the standard message processing loop, the low level equivalent of Application.ProcessMessages(). Both messages from the same and from other threads will be queued in the message queue of the creating thread, and the message loop will get them, (optionally) translate them, and dispatch them to the window handler of the target window.
What you are describing could be caused by either
not having a message processing queue in the thread that creates the window, or
creating the window in the wrong thread
(Note that these are essentially the same, but stated like this it becomes apparent that there may be different problems that cause this, which need to be fixed in different ways - either the window needs to be created in a different thread, or a processing loop needs to be created in the thread.)
You need to find out which of the two causes your window not to process messages. You don't necessarily need to override WndProc(), message handling methods for distinct messages will work (or not work) the same. That your WndProc() was called once doesn't really tell you much, because under some circumstances messages sent from the same thread will be handled without the message loop, by calling the window proc directly.
Since your filter resides in a DLL I don't think that creating your own message loop would be the right thing. This works for a modal dialog, which will be created, the message loop will run until the dialog is closed, and then the message loop will terminate and the DLL function will return. It will not work for a DLL exported function that will be called and needs to return all while the message loop is still running. I assume the framework that creates and calls those filters will handle the message loop as well. However, that is a gut feeling, not knowing about DirectShow filters this may well be wrong.
What might help you to debug this is a tool like Spy++ from Visual Studio, with which you can show information about windows, log messages sent to them or to all windows in the same process or thread, show window hierarchies and do a lot of other interesting things. If you don't have that, there are a lot of clones (some freeware) on the net, which Google should turn up. Trying to show the messages sent to all windows of the same thread or process should tell you whether a message loop is running. You should also be able to get more information by running SysInternals Process Explorer or similar tools.

What is TExternalThread? "Cannot terminate externally created thread" when terminating a thread-based timer

This happens half of the time when closing my application in which I have placed a TLMDHiTimer on my form in design time, Enabled set to true.
In my OnFormClose event, I call MyLMDHiTimer.Enabled := false. When this is called, I sometimes (about half of the time) get this exception.
I debugged and stepped into the call and found that it is line 246 in LMDTimer.pas that gives this error.
I am using the latest version of LMDTools. I did a complete reinstall of LMD tools before the weekend and have removed and re-added the component to the form properly as well.
From what I've found, this has something to do with TExternalThread, but there's no documentation on it from Embarcadero and I haven't found anything referencing it within the LMDTools source code.
Using fully updated RAD Studio 2010, Delphi 2010.
What really upsets me here is that there's no documentation whatsoever. Google yeilds one result that actually talks about it, in which someone says that the error is caused by trying to terminate a TExternalThread.
But looking at the source-code for this LMDHiTimer, not once does it aim to do anything but create a regular TThread.
The one google result I could find, Thread: Cannot terminate an externally created thread? on Embarcadero mentions using GetCurrentThread() and GetCurrentThreadId() to get the data necessary to hook on to an existing thread, but the TLMDHiTimer does no such thing. It just creates its own TThread descendant with its own Create() constructor (overridden of course, and calls inherited at the start of the constructor)
So... What the heck is this TExternalThread? Has anyone else run into this kind of exception? And perhaps figured out a solution or workaround?
I've asked almost the exact same question to LMDTools' own support, but it can't hurt to ask in multiple places.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
TExternalThread wraps a thread that the Delphi RTL didn't create. It might represent a thread belonging to the OS thread pool, or maybe a thread created by another DLL in your program. Since the thread is executing code that doesn't belong to the associated TExternalThread class, the Terminate method has no way to notify the thread that you want it to stop.
A Delphi TThread object would set its Terminated property to True, and the Execute method that got overridden would be expected to check that property periodically, but since this thread is non-Delphi code, there is no Execute method, and any Terminated property only came into existence after the thread code was already written someplace else (not by overriding Execute).
The newsgroup thread suggests what's probably happening in your case:
... you have corrupted memory that causes the TThread.FExternalThread member to become a non-zero value.
It might be due to a bug in the component library, or it could be due to a bug in your own code. You can use the debugger's data breakpoints to try to find out. Set a breakpoint in the timer's thread's constructor. When your program pauses there, use the "Add Breakpoint" command on the Run menu to add a data breakpoint using the address of the new object's FExternalThread field. Thereafter, if that field's value changes, the debugger will pause and show you what changed it. (The data breakpoint will get reset each time you run the program because the IDE assumes the object won't get allocated at the same address each time.)
Is there any chance the code might be trying to Terminate an already Destroyed TThread? This could easily happen if you have FreeOnTerminate set.
I noticed your post while diagnosing a similar (opposite?) error, "Cannot call Start on a running or suspended thread" in the constructor of a component placed on the main form. When I removed the Start(), that error was replaced by more telling errors, e.g. "invalid pointer operation" and "access violation", in the corresponding destructor. The component was trying to manipulate its TThread object after the TThread was Freed, thus leaving things up to Murphy's law. When I fixed that, I was able to replace the Start() call without the "Cannot call Start" error returning.
By analogy, could your problem be that the address of your FExternalThread had been recycled and clobbered before the destructor/Terminate call? In our case, we had a buggy implementation of the Singleton Instance Pattern; but again, FreeOnTerminate also seems like a likely suspect.
[FYI: I'm using I'm using C++ under RAD Studio XE]
