Manage Hyperledger Composer wallet - hyperledger

I have been trying to connect my Hyperledger composer to my bluemix instance with no visible result. in the process I accidentally did rewrite my admin account with a different password.
Since there is no visual way seemingly to control the users in the wallet my question is: is there any way to manager the users inside a hyperledger composer wallet?

There is currently no way to visually manage wallets in the playground, other than to issue or add new identities.
The playground just uses local storage for identities in your wallet at the moment so, if it starts causing problems, you could try using a private browser window. (A different browser or entering localstorage.clear() in the browser console should also give you an empty wallet).
There are some ideas around for expanding identity management in the future. Have a look at issue 817 in the hyperledger composer repository if you're interested in finding out more.


Problems creating a new project in Watson Studio

I want to create my first project in Watson Studio; however, I can not do it because when I click on the "Create" bottom I receive the following message "Unable to configure credentials for your project in the selected Cloud Object Storage instance". Does anyone know what this means?
You need to be IBM Cloud account Administrator or Owner if you are using shared account within your organization.
If you are not account Administrator, you should ask account administrator to enable storage delegation for cloud object storage service used for project so that non-administrator users under that account can create project using that Cloud Object storage service.
Please check this documentation link:-
(See Requirements section).
There are also chances that this may be a temporary issue caused by some intermediate problem for IBM Cloud IAM service as this project creation attempts to create credentials for the storage service(IBM Cloud Object storage) you select, so you as account owner may also run into this issue. In such case, please reach out to IBM Support.

Enabling Authentication for Access to Hyperledger Composer Playground and Blockchain Explorer

Is there anyway to secure the access for Local Hyperledger Composer Playground and Blockchain Explorer just like the REST Server authentication?
The Local Composer Playground 'sees' all the cards you have on the local file system, and a user hitting that Playground can choose which card to use. So for testing it is easy to switch between them.
You can Export a Card from Playground and send it/pass it to another person. If they use the CLI to import the card, and start Playground they will only see that card. In this way you can achieve authentication for Playground users but it is different to the REST server.
Note: that the REST server is intended to be a key element of the infrastructure for a live production system, whereas the Playground is intended for Modelling, Testing and Development - not for serious production deployment.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Shell would not work

I am learning about Azure now, yesterday, because I made a mess about some staff so I decide to delete all resources and start off clean. Therefore, I delete the storage account that used by azure portal shell. Now my portal shell wouldn't work.
It give me something like this:
Requesting a Cloud Shell.
PowerShell may take up to a minute.Failed to provision a Cloud Shell: {"code":"ServiceUnavailable","message":"Cloud Shell is not available at this moment, please retry later."}
Anyone has any idea on how to fix this
If deleting your storage account you should be prompted to re-onboard into the service by creating another storage account. If you still hit this issue, try hitting the "restart" button in the iframe toolbar. If you still repeatedly hit that issue, please open a support ticket.
Details on how storage works with Bash in Cloud Shell can be found here.

Transparency in Hyperledger Fabric

I'm aware that hyperledger is suitable for businesses who care about their data confidentiality. But, I'd like to use it for the cases where data transparency matters too.
Questions: In hyperledger fabric, can we set our blockchain in a way that public can read it, but only certificate holders can write (or send transaction) to it?
Yes. I just created a registered guest account. It still uses certs and the chaincode controls access. Set to read only for GUEST. Technically a query is a transaction. You could have the web app just login as guest when the page loads.
BPN Dev Network Org 1
BPN Dev Network Org 2

Composer Playground Profiles?

When you use Playground tied to a Connection Profile of your Fabric, meaning running Playground Locally, you're able to deploy your own chaincode, and issue identities. Since you do so as PeerAdmin, and you can manage your wallet with different identities, are those identities Local? If I check the Playground from another device, I have the same wallet there, with PeerAdmin rights.
So, is it possible to run playground with the same chaincode in different devices but with different roles, identities or wallets? In a similar fashion as how it is when you use the RestAPI with OAuth, where you can establish each participant as an identity, using the same API "address".
I guess it maybe possible to run a local instance of playground in another device and establish the connection profile to the remote one and then it would have a different wallet?
Playground uses a local credential store, by default stored in the user's home directory, which may be on the host, or inside a Docker container, depending how you are running Playground.
We are working on designs for how credentials can be imported/exported from Playground at the moment. You can follow progress here:
