What is the difference between using Action.async and WS - playframework-2.6

I suppose both Action.async and WS (for web services) in Play Framework are based on HTTP and are used to receive HTTP requests and send HTTP responses. Both I suppose are asynchronous and can accept/reply JSON. Action.async could probably send back HTML as well in Response.
So are the two interchangeable if I want to create a micro-service (or a REST API)? Could I use either of them? I saw an example in which a user was added using Action but the list of user’s friends was retrieved using WS.

From Play documentation, it seems WS should be used when calling a HTTP from within the play application. Not sure why though.
‘Sometimes we would like to call other HTTP services from within a Play application. Play supports this via its WS library, which provides a way to make asynchronous HTTP calls through a WSClient instance.’


How to handle the request in the electron app (capture request, serve custom response)

I want to handle any API requests from the web app wrapped in the electron app. My intention was to keep the same API calls that web app delivered over the net will stay the same as when delivered as standalone electron app. In the latter I would capture API requests and serve responses created locally. Is it possible? I'm looking into WebRequest callbacks available through session.defaultSession.webRequest e.g. session.defaultSession.webRequest.onResponseStarted
Edit 02/01/2020
I've found also to use the ProtocolAPI but then I would have to modify my API calls which I want to intercept to use custom protocol when within electron wrapper which is not what I want (intercept request and serve custom response on electron).
Your web app will work 100%(*) the same in Electron as it does without. The (*) is the caveat that throwing the production flag on your web app may come with other side effects, and that may confuse things.
Just because Electron comes with its own native way to handle certain things, doesn't mean Electron will prevent you from doing things the way you've been doing thus far.
For example I'm doing all my client-server action via JQuery's .ajax() method and Sails.js's MVC action handlers. Electron hasn't interfered at all.
However, if you want Electron to interfere, you can do that. See the WebRequest part of the Electron API. In particular the first method on the page, onBeforeRequest, seems relevant to the requirement mentioned in your comment.

Rails API, microservices, async/deferred responses

I have a Rails API which can handle requests from the clients. Clients use that API to perform analysis of their data. Client POSTs the data to API, API checks if that data have been analysed before. If so API just respond with analysis result. If the data haven't been analyzed before API:
Tells client that analysis started.
Establishes the connection with analyzing microservice.
Performs asynchronous (or deferred or i don't know) request to the analyzing microservice and waiting for response. The analysis takes much time so neither the API nor the microservice should be blocked while doing it.
When the response from analyzing microservice is returned API hands it to the client.
The main issue for me is to set up things such way that client could receive somehow the message "Your data had been sent to analysis" right after he performed the request. And then when analysis will be done client could receive its result.
The question is what approach I have to use in that case? Async responses, deferred responses, something else? And what known solutions could help me with that? Any gems?
I'm new to that stuff so I'm really sorry if I ask dumb questions.
If using HTTP you can only have one response to every request. To send multiple responses, i.e. "work in progress", then later the "results", you would need to use a different protocol, e.g. web sockets.
Since HTTP is so very common I'd stick with that in combination with background jobs. There are a couple of options which spring to mind.
Polling: The API kicks off a background jobs (to call the microservice) and responds to the client with a URL which the client can ping periodically for the result. The URL would respond with some kind of "work in progress" status until the result is actually ready). The URL would need to include some kind of id so the API can lookup the background job.
The API would potentially have two URLS; /api/jobs/new and /api/jobs/<ID>. They would, in Rails, map to a controller new and show action.
Webhooks: Have the client include a URL of its own in the request. Once the result is available have the background job hit the given URL with the result.
Either way, if using HTTP, you will not be able to handle the whole thing within a request/response, you will have to use some kind of background processing (so request to the microservice happens in a different process). You could look at Sidekiq, for example.
Here is an example for polling:
URL: example.com/api/jobs/new
web app receives client request
generates a unique id for the request, SecureRandom.uuid.
starts a background job (Sidekiq) passing in the uuid and any other parameters needed
respond with URL such as example.com/api/jobs/
background job
sends request to microservice API and waits for response
saves result to database with uuid
URL: example.com/api/jobs/UUID
look in database for UUID, if not found respond that job is "in progress". If found return result found in database.
Depending on what kind of API you use. I assume your clients interact via HTTP.
If you want to build an asynchronous API over HTTP the first thing that you should do: accept the request, create a job, handle it in the background and immediately return.
For the client to get the response you have to 2 options:
Implement a status endpoint where clients can periodically poll the status of the job
Implement a callback via webhooks. So the client has to provide a URL which you then call after you're done.
A good start for background processing is the sidekiq gem or more general ActiveJob that ships with Rails.

How to dynamically and efficiently pull information from database (notifications) in Rails

I am working in a Rails application and below is the scenario requiring a solution.
I'm doing some time consuming processes in the background using Sidekiq and saves the related information in the database. Now when each of the process gets completed, we would like to show notifications in a separate area saying that the process has been completed.
So, the notifications area really need to pull things from the back-end (This notification area will be available in every page) and show it dynamically. So, I thought Ajax must be an option. But, I don't know how to trigger it for a particular area only. Or is there any other option by which Client can fetch dynamic content from the server efficiently without creating much traffic.
I know it would be a broad topic to say about. But any relevant info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
You're looking at a perpetual connection (either using SSE's or Websockets), something Rails has started to look at with ActionController::Live
You're looking for "live" connectivity:
"Live" functionality works by keeping a connection open
between your app and the server. Rails is an HTTP request-based
framework, meaning it only sends responses to requests. The way to
send live data is to keep the response open (using a perpetual connection), which allows you to send updated data to your page on its
own timescale
The way to do this is to use a front-end method to keep the connection "live", and a back-end stack to serve the updates. The front-end will need either SSE's or a websocket, which you'll connect with use of JS
The SEE's and websockets basically give you access to the server out of the scope of "normal" requests (they use text/event-stream content / mime type)
We use a service called pusher
This basically creates a third-party websocket service, to which you can push updates. Once the service receives the updates, it will send it to any channels which are connected to it. You can split the channels it broadcasts to using the pub/sub pattern
I'd recommend using this service directly (they have a Rails gem) (I'm not affiliated with them), as well as providing a super simple API
Other than that, you should look at the ActionController::Live functionality of Rails
The answer suggested in the comment by #h0lyalg0rithm is an option to go.
However, primitive options are.
Use setinterval in javascript to perform a task every x seconds. Say polling.
Use jQuery or native ajax to poll for information to a controller/action via route and have the controller push data as JSON.
Use document.getElementById or jQuery to update data on the page.

Would it be better to post message data or send it through websockets?

I have an app running where a socket connection is constantly maintained (using socket.io). Data that needs to be sent is similar to that which you might see in a chat application. Would it be better to have it sent through POST (essentially, post that data, prevent page redirect, and then return the new page state with websockets), or just send it through websockets? What are the advantages to each?
(You might want to explain what you're trying to accomplish in more detail. Do you want to implement chat-like functionality).
A WebSocket gives you a TCP-like connection protocol over an HTTP connection. It's full duplex and lets you push and pull content in both directions. The connection is initiated from HTTP which "upgrades" the connection type. It gives you flexibility with some added complexity. I don't think it works across old HTTP 1.0 proxies.
A simple HTTP POST is more brute force. Unless you use ajax-ish techniques it pushes data to a web service and responds with a new web page to replace whatever's in your browser.

How to I access a SoundCloud public stream?

How do I play a track from a SoundCloud URL, which, for example, I got from the xml response from a query
I should have thought that it would have been as easy as:
yet I get
<error>401 - Unauthorized</error>
All I want to do is consume it in a Silverlight MediaElement, so all I need is set some url to the MediaElement's Source property.
I've checked an application that I wrote about 2 years ago, and THEN, accessing the stream url was as easy as this for a public track:
however this no longer seems to work.
For example, all I had to do then in C# was:
MediaElement me = new MediaElement();
me.Source= new Url("http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/18163056/stream&consumer_key=MY_CONSUMER_KEY");
Any hints would be appreciated.
I had a reply on a Microsoft forum that seems to imply that SoundCloud might not be possible to stream to Windows 8 Metro devices without consuming the whole stream before playback starts - which is quite worrying and would seem to imply that to make authentication possible, it would have to be done entirely in the url querystring insterad of using the header:
(The following reply is the answer to the following question: 'I am able to access an audio stream by http using the MediaElement, however I need to access it via https in which I need to add the oAuth info to the header of the initial request.
How is this done when using a MediaElement, and if it cannot be done, what is the workaround for consuming an audio feed in Metro 8 that requires header authentication to stream?')
"Direct access to the underlying network stream is not currently permitted by the MediaElement. Because of this there is currently no way to modify the header of the HTTP request to include any additional authentication information. That said, you do have control over the URL. You could theoretically setup an HTTP proxy service that translated the HTTP GET request parameters into the necessary oAuth credentials. Keep in mind that this is just a theoretical workaround. You may find different behavior in practice. Another theoretical workaround would be to handle the oAuth yourself via a raw stream socket and pass the retuned media data to the MediaElement via "Set Source" and a "Random Access Stream". Please keep in mind that this method has major limitations. in order to use a "Random Access Stream" with the ME you need to make sure all of the data is available before passing it to the ME."
The proxy service is not scalable for an application that is merely distributed for free as every stream would need to come via the proxy. And the raw stream socket, although getting around this, would mean that playback could not start until the whole file had downloaded - and this goes against all current UX (User Experience) guidelines.
So once again, if anyone has any tips, or info about how the whole authentication thing can be achieved in a querystring instead of using headers, I'd appreciate it!
I'm a little confused about whether you're referring to a public or a private track? If it's a public track, then you shouldn't need to send any authentication information, just your client id.
When I request https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/31164607/stream?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID then I get a 302 redirect to the proper mp3 stream.
Remember, adding parameters to a URL must start with a ? not &. This could (more than likely) be the reason why you are getting a 401 (SC is not picking up the client_id).
After authentication the link like this
is working fine. I am using Action Script.
I'm following up on Tom's reply because he calls attention to url character specificity. My HTTP requests randomly started failing today, and I was prefacing my client_Id with a ?. As soon as I changed that single ? to &, it started working. So in my case, SC wasn't picking up my client_Id because I used the wrong character. I think depending on where in the request we're talking about specifically, it's worth noting that differences between ? and & do make a difference.
