Microsoft Graph API - CalendarView Delete Event - microsoft-graph-api

I'm trying to delete/cancel and event pulled from the CalendarView API for a given Conference Room. I have the Event ID and am trying the following:
Receiving the following error message:
Message: The OData request is not supported.
Is it not possible to delete/cancel associated from a CalendarView?
I've noticed when I create the event (under my user) it has a different ID than if I pull the same event from the CalendarView.
Thoughts? When pulling the CalendarView for each Conference Room I wouldn't have context to the organizers Events, correct?

To delete an event you need to use the /events segment, not /calendarview. You can get the ID from the calendar view, then just do:

Basic Code Sample:
var query = new List<Microsoft.Graph.Option>()
new Microsoft.Graph.QueryOption("$filter", $"iCalUId eq '{eventId}'")
var events = await graphClient.Users[User.Identity.Name].Events.Request(query).GetAsync();
var evt = events.First();
await graphClient.Users[User.Identity.Name].Events[evt.Id].Request().DeleteAsync();


Retrieving chatinfo and attendees using MS Graph SDK

Starting with a sample oauth app I am trying to retrieve info about an online meeting that occurred.
Create the client:
var graphClient = _graphServiceClientFactory.GetAuthenticatedGraphClient((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity);
Make request:
var returnObj = await graphClient.Me.OnlineMeetings.CreateOrGet(meetingID).Request().PostAsync();
The problem is the lack of information returned. I am trying to retrive the chat from the meeting, which seems like it should be in returnObj.ChatInfo but this is all I get back:
Also missing are the attendees in Participants (count=0). I know there are non zero attendees and that a chat log exists.
Trying Select or Expand does not help. Select returns nothing new,and expand gives an error along the lines of Message: Parsing OData Select and Expand failed: Property 'participants' on type 'microsoft.graph.onlineMeeting' is not a navigation property or complex property. Only navigation properties can be expanded., and similarly for chatinfo.
Also, using the threadId I thought maybe I could do this:
var groups = await graphClient.Groups.Request().GetAsync();
Group group = groups[0];
ConversationThread chat;
chat = await graphClient.Groups[group.Id].Threads[chatId].Request().GetAsync();
where for chatId I used the threadId from chatinfo, wholey and parsed out in different ways but I get Not Found.
No idea if what I'm trying to do is even possible as the documentation is rather lacking in terms of tying different pieces together (Like what is the threadId for? where is it used?).
Also, here are the various scopes I am requesting
"GraphScopes": "User.Read User.ReadBasic.All Mail.Send OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite Group.Read.All Team.ReadBasic.All"

Sending a chat message to a microsoft Teams channel using Microsoft Graph API C#

My goal is simple.
I want to send an automated chat message in to a MS Teams channel using the graph API.
This seems to be beta feature of the graph API and is only avalible in the Microsoft.Graph.Beta.
I have read the docs and have been trying to follow this example:, I have all the permissions set correct in my azure portal. I keep getting 'Unknown Error' I have tried:
var graphServiceClient = MicrosoftGraphService.GetGraphServiceClient();
var chatMessage = new ChatMessage
Subject = null,
Body = new ItemBody
ContentType = BodyType.Text,
Content = messageText
var response = await graphServiceClient.Teams["77f9c17f-54ca-4275-82d4-fff7esdacda1"].Channels["2007765c-8185-4cc7-8064-fb1b10f27e6b"].Messages.Request()
I have also tried to to see if I can get anything from teams:
var teams = await graphServiceClient.Teams["77f9c17f-54ca-4275-2sed4-ffsde59acda1"].Request().GetAsync();
Again all I get is Unknown error, I have used GRAPH API before to do things like get users in an organisation, so I know the genreal set up is correct.
Has anyone on the Internet somewhere in the world got this to work?! becuase its driving me crazy
Same problem here :
Everything is ok with users or groups, but I can't get anything from Teams (unknownError)
All IDs are correct and checked
Here are the authorizations I have set for the app :
Read all users' teamwork activity feed
Read all groups
Send a teamwork activity to any user
Get a list of all teams
Here is my code (based on microsoft daemon app scenario)
The access token is ok
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(
new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(async (requestMessage) =>
requestMessage.Headers.Authorization =
new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken);
var chatMessage = new ChatMessage
Subject = "Message de test",
Body = new ItemBody
ContentType = BodyType.Html,
Content = "Contenu de test"
await graphClient.Teams["218a4b1d-84d5-48a2-97a0-023e4e4c3e85"].Channels["19:adbf8ddf37a049aa9f63a0f8ee0e8054#thread.tacv2"].Messages
And the result :
Token acquired
Code: UnknownError
Inner error:
request-id: e2e433d8-cedd-4401-b5b2-6f34cf5611cf
date: 2020-03-30T12:14:15
ClientRequestId: e2e433d8-cedd-4401-b5b2-6f34cf5611cf
Edit(2020-04-01) :
No solution at the time being : there are answers to comments at the bottom of the page "Create chatMessage in a channel" in ms doc (feedback section)
It seems that applications cannot be granted the permission to send chatMessages up to now.
RamjotSingh commented on Jun 11, 2019 Contributor
#pythonpsycho1337 - As the permission table above notes, Application
only context is not supported on this API at the moment.
RamjotSingh commented on Dec 16, 2019 Contributor
Supporting application permissions is something we plan to do but we do not have a date yet.
RamjotSingh commented a day ago Contributor
We will share on Microsoft Graph Blog once we have application
permissions for this API. Since the original question for this issue
was answered. Closing it.

How to create an openType extension that propagates to attendees copies?

I'm working on a project for booking rooms, and we need to use some extended properties.
We've been using singleValueLegacyExtendedProperty, but as I reported in another question that microsoft graph cannot update the value correctly
(SingleValueExtendedProperty is propagated only when room accept the event)
I tried using graph explorer to create the extension in some specific event:
When I retrieve this specific event it is Ok, the extended properties are there:
When I retrieve the room event, the extended property is not there (I have to use postman because of the credentials, although my user has delegate access to this room, I cannot expand the extensions using my credential in graph explorer)
I got a workaround using the singleValueLegacyExtendedProperty.
I've found out that when you change some relevant information of the event such as Title, Date, etc.. it forces the propagation.
So what I did was to put a space at the end of the event title and if the event has space at the end we remove it.
Like (using the c# sdk):
GraphServiceClient calendarService = await _microsoftAuth.AuthenticateService(calendarConfiguration);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventData.Title) && eventData.Title.EndsWith(' '))
eventData.Title = eventData.Title.Remove(eventData.Title.Length - 1);
eventData.Title += " ";
Event toUpdate = new Event
Id = eventData.EventId,
Subject = eventData.Title,
SingleValueExtendedProperties = EventExtensionsMapper.Map(eventData),
var updateResult = await calendarService.Users[calendar.Email].Events[toUpdate.Id].Request().UpdateAsync(toUpdate)

UCWA MyOnlineMeeting attendees requirements? External attendees

I'm currently trying to develop an application that creates Skype meetings.
I'm leveraging the C# UCWA SDK and developing against Skype for Business online.
Meeting creation works fine if I only include people from the tenant in attendees, as soon as I include people not from the tenant in the meeting I get this error message:
{"code":"BadRequest","subcode":"ParameterValidationFailure","message":"Please check what you entered and try again.","debugInfo":{"diagnosticsCode":"2"}}
Here is my code sample
var meeting = new MyOnlineMeeting()
AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Everyone,
Attendees = new string[] { $"sip:{Settings.SkypeUserEmail}" }, //Adding anybody else than the service account makes it fail for now
Subject = series.Subject,
ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3),
AutomaticLeaderAssignment = AutomaticLeaderAssignment.SameEnterprise,
Leaders = series.Organizers.Select(x => $"sip:{x.EmailAddress}").ToArray(),
LobbyBypassForPhoneUsers = LobbyBypassForPhoneUsers.Enabled,
PhoneUserAdmission = PhoneUserAdmission.Disabled
var dialIn = await client.OnlineMeetings.GetPhoneDialInInformation();
var meetings = await client.OnlineMeetings.GetMyOnlineMeetings();
var result = await meetings.Create(meeting);
Adding external users to the organizers properties works fine though.
My question is: how can I add external attendees to the meeting I'm creating? Is there anything specific around attendees?
After a few exchanges on the Microsoft Skype for Business MVP's private distribution list, it appears that attendees have to be part of the organization or otherwise the call will fail.
Submitted a Pull Request to update the latest version of the documentation

Get meetings by organizer or attendee email ID using GoToMeeting SDK

I am using .Net sdk of GoToMeeting.
I want to get meetings organized by particular organizer.
I have tried using
MeetingsApi.getHistoryMeetings but it does not return me OrganizerKey so I can not filter on particular Organizer.
Is there any way to get meeting(s) based on organizer or even by Attendee email ID by using .Net SDK?
What is the problem you are facing with MeetingsApi.getHistoryMeetings();?
why you need to filter the method, the MeetingsApi.getHistoryMeetings(accessToken,true,date1,date2); itself filtered for a particular user right?
Look on the arguments we are passing in the method?
accessToken - This token is generated as a result of successful authentication of a gotoproduct account. (In API call it can be generated using directlogin orOauth method.
true - this represents whether the meetings returned are past or not.
date1 - Start date range for the meetings.
date2 - End date range for the meetings.
below code is the sample for getting history meetings.
DateTime sdt=DateTime.Parse("07/01/2015");
DateTime edt=DateTime.Parse("07/30/2015");
List<MeetingHistory> historymeets = new System.Collections.Generic.List<MeetingHistory>();
historymeets=meeting.getHistoryMeetings(accesToken, true, sdt, edt);
foreach (var item in historymeets)
try it out... The above code will store the meetings in historymeets collection object.
You can do the filter function in that collection object.
List<MeetingHistory> historymeets = new System.Collections.Generic.List<MeetingHistory>();
historymeets=meeting.getHistoryMeetings(accesToken, true, sdt, edt);
List<AttendeeByMeeting> lstAttendee = new System.Collections.Generic.List<AttendeeByMeeting>();
foreach (var item in historymeets)
lstAttendee=meeting.getAttendeesByMeetings(accesToken, item.meetingId);
foreach (var itemattendee in lstAttendee)
for comment - It is possible, but not directly because there is no api calls, which supports the meeting by attendee . the above code which i have written is for meeting by organizer . Now you have two options,
get the getHistoryMeetings, now you got the meeting details right? , then get the attendees by meeting id using getAttendeesByMeetings(), filter the two different collection objects with join using LINQ. OR
get the meetingdetails and attendees by executing two different fuinction calls, and store it in database or somewhere else, so that you can access it for doing the filter
