iOS App purchase doesn't work in production - ios

I posted this question to Apple Development forum, but got no answer. Maybe I can get help here.
I'm trying to make in-app purchase work in my app. This is first app I developed and published for iOS, and I struggle to make in-app purchasing work. Here is timeline.
January 21 - I successfully published app to App Store on Sunday, January 21. The app is "Tennis Umpire App", written in Xamarin. I used component so support purchasing. There is Android version with the same code where in-app purchasing works. This is just port to iOS.
January 22 - Discovered that In-App purchase doesn't work. No popup for the user, in the logs I see just "General Error". Tried on different devices, different accounts (on my friends phones). Then I realized that my contract for paid apps wasn't finished in iTunes connect, so I finished the contract. Tried again and it didn't help.
Created new sandbox user to try in development version of the app, and it worked!
January 23 - I found another post that it may take 24-48 hours to get things through, so I waited. Checked it from time to time - didn't work. In monitoring tools I can see that other people tried with same error.
January 25 - at this point 48 hours passed since I completed the contract. But it still doesn't work.
Any ideas in how to troubleshoot it further are appreciated.

Looks what helped me is resetting "Clear for sale
flag. I cleared check box, saved, and then marked it as "Clear for sale" and save again.


IAP in iOS stopped working

We are using Unibill in Unity to make In-App purchases for iOS
this have been working for more than one month , we were testing and everything works fine on iOS (we have android as well and it's working)
the items we added were on waiting for app submission , because we haven't submitted any new version of the app to itunes connect
after we submitted a new version for review it was accepted and the in app items status changed to accepted as well .
at this point we stopped being able to purchase the items from either sandbox or testflight , StoreKit is returning no items at all
I'am 99% sure the error is not related to the code because we haven't changed anything for more than a month and we were able to purchase perfectly
the only 2 changes are:
* the app was accepted , the consumable items status changed to accepted as well
* not sure if this is related but we renewed our developer account in the member center 2 days ago , not sure if this is related to the problem in anyway
any ideas about this problem?? can you really not test the purchase after it's accepted anymore?
thanks in advance
I have no Idea what solved the problem , it seems that it was something from apple's side
it wasn't working for 3 days, and it started working the fourth day without changing anything in the project!
I did add a new item for purchase in the itunesconnect , could it be the reason? it might have refreshed something? I don't know

Can't Link my app to admob ad server

So I uploaded my app to the AppStore and i put an admob banner in there. But but when search for my app in the admob website to link it i get no results, even though it's already on the AppStore.
How long has it been live on the App Store? Just since today? It can take some hours or a day until it can "be seen" and all the links to it are working and so on... especially with the different timezones / different App Stores... So if it just went live wait a bit ...
By the way... Don t you need to create an app and the inventar (banner, interstitials...) in admob BEFORE uploading the app to the app store, because you need these adUnitIDs in the code and call it to show the banner... isn t it ???
Had the same issue and it took 7 days for the app to appear in the AdMob "Link your app with the App Store" view.
V1.0 Ready for Sale on Aug 8
App showed up in AdMob on Aug 15
It did not matter if I searched with app name, app ID or developer Name.
So I guess you just have to be patient :)
*applies also to AdWords where you have to search for your app to create a campaign.

AppStore - App status is ready for sale, but not in app store

Status of app ready for sale still 9 June..
Like in there
App link :
After your app status changes to 'Ready for Sale' you will get official mail from Apple. The mail itself states that it might take 24 hours before your App is available on AppStore.
If it takes more than days then contact Apple.
Refer below screenshot.
You have to go to the "Pricing" menu. Even if the availability date is in the past, sometimes you have to set it again for today's date. Apple doesn't tell you to do this, but I found that the app goes live after resetting the dates again, especially if there's been app rejections in the past. I guess it messes up with the dates. Looks like sometimes if you do nothing and just follow the instructions, the app will never go live.
I thought I will post my answer as I recently got into a similar issue (as of September 2019). The App is free for all users in all countries.
For me, after I received a confirmation email from Apple saying that my app is ready for sale (the email did not mention any 24 hours waiting period), I could not find my App in the App Store.
The link to view the App in the App Store in the iTunes Connect (under the App Information section at the bottom page) was broken.
After reading your comments in this thread, I went to the Pricing and Availability section of the App and edited the pricing plan again to be 0 GBP and start date Today and finish date No Finish Date.
Then, I unchecked the countries the App is available on and checked them all again and hit Save.
The App became immediately available in the App store. The link in the App information section was directing me to the App Store and no longer broken.
I hope this will help anyone who is having similar issues lately (getting a confirmation email that the App is ready for sale but cannot find it in the App Store).
It takes up to 24 hours before its available in each and every (country wise) app store. If you have waited more than that, and still have problems, contact Apple.
After 48 hours of the still not being updated I removed the app from sale on Pricing and Availability.
Then I waited 1 hour.
Then I ticked All Territories Selected again.
After the app came available for download again the version number was updated.
I published an update to my app yesterday noon(I have selected Manual release instead of Automatic) and Today early morning App store review was completed and after I release the build manually, the App shows Ready for sale in iTunesConect immediately. After 45mins I got the update on the App store.
I had "ready for sale" status for 1 week and app still wasn't visible in store.
I "changed" the pricing (from free to free starting today) like KlimczakM suggested in one of comments above. Also, I changed promotional text and saved changes. After less than half of hour app was in the store.
We published it today after having 'Release this version'. It took 15 minutes to show on the App Store.
This is due to App Store will sync the data across servers.
you must change Territory and click on save, after one minute your app will be available. No need to Remove from sale
You may also need to provide your contact info, bank info, and tax info in this page so it will allow your last release on App Store:

IAP fails after release, but no in development stage

Here is the history of my app.
In v1.0 I didn't have IAP.
In v2.0 I had IAP code, and it worked while I was developing. When v2.0 was released, I checked and run a non-testing device (an iPhone under my itunesconnect user name, but does not have provision file installed, so I take it as a non-relevant device) and I got error message, which of course was set up by myself. The error is for situation that the app could not connect to Apple or could not find IAP for the app. The error shows up quickly right after clicking buy IAP. This is as expected since no product ID is available. It doesn't need wait payment queue at all.
Then I checked itunesconnect and found the IAP probably not linked to the app, so I updated to v2.1 and added the IAP to my app in itunesconnect (no real code change, at least no IAP-related code changed), and IAP works fine finally in development stage in my testing iPad. Now v2.1 came out, but I still have the same problem as v2.0, that means IAP encounters error, most likely no IAP product ID found. At the time I'm typing, v2.1 has been released for 2 hours, and I still have quick error --- the product ID problem, most likely.
BTW, there was a glitch between v2.0 and v2.1. When I noticed the IAP was not linked to my app, I did something too quick so that I cannot remember exactly. Basically the IAP was hung over there, I could modify it or submit it. After talking to Apple, I was told I need reject my binary of v2.1 and resubmit v2.1 along with the IAP. I don't know if this is related, but anyway I can buy IAP in development stage with my sandbox testing iPad.
Any idea? Thanks.
BTW, the app is set to English default, but with Chinese/Spanish localization.
One more thing, don't know if it's related. All v1.0, v2.0, and v2.1 versions are deployed to iOS 6 or later. When I was developing v2.1, I was trying to back to iOS 5 (via adopting so deprecated methods or constants). My app could run on iOS 5, but IAP wouldn't work iOS 5. Since IAP doesn't work, there's no point for me to go compatible with iOS 5, so I removed all deprecated methods and constants and went back to original v2.0 version and resubmitted with linked IAP to become v2.1.
For those who cares, here is my app. You're welcome to try. long press first page would get you to options page where you can try buy IAP --- no worry, there is supposed to be a confirmation dialog where you can cancel, even if my IAP works.!/id566916783?mt=8
One more edit:
OH yeah, it works now. I don't which step of the following make it work:
1, I delete my app and restart my iPhone again (and again, yes) and re-download
2, it's 4 hours now after v2.1 is approved.

In-app payment still says it's in sandbox mode

I built a in-app payment for one of my iPhone apps. It worked in sandbox mode.
I submitted my app to the app store and it got accepted. I even submit my in app payment. It got accepted and it's status is 'ready for sale'.
However, when I go get my app in the app store, it still says it's in sandbox?
Is there something in MKStoreKit that you have to transfer environments, or does it take some time for it to change?
I currently pulled it from the store because of it. Please help! Thanks.
Hmmm. Are you using your Test User ID or a real Apple ID?
When this happens, it's usually because you previously used the same device for testing IAP in sandbox mode. To fix, just go into "Settings", then go to "Store", then log out and back in again. That should clear that up, assuming that you are actually using the archived app that you downloaded from iTunes, rather than your dev copy.
Re-released my app today so I could get it and see if the in app payment would work. Surprisingly, it worked and it wasn't in sandbox mode! So I guess it just takes time for apple's servers to make the change.
If anyone else had this problem, don't fret like I did! Just wait and be patient. Hold for developer release and wait around 24 hours and you should be good!
Here's the real solution (edit):
Set your availability date to the future so it will be removed from the app store
Set your availability date to the day it is so it will re appear
