Can't connect to wss:// - trading

I try to connect to wss://
I'm using to test connection, but I got ERROR: undefined
What I'm doing wrong?
Are they have any updates or something?


iOS Firebase Remote Config --- Error Code=8003

I am using Firebase's Remote Config here on iOS, whether I call fetchAndActivateWithCompletionHandler or fetchWithExpirationDuration and activateWithCompletion, I have encountered such an error:
Error Code=8003 "Failed to
get installations token.
For this problem, has a friend already solved it? Thx!
I call fetchAndActivateWithCompletionHandler
or fetchWithExpirationDuration and activateWithCompletion, but no solve it.

what causes XPC error Connection interrupted

I have piece of code that fires couple of requests using NSURLsession and sometimes I get the below message on debugger of xcode
received XPC error Connection interrupted for message type 3
I am thinking what causes this issue ?
Is it something to be worried about ?
Googling doesn't help much
Maybe it is caused by Network Proxy like VPN/VPS ,close them and Command R again.
I got exactly the same error.
During the first attempt I had the VPN on. After turning it off the message did not appear.

Catch ActionCable Connection Refused

I've looked all around and can't find an answer to this issue. How do I catch something like the following error in javascript?
WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Is there a way for me to test if the connection is active?
I wasn't quite able to catch any errors around the ActionCable websocket connection, but I did figure out how to test if the connection is active using the data from the ActionCable object:
The value is false when connected and true when disconnected.

Cloudant replication errors: TDChangeTracker (Code=589) and NSURLErrorDomain(Code=-1005)

I have been using Cloudant through Bluemix and everything worked fine at the beginning. But now the replications don't complete successful anymore, constantly throwing errors or finishing with no data being received.
replicatorDidError: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "(null)"
replicatorDidError: Error Domain=TDChangeTracker Code=589 "(null)"
Bad DB response: {"error":"service_unavailable","reason":"Service unavailable"}
Sometimes it was temporarily fixed assigning new credentials, but now it doesn't do the trick anymore. It happens either from the iOS SDK or from a node.js app.
Any help will be very welcome.
Thanks in advance.

QuickBlox - can't connect to chat

When my app starts, I am using QMServicesManager to:
- (void)logInWithUser:(QBUUser *)user
This should take care of authentication and logging in to the chat service.
The login API call to the chat service returns without an error but I am still getting an error once I try to send a message:
"You are not connected to chat."
Calling [QBChat instance]).isConnected returns false
At that point, if I try to to resolve this by calling QMChatService:
- (void)connectWithCompletionBlock:(QBChatCompletionBlock)completion
I get an error: "Attempting to connect while already connected or connecting."
Using extended logs of QuickBlox I can see where this begins. logging in to the chat service actually fails without returning any error in the return block.
Here is the log:
23:07:12.982 [ChatService] Connecting to Chat, host:, user JID: ...
23:07:42.983 [ChatService] Did disconnect
Looks like it's timing out...
Any insights about that?
Try setting [QBSettings setLogLevel: QBLogLevelDebug]; when application starts in the AppDelegate.
This would enable you to see the QuickBlox Log in your Xcode console which will give a better message about what's happening.
