How do I access the parameters from json API in Rails? [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 5 years ago.
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My rails app is receiving the following from the json. How do I access the name key of attributes and the calendar id in Ruby.
Parameters: {"data"=>{"type"=>"user-events", "attributes"=>{"name"=>"An event", "location"=>"University of Illinois at Urbna-Champaign", "notes"=>"Testing my eventf\n", "all-day"=>false, "recurring"=>false, "sunday"=>false, "monday"=>false, "tuesday"=>false, "wednesday"=>false, "thursday"=>false, "friday"=>false, "saturday"=>false, "start-date"=>"01-16-2018", "stop-date"=>"01-16-2018", "start-time"=>"04:32PM", "stop-time"=>"05:32PM"}, "relationships"=>{"calendar"=>{"data"=>{"type"=>"calendars", "id"=>"685"}}}}}
Do I use the code below to access the name attribute ?
Also, do I use the following to access the id for the calendars ?
Thanks in advance for your help

If your Hash name is Parameters
Parameters['data']['attributes']['name'] # "An event"
Parameters['data']['relationships']['calendar']['data']['id'] # "685"
if it's params, then
params['data']['attributes']['name'] # "An event"
params['data']['relationships']['calendar']['data']['id'] # "685"
will access the attributes.


RoR JSON::ParserError 795: unexpected token [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need save {"individual"=>"true", "multi-user"=>"true"} to a string and then parse it to a JSON representation of the same hash. Unfortunately, this produces the following error:
JSON::ParserError in WizardsController#step
795: unexpected token at '{"individual"=>"true", "multi-user"=>"true"}'
Use to_json on the hash, before you attempt to manipulate it:
{"individual"=>"true", "multi-user"=>"true"}.to_json
=> "{\"individual\":\"true\",\"multi-user\":\"true\"}"

Use variable in parameter ruby on rails? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to check if param key exists with a variable name and if it exists I want to use value something like params[filenamestring[-1]].
filenamestring is any array generate with split
generally we use params like params[:key] but here i have array and want to use params value with array last element like params[filenamestring[-1]]
You are looking for this:
if params.key?(filenamestring[-1])
This will check if the key exists within the params.
Edit: Something like this would add the param to an array:
my_array << params[filenamestring[-1]] if params.key?(filenamestring[-1])
Or to add it to a string or integer:
my_variable + params[filenamestring[-1]] if params.key?(filenamestring[-1])
If you are doing something else, let me know and I'll update my answer again.

How to turn a string into URL in rails [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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If I have a form input where someone puts '' or '' it turns it into a valid URL adding http:// so that rails can use it. What I want is to have a form where you input a URL and it grabs the 3 most used words at that site and shows them in a list on the results page. This list should be accessible later, so I also need to store those words with that URL
def smart_add_url_protocol
url = Url.find_by(params[:url])
unless self.url[/\Ahttp:\/\//] || self.url[/\Ahttps:\/\//]
self.url = "http://#{self.url}"
something like this.
You can use URI::HTTP#build like so: '').to_s
#=> ""
I recommend the Addressable gem which is somewhat smart about guessing URLs from strings:
require "addressable/uri"

Ruby attribute meta programming [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My user has the attribute:
I would like to change an attribute value based on another set of attributes on the same model. I would like to do some processing mapping on user, say:
def magic (user)
user.local(1..3) = process(user.step(1..3)_local)
The code above of course does not work (example). I am not sure how to do it dynamically without going through each attributes individually. I want to map processing one to another. Any ideas?
You can use Object#public_send and method, like this:
def magic(user)
(1..3).each do |n|
user.public_send("local#{n}=", process(user.read_attribute("step#{n}_local")))

How to update a record? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is the proper way to update a record in Ruby on Rails? Just a single record. For example, I want to modify the name of the title somehow. A code snippet would be awesome!
The basic way to update a record is like that : = "new name"
this assumes that #user in an instance of a User class having a name field.
you can also do mass_assignment with the update_attributes method
#user.update_attributes name: "new name", email: ""
If you want an exception to be raised if the record is invalid you can use the bang method instead, so here it would be save! & update_attributes!
You can also use the update_attribute which has been (or will be soon) renamed to update_column to update a single column while skipping the validation, but you should generally avoid using this method
more doc there
Finally you can use the write_attribute method
entity = Entity.find_by_name("some_name")
entity.title="new title"!
Entity.find_by_name("some_name").update_attributes(:title => "new title")
for more details, refer to
