iphone X navigation display issue - ios

I have two items on the navigation bar. named More on the left and Search on the right. When i run the app on the simulator, two items are moved to 2 top ears of the phone. see below for more detail. this is not happening on none iphone X

This is happening because your constraints are set to superview, not safe area (or not using safe area at all).
In your Storyboard, click on your ViewController, click on your view then go to the Size inspector.
There, make sure that your safe area layout guide is enabled. Then, just bind your view's edges to safe area instead of superview


UIScrollView too close on home bar

Whenever I run my iOS app on a device that has a home bar, the bottom of a UIScrollView or one of its descendants will render too low.
My app has a bottom navigation. I made the scroll view constrained to the safe area on the Y axis. It contains a container view (Cv For Home) in which I load a subview:
The container view is constrained to the superview (scroll view), though.
In my child storyboard's subview I have a collection view, that I have to constrain a lot from the bottom of the superview away, oddly enough. Otherwise it will not display entirely on the devices:
That's weird, but it works, unless I run the app on a device with home bar. I think this might be related, but I'm pretty new to constrains and I can't get it right for some reason.
The result, then, looks like this:
As you can see the last cells are hidden below the bottom navigation on the middle and right device. Both have a home bar, the left device does not. How can I fix this?
EDIT: The bottom navigation looks like this:
I also tried to set the bottom constraint of the scroll view to the top of the bottom navigation, but that was resulting in the same issue.
EDIT 2: Taking a look at the Debug View Hierarchy reveals in fact, my Safe Area is too long, so it seems that it has a fixed height and using a bottom constraint on the bottom edge of the Safe Area will break if there is a home bar:
The parent UIView has the correct size.

iPhone X tool bar issue at the bottom

My app works well on all device except for iPhone X.
On iPhone X the tool bar on the bottom is shown like as shown in image
But I want to show it like shown in second image
But when ever I shift the tool bar up so that it will show properly on iPhone X then it also move upwards in other devices.
How should I solve this problem.
Actually the bottom bar of my view is inside another view thats why it is not extending accordingly.
So simply putting the bottom bar outside, on the main view and adjusting the constraint simply resolve my issue.
In my case My toolbar's bottom constraint was attached to superview's bottom. Changing it to Safe Area bottom resolved the issue for me

How to constraint an image to the bottom of the View Controller on iPhone X (below home indicator)

I have a view controller that looks fine on all devices but leaves an undesired white padding behind the Home Indicator on iPhone X. I would like my background image to extend all the way to the bottom margin, and be behind the home indicator like, for example, a tab bar does.
I realize that I could use negative margin over the image, but then that means that I am cutting part of it on other devices. I also setting a parameter to "prefer hiding the home indicator" but it simply hides the bar, and does not extend the image to the margin.
Is there a better way to achieve this?
Finally got to a solution!
First of all, you need to either use a "new" View Controller that contains the Safe Area Layout Guides, or activate them on the Document tab of the View Controller:
After this, you need to realize that a safe area is the view from above the Home Indicator up to below the Status Bar. However, once Safe Area Layout Guides are activated, if you set a constraint to the bottom of the superview, it will go beyond the Safe Area and into the actual bottom (or top if so desired) of the View Controller.
Hope this helps!

Buttons going below screen in landscape mode

I am learning iphone app development and I am using swift. I took the lynda tutorial and I have created a very basic UI which is View Controller > View .
In the View I added a segmented control, two buttons(horizontal, facing each other), three labels, one textarea and two other buttons(horizontal, facing each other).
So I have these UIcomponents arranged vertically and I used 'Reset to suggested constraints' and made all the buttons equal width and equal height and everything is fine in potrait mode but as soon as I go to landscape mode the last two buttons disappear, if I add a constraint from bottom edges the whole UI gets messed up i.e. only one label and part of an upper button appears.
What should I do to make all the UI components visible both in potrait and landscape mode?
There are many ways to go about this. I've set up a github project to show you one way to achieve it.
Short resume of what I did manually without the help of the Interface Builder:
I've pinned the segmented control to the left, top and right of the parent view
The red button below has a vertical constraint to the segmented control and a leading constraint to the parent view. It also als a horizontal space constraint to the green button
The green button has a trailing constraint to the parent view, top aligned to the red button and widths set to equal to the red button.
This setup ensures, that the segmented control is responsible for specifying the distance to the top of the parent view and the red button specifies the width of itself and the green button (test it, by changing the value of the horizontal space constraint)
I've turned the same principle upside down. So the views in the bottom are always pinned to the bottom. But as I said, there are many ways to achieve this. You could also create 3 container views for the elements in the top, center and bottom and pin those to the top, center and bottom.
The running app looks like this:
If you would like to display your content differently in landscape mode, it is possible (and most likely preferable) to create an alternate landscape interface.
Quoting the Apple developer's page on the subject:
"To support an alternate landscape interface, you must do the following:
Implement two view controller objects. One to present a portrait-only
interface, and the other to present a landscape-only interface.
Register for the UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification notification.
In your handler method, present or dismiss the alternate view controller based on the current device orientation."
For more information about this, check out this apple developer page and scroll down to "creating an alternate landscape interface".

Xcode Layout Not Appearing Right In Simulator or Real Device

I have a layout working fine in Xcode storyboard for a Master-Detail splitview app but when I run it in the Simulator or on an actual device it appears slightly messed up and I have no idea why.
The image in Xcode looks like this;
The layout in Simulator and Device looks like this
This is almost certainly a problem with the autoresizing settings of your subviews (aka "Springs and Struts").
You are building a UISplitViewController-based application. Note that the dimensions of your Detail View Controller's frame are different when your app is running in portrait vs landscape mode. In your storyboard screenshot above you see the landscape-sized frame. The screen capture from your simulator shows the portrait-size frame. You'll need to set the struts and springs of your subviews (the UIPickerView, the brushed metal buttons, the white box below, etc) so that these elements resize (or not) and maintain their relative (or absolute) position in the parent view.
The easiest way to do this is to set the values in your storyboard, using the Size Inspector in the right column. Select which element you want to change settings for and then look for this:
By clicking on the red arrows inside the inner box you will toggle on/off the "springs", which determine whether your subview expands when the parent view expands, or whether it maintains its original size when that happens. By clicking on the outer red I-bars you will toggle on/off the "struts", which determine whether you subview will maintain a fixed distance from its parent view's edge when the parent view's size changes. Setting the right combination of these will make your view to look correct in both portrait and landscape orientations.
You can also change these settings programmatically in your code by setting the view's autoresizingMask property. See for reference:
