RoR JSON::ParserError 795: unexpected token [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need save {"individual"=>"true", "multi-user"=>"true"} to a string and then parse it to a JSON representation of the same hash. Unfortunately, this produces the following error:
JSON::ParserError in WizardsController#step
795: unexpected token at '{"individual"=>"true", "multi-user"=>"true"}'

Use to_json on the hash, before you attempt to manipulate it:
{"individual"=>"true", "multi-user"=>"true"}.to_json
=> "{\"individual\":\"true\",\"multi-user\":\"true\"}"


How do I access the parameters from json API in Rails? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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My rails app is receiving the following from the json. How do I access the name key of attributes and the calendar id in Ruby.
Parameters: {"data"=>{"type"=>"user-events", "attributes"=>{"name"=>"An event", "location"=>"University of Illinois at Urbna-Champaign", "notes"=>"Testing my eventf\n", "all-day"=>false, "recurring"=>false, "sunday"=>false, "monday"=>false, "tuesday"=>false, "wednesday"=>false, "thursday"=>false, "friday"=>false, "saturday"=>false, "start-date"=>"01-16-2018", "stop-date"=>"01-16-2018", "start-time"=>"04:32PM", "stop-time"=>"05:32PM"}, "relationships"=>{"calendar"=>{"data"=>{"type"=>"calendars", "id"=>"685"}}}}}
Do I use the code below to access the name attribute ?
Also, do I use the following to access the id for the calendars ?
Thanks in advance for your help
If your Hash name is Parameters
Parameters['data']['attributes']['name'] # "An event"
Parameters['data']['relationships']['calendar']['data']['id'] # "685"
if it's params, then
params['data']['attributes']['name'] # "An event"
params['data']['relationships']['calendar']['data']['id'] # "685"
will access the attributes.

Deep Rails JSON parse [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is it possible to have JSON.parse work 2 layers deep so that a hash within a hash will get parsed as well? Is there a method for or do I have to do something like JSON.parse(JSON.parse(...)['foo'])?
JSON.parse doesn't care about your hash structure:
> str = JSON.dump({foo: {bar: {baz: :qux}}})
=> "{\"foo\":{\"bar\":{\"baz\":\"qux\"}}}"
> p = JSON.parse(str).with_indifferent_access
=> {"foo"=>{"bar"=>{"baz"=>"qux"}}}
> p[:foo][:bar][:baz]
=> "qux"
(Well, it cares if you have a malformed string, but that's something else altogether.)
So, what are you asking?

Ruby attribute meta programming [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My user has the attribute:
I would like to change an attribute value based on another set of attributes on the same model. I would like to do some processing mapping on user, say:
def magic (user)
user.local(1..3) = process(user.step(1..3)_local)
The code above of course does not work (example). I am not sure how to do it dynamically without going through each attributes individually. I want to map processing one to another. Any ideas?
You can use Object#public_send and method, like this:
def magic(user)
(1..3).each do |n|
user.public_send("local#{n}=", process(user.read_attribute("step#{n}_local")))

undefined method ` #' in rails [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does someone know why
hash['City'] = {}
hash['City']['answer0'] = 'foo'
Get the following error:
undefined method `+#' for {"answer0"=>"foo"}:Hash
If you want to have 'multi-dimentional' hashes you need to properly define the hash like so:
a = { |hash, key| hash[key] = }
Then you can do:
a['city']['answer0'] = 'foo'

In rails is there some object has nil [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know there some object has nil? method, I want to know is there some method with nil?
There is a similar answered post here: a-concise-explanation-of-nil-v-empty-v-blank-in-ruby-on-rails
If you are using rails (not just ruby) there are three methods in your toolkit: .nil?, .empty? and .blank?
Follow the link to see the good description
inverse of
You could use present?, which acts as a sort of !blank?
you could use defined? as well
1.9.3p125 :002 > Object.methods.grep(/nil/)
=> [:nil?]
