removing a beta test (testflight) app on an iphone - ios

A colleague of mine has installed a beta app of mine a year ago on his iphone with the use of testflight. Now he cannot delete the app anymore.
The normal move of the icon for deinstallation is simply ignored.
How to delete/uninstall an app after testing?

I'm an React Native dev who's more used to Android, so I also had trouble with this.
Turns out I was deep pressing (force pressing?) the icon instead of long pressing. You have to make sure you're only pressing lightly in order to make the 'x' icon appear, otherwise you get a menu of options like 'Send Feedback'.

This is slightly going off of guess work but will explain as best as I can.
I assume that when you launched the app you did so via iTunes Connect and inside the TestFlight tab?
If so then the TestFlight build should have an expiration date next to it of when the app will stop working. If that doesn't exist the other thing to check is the 'All Testers'tab, move the mouse of the right hand side of the person's name and remove them. That might force the app to delete.
Short of that, the only other thing I can suggest is to meet with the client and try and press and hold on the app and see what happens. You could also go onto the TestFlight app on their device and see what the information says in there.
I hope that helps!


How to disable TestFlight beta testing?

I'm not able to transfer my application to iTunes connect. It is said that I have to disable my Beta testing of the application. Actually, I have stopped testing, deleted all builds from beta testing. App was set up for only internal testers. I have removed all testers as well. But still same issue. Here is the snap.
I spoke with an Apple representative on the phone regarding this issue. They are aware of this bug and working on it. That's all she could answer me.
Try again next week, if the issue is still there (which probably will be), I had to call again...
Pay attention to application localization. If your application has support multi language, then you could leave the information in the TestFlight menu.
You must delete the test information not only from the main language, but from other languages that are supported in your application. Go to TestFlight tab -> Test Information. Then click blue button with your language in right side of webpage. You shall choose other language supported in your application and remove all appeared information about testing. After this, click Save button (see attachment)
And try to transfer app. Next to the text TestFlight Beta Testing should be a green checkmark.
P.S. This solution was suggested by the Apple Support Team. Here is a part of their letter:
After checking your iTunes Connect account, we could see that you have
started to test a build internally, and you still have a feedback
email listed under Test Information in the English (U.S.)
localization. Therefore, I would kindly ask you to expire the build
and remove the feedback email.
After you have followed the information above, you should be able to
proceed further with your transfer.
Remove all testers and all testing information from the application in iTunesConnect on tab TestFlight.
You need to remove all testers, all builds (detail each one and expire it) and remove all information about how to test the app. I did this and worked for me.
I was able to fix this bug going to TestFlight section in Appstoreconnect and in Test Information switch to another language and clear all field also there.
Had the same problem.
If nothing helps, maybe these steps will help you.
You have to go to the TestFlight tab, then Test Information, and in the top right corner press language button. If you have more than one language, delete them from the list.

App freezes several seconds before start on device

I'm a free developer and I use my swift application on my iPhone 7. I'm using Swift 3 and iOS 10.
So the problem is, sometimes (like 2 of 10 times) when I start the app, iOS freezes like 5 seconds before my app actualy comes to the screen. In this time I only see the app icon is in the highlighted state. This only happens with my own app, not with other apps.
My app also does nothing special on startup and this only happens on the real device, the debugger in Xcode always starts immediately.
So is this a normal behavior? And does it work properly when I decide to put it on the App Store?
Thanks in advance.
I have had this happen to me before. No, this does not happen when it is put out on the App Store. One way to get around this is to use TestFlight. You can upload your archive to apple and select on the 'TestFlight' tab of your app. Click on internal testing and then click on your email and the version of the app you want to test. You should then get an email on your Apple ID telling you to test the app, and it will let you download it. Good question :)
To test the same version which would have been uploaded to the store quickly, change the build configuration to release. To do so, click on your app's name (top left), press edit schema, click the build configuration dropdown, also deselect debug executable. (make sure to turn it back when you're going to debug, or create a new schema with the above settings to let you switch quickly in the future)
You might also try using instruments, that lag on startup might happen if you're trying to load many things in memory on your initial view controller's viewDidLoad or app delegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions load, especially when trying to load big files such as images, videos or large plists. You might want to try using instruments (the time profiler instrument specifically) in order to check it out.

New iTunes connect interface -- should it IMMEDIATELY be seen on "Prerelease"?

Regarding the insane changes to itunesconnect.
When you successfully upload a build from Xcode,
It seems you have to wait until it appears here..fair enough.
BUT there is confusing information about the prerelease section.
Or, do you have to wait, even for it to appear on the "Prerelease" area?
Anyone who actually knows ... THANK YOU.
Some partial information ...
a build submitted at 1606 did appear on the "prerelease" area at 1651.....
(So, 45 minutes later.)
How did I make it happen? Over on Xcode, I took the same archive, and clicked validate, let it process that, and then clicked submit again. Half way through, the "first" one (from 45 minutes ago) did appear as shown here on the "Prerelease" section. I then just clicked to cancel that second upload (I guess it would have been harmless anyway.) Coincidence? I don't know, but it worked.
So now - it's stuck in "prerelease" section! :O
I had the same issue and now I have solved.
The reason for that is that your build is missing something that apple servers is unable to determine.
to solve this, make sure you have included all possible settings needed for your app submission, and make sure you have added at least one of the launch images for every possible resolution, that was my case, I added an launch image for every device and did works.
so, carefully check if you project is missing one of those settings or an image, and try.
if you have an App that Waiting for Review, the New App that you create and you upload... it will not Appear on +Build until the first App " Approved or Rejected"

ios 8 openUrl itms-services does not exit current app

In iOS 6 or 7, the app exit to the home screen when I call UIApplication openUrl with a url of itms-services://XXXX to install a new version of my app (using enterprise deployment with ipa files).
In iOS 8, this is no longer the case. Now the app continue running just as nothing has happened, but if I go the home screen, I can see my app icon grayed out, with a downloading pie chart about 66% completed and the text "Downloading..." below. If I now wait for a while (less than a minute), the application is installed correctly and I can start my app again.
Has anyone else experienced this behavior? Have anyone seen any documentation regarding this? I can accept behavioral changes as long as it is documented, but I haven't seen any documentation regarding this.
While forcing the app to crash will technically work, a much better solution (allowing the user to retain the state of the application) would be to simply background the app launching the itms-services link by executing the following.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] performSelector:#selector(suspend)];
We use this in an app used for distributing test builds to our testers and it works very well, and eliminates the confusion of a tester trying to install an app and having the app stay in front. It also allows them to return to our distribution app and have it pick up where they were.
Yes, you also get the same behaviour when clicking a download link in safari now on iOS8.
I'm not sure why they introduced this change but there isn't really a way around it (unless you force your app to crash with something like exit(0);)
Also, the itms-services url scheme is undocumented and is technically a private api. From experience, you're not allowed to submit apps to the App Store that use it.
I have experienced a similar thing. I have a web page for our internal app store and when I tap on the link I do get a prompt asking if I want to install and when I say yes safari just sits there. The app is downloading on the home screen but under IOS 7 safari would be pushed to the background and you could see where your app is being downloaded to and its progress. Now it appears like nothing is happening. I would love to correct this. Perhaps something has changed in the .plist files the itms-services protocol uses. This protocol is not private it is just reserved for enterprise deployments.

In-app update with TestFlight on iOS

My iPhone app has now entered into a beta phase. I am using TestFlight to send the app to the testers. Everything works great, I publish the link, they download the app, no problem with any certificate or anything (true story, lol).
My only problem is I have absolutely no idea on how to send in-app updates. I saw on the latest SDK version that it's available, but I can't figure out how to do it ! Right now, if I upload a new build, and select "update & notify", an email is sent. How can I send a notification to the users, directly through my app, that a new version is available ? Right now I'm starting to think that this is not possible (if so, my bad). But I really thought I could do it !
As always, any help/link/doc is always appreciated ! :)
You can force an upgrade.
Go into settings in the upper right corner and select the "gear" then choose "Area 51" (this is the new features area, still beta). From there you can select to turn on "Forced Upgrades":
If you enable force upgrades on a build. The next time users open your build and there is an update available they will be forced to install the build before continuing.
You need to have different Bundle versions when uploading your app. You can set your bundle version in your apps info.plist under Bundle version. change that value to something else and you will be prompted now you open the app to upgrade or skip.
So far, my users where notified in the app without me having to do anything but call takeOff and (well here i'm not sure if this was necessary) use a few arbitrary checkpoints. They could choose wether or not they want to update their app now, later or never.
BUT apparently this has stopped working over the past few weeks, I'm receiving more and more feedback that the only way they got to know that there is an update available was through the email that is sent to them by testflight.
