devexpress mvc datagrid edit popup menu inside texbox width and height? -

How can I change textbox height and width in a popup on devexpress mvc datagrid? I am using
#(Html.DevExtreme().DataGrid().Columns(c => {
I tried c.Add().DataField("Myfield").Width(100) but it is only working in datagrid; it does not work in popup element

First of all you need to know that you are treating with a Form and not with a simple grid, so you basically have to configure the form EditorOptions
So in jQuery it would be like this
$("#datagrid").dxDataGrid({ ,
"editing": {
"form": { items: [{dataField:"yourField",editorOptions:"width:100%"}]}

The previous answer is a little old and doesn't work now so I'll give an updated answer.
This would change the width for a field in the popup form:
$("#datagrid").dxDataGrid({ ,
"editing": {
"form": {
items: [{
editorOptions: {
width: "100%"
Also if you wanted to have more control and use groups and set things, like height, you could use:
editing: {
mode: "popup",
allowUpdating: true,
popup: {
showTitle: true,
title: "Message",
labelLocation: "top"
form: {
items: [
itemType: "group",
caption: "My Fields",
items: [
dataField: "Field1",
editorOptions: {
height: 200
dataField: "Field2",
editorOptions: {
value: true
}, {
itemType: "group",
caption: "My other fields",
items: [
dataField: "field3",
helpText: "Example: +1(111)111-1111"
Notice that with and without grouping both use the editorOptions to control each field.


filter the ui grid value based on the row check box is selected

This is the ui grid code( minimal)
//js file
vm.gridOptions1 = {
enableColumnResizing: true,
enableAutoResizing: false,
columnDefs: [
field: 'createdDate',
displayName: 'Created Date',
type: 'date',
cellFilter: 'date:"dd-MM-yyyy"',
enableHiding: false, headerTooltip: 'Created Date'
name: 'Refer',
displayName: 'Refer', enableSorting: false, headerTooltip: 'Refer',
cellTemplate: '<input type="checkbox" ng-model="row.entity.isReferred" />'
On click of this byutton I need to filter, get only rows which check box is selected(isReferred = true)
//html file
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary-joli " ng-click="srchctrl.send">Send</button>
This is the file trying to get the filtered list based on the redeffered check box value, but its not working.
//JS file
vm.send = function () {
if ( != null && != undefined) {
vm.referredList = filterFilter(, {
isReferred: true
console.log("referredList :"+JSON.stringify(referredList));
How can I get all the value ticked. I don't want to invoke method on each click event on check box.
I think the easiest way to achieve this is by using the gridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor function. I have adapted a Plunker to show what I mean:
var app = angular.module('plunker', ['ui.grid']);
app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'uiGridConstants', function($scope, uiGridConstants) {
$scope.gridOptions = {
columnDefs: [
{field: 'col1', displayName: 'Column 1', width: 175},
{field: 'col2', displayName: 'isReferred', width: '*'}
data: [
{ col1: "Hello 1",col2: true},
{ col1: "Hello 2", col2: false},
{ col1: "Hello 3", col2: true},
{ col1: "Hello 4", col2: false},
{ col1: "Hello 5", col2: true}
enableFiltering: true,
onRegisterApi: function(gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
$scope.Filter = Filter;
$scope.ShowAll = ShowAll;
function ShowAll() {
function Filter() {
$scope.gridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor(myFilter, 150);
function myFilter(renderableRows) {
renderableRows.forEach( function(row) {
row.visible = row.entity.col2;
return renderableRows;
Clicking the Filter button will register the myFilter RowsProcessor, which will iterate through all rows to alter the visible attribute.
Clicking the ShowAll button will remove the RowsProcessor, thus showing all previously hidden rows again.
Whenever an isReferred value changes, the filter will cause the grid to automatically update this change.

Webix not showing the kids data on dynamic loading

I am using webix to show some tree table data.
webix.ready(function () {
grida = webix.ui({
container: "testB",
view: "treetable",
columns: [
{ id: "id", header: "", css: { "text-align": "right" } },
id: "SerialNo", header: "Serial No", width: 250,
template: "{common.treetable()} #SerialNo#"
url: "/Test/GetTreeItem",
autoheight: true,
This loads the items perfectly.
However when I click the plus button, server returns (I can see the json string when I debug the code) the json but webix not appending the data underneath the parent.
Kids of parent "id":11587;
id of data object must be unique per component.
Currently, you have for top level
"id": 11583,
"Id": 11583,
"SerialNo": "12476127654",
"webix_kids": 1
and in kids data you have
"id": 11583,
"Id": 11583,
"SerialNo": "12476127654",
"webix_kids": 1
both items share the same id, so treetable doesn't add a new item.
Correcting the JSON output solved my problem.
For the parents;
For the kids;

Kendo Stacked Bar Chart configuration

I have an MVC app and my controller is passing the following json data to my view
"Category":"Q1 2013",
"Category":"Q1 2013",
"Category":"Q1 2012",
"Category":"Q1 2012",
I need to know how to configure my Kendo stacked bar chart to display the data like this
I can't figure out how to configure the series and category to show the stacked bar chart correctly.
here is working example
try with like this
var data = [
$(document).ready(function() {
theme: "silver",
title: {
text: "Total records processed"
legend: {
position: "bottom"
dataSource: {
data: data,
group: {
field: "Name"
transitions: false,
series: [{
type: "column",
stack: "true",
field: "Expense"
categoryAxis: {
field: "Year"

Issue Dynamically Changing HighCharts Chart Title

I am having an issuing changing the title dynamically in a chart. I am following the workaround here to change the chart title in such a way that the change is reflected when exporting the chart. This workaround is referenced in the bug report here. However, when you click the "Set Title" twice in the workaround example the chart tile loses its formatting. Is there any way to work around this?
chart.setTitle( { text: 'Head Count Terminations' }, { text: 'Sales' } );
chart.options.title = {
text: 'Head Count Terminations'
chart.options.subtitle = {
text: 'Sales'
Thanks in advance.
It probably loses its formatting because the entire title object is replaced. What about only setting the text property?
chart.setTitle( { text: 'Head Count Terminations' }, { text: 'Sales' } );
chart.options.title.text = 'Head Count Terminations';
chart.options.subtitle.text = 'Sales';
You can avoid that issue, by overwriting exportin buttons and options for export.
function exportActualChart() {
this.exportChart({}, {
title: {
text: this.title.text
subtitle: {
text: this.subtitle.text
Chart options
exporting: {
buttons: {
exportButton: {
menuItems: [{
text: 'Standard export',
onclick: function () {
}, {
text: 'With new title',
onclick: exportActualChart

Select project children on parent select

I am implementing a project picker for a Rally custom app and would like to select a projects children automatically when the parent is selected from the picker. I was able to get the ObjectID and Name of the objects I want to select but can't seem to get them to be selected from the picker. I attempted this using the "fireEvent" method but had no success. Here's what I have so far:
var teamPick = this.down('#filterPanel').add({
xtype: 'rallymultiobjectpicker',
id: 'teams',
modelType: 'project',
fieldLabel: 'Teams',
listeners: {
select: function(field, selected) {
Ext.create('', {
autoLoad: true,
fetch: [ 'Name', 'ObjectID' ],
filters: [
{ property: 'Parent.ObjectID', value: selected.ObjectID }
model: 'Project',
listeners: {
load: function(store, data) {
Ext.Array.each(data, function(child) {
console.log(child.get('Name')); //Logs the child name
scope: this
Are you using 2.0p3? There was a known issue with events not being correctly fired in the MultiObjectPicker. This should be resolved in 2.0p4. I ran your code in a 2.0p4 app and it functioned as expected.
As a side note your child project query can be written like this as well:
filters: [
{ property: 'Parent', value: '/project/' + selected.ObjectID }
The 2.0p4 version of the component also added a new event called selectionchange which gives you an array of the currently selected values (since it is a multi select picker). There are individual select and deselect events that fire when a specific item is selected/deselected.
I was able to accomplish this without the use of the fireEvent method. Instead, I used the getValue and setValue methods and added the child projects to the state manually:
xtype: 'rallymultiobjectpicker',
id: 'teams',
modelType: 'project',
listeners: {
blur: function() { this.down('#teams').collapse(); },
select: function(field, selected) {
Ext.create('', {
autoLoad: true,
fetch: [ 'Name', 'ObjectID' ],
filters: [
{ property: 'Parent.ObjectID', value: selected.ObjectID }
model: 'Project',
listeners: {
load: function(store, data) {
var selected = this.down('#teams').getValue();
Ext.Array.each(data, function(child) {
scope: this
scope: this
