Verify mobile app Google - ios

I've added kGTLRAuthScopeDrive scope to OIDAuthorizationRequest and I am facing the issue shown in the picture below:
How can I verify my ios app?

OAuth Client Verification
Starting July 18, 2017, Google OAuth clients that request certain sensitive OAuth scopes will be subject to review by Google.
Add-ons, web apps, and other deployments (such as apps that use the Apps Script API) may need verification.
You must apply to have your application verified by google before others will be able to use it. Verify
By clicking advanced you should be able to login yourself as the developer who created it. this is used for testing only


Gmail API OAUTH2 verify Desktop application

At work we have developed an individual customer specific software application that is in use for a long time. We have a new requirement in this same program to implement an option for sending emails directly from the program.
The user is able to add his own email account with the credentials and login through our program. For Microsoft and Gmail accounts OAUTH is implemented and something here is not very clear.
For Gmail-API we have made an OAUTH Client and Consent screen on Google Cloud Console which we need to publish and verify and here is where the problems start. I am not very clear with the whole process of verifying the app.
In the steps for verifying is stated that we should verify a domain for the app, but this software is not hosted anywhere on internet and is not publicly available, it is available to a number of specific users (2000-3000).
Also Google requires a YouTube video of the software to be available publicly, which we are not able to upload because of customer requirements. Also here is required a Data Protection Policy page for the application which we as a developers don't have because we are only developing the software.
Other thing that is not clear to me, how is this type of software rated by Google, internal or public?
Have anyone experience with this or something similar?
Verifying an app for one of the Gmail scopes is a very complicated process. This process depends upon which scope of authorization you are requesting of the users.
In your case you are trying to send an email so you are using the users.messages.send method from the Gmail api. This uses a restricted scope. Which means you will need to go though the full process.
First of it doesn't matter if your application is hosted or not. It also doesn't matter that you give this app to a limited number of users. What matters is the scopes you are using.
You will need to ensure that your domain has been registered via google search console. So this app will need a domain
Once that is done you will be able to host your website, and the privacy policy on that domain.
You will need to create a YouTube video showing your application running, and how authorization is used.
You will also need to submit to a third party security checkup of your application which is not free and will need to be done once a year.
All of this is needed because of your consent screen it doesn't matter if its hosted any where, It also doesn't matter if this is only available to specific number of users.
If all of the users are part of a single google workspace account, that has created your client id and client secrete then you can set the app to internal and you wont need to be verified. This only works for google workspace domain accounts.

Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app

We are facing the below screen when trying to authenticate to Google. The app that we are trying to authenticate is used for internal development and we did not publish it to our users.
Any idea why this occurs?
We faced an Unverified App screen before (as below) but now the authentication is disabled.
OAuth Client Verification
Starting July 18, 2017, Google OAuth clients that request certain sensitive OAuth scopes will be subject to review by Google.
OAuth Client Verification
Starting July 18, 2017, Google OAuth clients that request certain sensitive OAuth scopes will be subject to review by Google.
Review is not required if you are only using it under the same account as created the project in Google Developer console. You can read more about this change in this help center article.
This change applies to Google OAuth web clients, including those used by all Apps Script projects. By verifying your app with Google, you can remove the unverified app screen from your authorization flow and give your users confidence that your app is non-malicious.
Once you have applied for verification it takes around a week and it should start working.
I found this thread some time ago when this happened to us in our development project on Google Cloud Platform.
You can use a project for development without verification. No problem on that. But there are some limitations (more information here and here). Basically, we reached the limit of 100 users accessing the application. It was strange because we were testing with few accounts (5-6) until we found that, if you uninstall and install the application again, it counts as a new user. We were testing incremental authorization, so we uninstalled/installed the application a lot of times and we reached the quota.
When you reach this limit, you will see the message "Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app" and only users from the organization where the project is hosted can access the application. So we couldn't make test with our accounts from a demo domain or our Gmail accounts.
The only solution available was to pass the OAuth verification form (even if you didn't want to publish the application), but there were problems to do it. For example, it was mandatory to remove http://localhost from valid OAuth URLs. And more problems related with development.
❗ But this has changed recently. I have accessed to OAuth credentials screen in Google Cloud Platform (APIs & Services > Credentials > OAuth consent screen) during this week and now the page it's different. Now you don't need to specify "Authorised JavaScript origins" and "Authorised redirect URIs", you just need to specify your scopes for Google APIs and the Authorised domains. Then, at the bottom of the page you will find the button "Submit Verification" and the process will start. You will also find some information on the right:
About the consent screen
The consent screen tells your users who is requesting access to their data and what kind of data you're asking to
OAuth Developer Verification
To protect you and your users, your
consent screen may need to be verified by Google. Without
verification, your users will see an additional page indicating that
your app is not verified by Google.
Verification is required if
Your application type is public, and You
add a sensitive scope Verification may take several days to complete.
You will receive email updates as it's processed.
Saving without publishing
Even though your consent screen is
unpublished, you can still test your application with users with the
following limitations:
Sensitive scopes are limited to 100 grant requests before verification
is required
Users see an additional page indicating that your app is
not verified by Google.
To include "Authorised Javascript Origins" and Authorised redirect URIs" you need to go to APIs & Services > Credentials and there click on your OAuth 2.0 client ID. There will be a form where you can add them.
In our case it took 1 day to get a response from Google. In the email there were some instructions to pass the verification. We had to reply the email with a video uploaded on YouTube addressing the following points:
How does user sign-up on your app and grants access to the sensitive scopes requested in verification?
OAuth consent screen as seen by end users
How does your application use the requested scopes to provide services to developers?
A test account email and the password for us to test the user sign-up process and validate the project's functionality.
We recorded a video showing points 1, 2 and 3 and sent them a test account for number 4.
After 1 day, we got another response from Google confirming that our project had been verified.
So finally the problem was solved! 🙂
I hope this could help people in the same situation. It was really annoying for us.
I had to go into my Google Apps Script settings and turn on the "Google Apps Script API" setting. Then I tried again, and the script executed correctly without issue.
I had used the script a couple of weeks ago and it worked fine, so something must have happened between then and now that changed it... Not sure what caused that setting to switch.

OAuth requests to Google in embedded browsers

In the coming months, Google will no longer allow OAuth requests in embedded browsers. In our projects we are using Awesomium as a web component and I actually do not know If this change will also affect our services. Google says:
Starting October 20, 2016, we will prevent new OAuth clients from
using web-views on platforms with a viable alternative, and will phase
in user-facing notices for existing OAuth clients.
Now I do not see any user-facing notices. Could anyone tell me how them looks like? How can I test my services if they are ready?
Currently we're only seeing them in iOS embedded views on Google's "consent page." The consent page is where you have accept the application's request to access your Google user information.
The blog post you cited above has been updated to say, "On March 1, 2017 we will post the same notification on the Android consent page."
We've been able to simulate it internally by spoofing the user-agent from the web views.
FWIW, the page also indicates this is going to break for macOS and Windows applications too, but there's no indication of any dates for messaging.
Here's a sample image of the messaging:

How to implement "Use one-click single sign-on" correctly in order to publish to Google Apps Marketplace

We already have a web app that integrate with differente Google services. Right now, you can loguin using a Google account, can import a contact lists from any Google account, and can sync a Google Calendar with our Calendar in the webapp (We implemented all of this using OAuth 2 and invoking the GoogleApi with a REST Client).
We are now trying to publish this app in the GoogleApp Marketplace, but we are failing to comply with the "Use one-click single sign-on" rule (
We are believing that the problem is we the way we are solving the fact that we need offline access for all the integrated users in the app. Right now, the only way we found to get the refresh tokens for them, was starting the OAuth2 process with the parameters access_type=offline&approval_prompt=force, but this forces them to enter their credentials.
We aren't using the 'Google+ Domains API', and we are starting to believe that we should. Is the use of this API mandatory for complying with the "Use one-click single sign-on" rule?
Well, we finally figured it out. We had to use the Google Admin SDK in order to implement SSO. We had some troubles with the scopes, but after we polished that, everything seems to be working OK.

Google Apps Marketplace declare scopes multiple times?

I'm trying to build a Google Apps Marketplace App using the new APIs only available through OAuth2. We already have an app using the old APIs, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to have the same flow with OAuth2.
In our old app, the domain administrator would install the app and give it permissions. Then, we could just make requests using our app's id/secret without user interaction. (2-legged OAuth)
How would I do this with OAuth2? None of the flows described here sound like what I'm looking for.
I'm also having hard times to find out to get this new OAuth2 login up and running.
You will have to use service accounts to make requests on behalf of the user.
Documentation is here:
I did not yet manage to get the flow working without each user being prompted again, but this most likely is because I need offline access:
Google Apps Marketplace SDK + Domain-wide OAuth 2 SSO
