Microsoft Azure Cloud Shell would not work - azure-cloud-shell

I am learning about Azure now, yesterday, because I made a mess about some staff so I decide to delete all resources and start off clean. Therefore, I delete the storage account that used by azure portal shell. Now my portal shell wouldn't work.
It give me something like this:
Requesting a Cloud Shell.
PowerShell may take up to a minute.Failed to provision a Cloud Shell: {"code":"ServiceUnavailable","message":"Cloud Shell is not available at this moment, please retry later."}
Anyone has any idea on how to fix this

If deleting your storage account you should be prompted to re-onboard into the service by creating another storage account. If you still hit this issue, try hitting the "restart" button in the iframe toolbar. If you still repeatedly hit that issue, please open a support ticket.
Details on how storage works with Bash in Cloud Shell can be found here.


How to Stream logs from Azure Web Apps without signing into the Azure portal?

I have my .Net apps hosted in Azure Web Apps. Is there any way that I can stream/view the application/server log traces directly using without signing into the portal.
The reason why I need this is because, My contains the fellow developers who will not be having access to the Azure portal.
Please help if any solution for this. Thanks in Advance.
I have tried enabling the log streaming inside the Azure portal.But that doesn't meet my requirement.
Also tried storing the logs to the Azure storage account. But cannot find any opensource tools to fetch and read the logs. And feels this as a time consuming solution.
Mohit's recommendations are great and probably the best advice, however:
I have a suggestion which does not fulfil the requirement of not having a role in Azure, but may offer such an advantage that it could be worth it. Using the Azure CLI you can stream out the logs:
az webapp log tail --name appname --resource-group myResourceGroup
You may be able to setup a role with sufficient constraints that all the developer can do is read the diagnostic logs:
Also if you are not familiar with it, I'd suggest looking at Azure Application Insights, it does not have the super low level logs, but likely sufficient for diagnosing issues that a developer would typically run into. And has many advanced features that make it far easier to diagnose things than looking at log files.
Simplest way to achieve that is to use storage account and container for application and diagnostic logging.
To enable diagnostics for your Azure web app, you can do the following:
Log in to your account at
Go to your Azure Web App and select Settings > Diagnostics logs.
For Application Logging (Blob), click On and set the parameters.
Set the Level for the logging.
For Storage Settings, click > and select the Storage Account and Container.
This is the Storage Account and Container that Azure will use to store logs for the Web App. Make note of this information because you will need it to set up a log collection job in USM Anywhere. You can click + Storage Account to create a new storage account or container, or select an existing one.
For Web server logging, select Storage.
Click Storage Settings and select the same storage account and container that you set for the application logging.
Once done then you can share the Azure storage container using SAS shared access signature.
SAS will having a URI which will have the predefined access on the container, By this way you will be able to see logs without accessing Azure portal.
A shared access signature (SAS) is a URI that allows you to specify the time span and permissions allowed for access to a storage resource such as a blob or container. The time span and permissions can be derived from a stored access policy or specified in the URI. We’ll cover both of these in detail later.
You can refer below docs for reference.
Hope it helps.

Unable to connect JIRA Cloud

I installed JIRA Cloud for sheet add-on. While connecting with JIRA instead of connecting using Atlassian account I used the google account and thus not get authenticated and got this error message.
Now the problem is, even if I try the the same again and wants to use Atlassian account, its still throwing the same error and not allowng me use Atlassian account. Cleared cache, reinstall JIRA Cloud for sheet add-on but no luck.
Any idea?
I doubt you are still logged in with your google account into the Atlassian cloud Jira.
Wonder how? Can you try opening At the very left bottom corner, click on your profile pic and logout. Login again with your correct id and password and you should be able to use your Jira cloud as usual.
Remember, when you login into any Atlassian Cloud instance you actually login into account which is used for authentication by all other atlassian cloud sites. To logout completely, change account login you need to go to
I hope this helps you.

How MS Teams auto logs into Azure AD

I tried few plugins to implement Azure AD auto-login functionality to an Electron app, but each of them had login issues described here if I choose file system URL(file:///).
This is because Electron apps run on file system URLs and Azure AD doesn't accepts a file system URL.
As much as I know, MS Teams is build on Electron.
How have they achieved it?
Do I need to run a local server like electron-with-express?

Manage Hyperledger Composer wallet

I have been trying to connect my Hyperledger composer to my bluemix instance with no visible result. in the process I accidentally did rewrite my admin account with a different password.
Since there is no visual way seemingly to control the users in the wallet my question is: is there any way to manager the users inside a hyperledger composer wallet?
There is currently no way to visually manage wallets in the playground, other than to issue or add new identities.
The playground just uses local storage for identities in your wallet at the moment so, if it starts causing problems, you could try using a private browser window. (A different browser or entering localstorage.clear() in the browser console should also give you an empty wallet).
There are some ideas around for expanding identity management in the future. Have a look at issue 817 in the hyperledger composer repository if you're interested in finding out more.

Missing service account

My pipeline doesn't start due to error:
(8e45efed0ad51300): Workflow failed. Causes: (8e45efed0ad51e7b): There was a problem refreshing your credentials.
Please check:
1. Dataflow API is enabled for your project.
2. There is a robot service account for your project: [project number] should have access to your project. If this account does not appear in the permissions tab for your project, contact Dataflow support.
I assume that Dataflow API is enabled as I'm able to reach Dataflow monitoring console, so first requirement is fulfilled. Second isn't. There is no a single account in the domain
Where can I ask for such help without paid support plan?
If you disable and then re-enable the Dataflow API for your project that should create the missing service account.
Hope that helps!
