undefined method `paginate' despite having will_paginate gem - ruby-on-rails

I'm a rails newbie and I'm trying to construct a feed of posts that are pulled from the database based on the characteristic of a category (in this case music). The action getting flagged is:
def music
#music_wads = Wad.find_by(category: "Music").paginate(page: params[:page])
Perhaps I'm making an error with the syntax, but I have the gem will_paginate installed. I have yet to actually add the <%= will_paginate #music_wads %> to my view however. Any thoughts?

Try .where instead of .find_by:
#music_wads = Wad.where(category: "Music").paginate(page: params[:page])
.find_by returns first record matching your conditions, while .paginate needs an ActiveRecord::Relation collection of records to work.


Will Paginate Gem: providing custom number of pages instead of active record

I have used Elastic Search to fetch the data and am trying to use Pagination gem to toggle between pages. But i am currently facing an issue in
<%= will_paginate #data %>
i am getting an error
NoMethodError - undefined method `total_pages' for #<Array:0x007fdcfbd3f128>
since #data is an array instead of an Active Record since the data was fetched from Elastic Search
Is there anyway to specify the total pages so that i will still be able to use the gem.
Your #data is an array instead of collection so to use will_paginate on array you can do like this:
require 'will_paginate/array'
And then:
#data.paginate(:page => 2, :per_page => 10)
will work.
Source: https://github.com/mislav/will_paginate/wiki/Backwards-incompatibility#willpaginatecollection

Pagination error in gem kaminari?

I am working on rails 4 and this are my steps:-
gem kaminari --in gemfile
bundle install
#vendors = Vendor.order(:name).page params[:page] in vendor_controller.rb)
also tried #vendors=Vendor.order("name").page(params[:page]).per(5)
<% = paginate #vendors %> in index.html.erb
undefined method `page' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation::ActiveRecord_Relation_Vendor:0x16bec10>
I have also tried in console
a = Vendor.limit(5).count
b = a.page(1).per(20).size
NOmethoderror undefined method 'page'
Where i am going wrong .?
Try calling the page method directly from the ActiveRecord class. You're calling it after order, which returns an ActiveRecord::Relation object.
#vendors = Vendor.page(params[:page]).order(:name)
I think this one may solve your problem:
vendor.except(:limit, :offset)
In model use:
paginates_per 5

Kaminari pagination scope problem

In Kaminari, this works:
<%= paginate #posts %>
But if I do something like:
<%= paginate #user.posts %>
I get
undefined method `current_page' for #<Class:0x58378e0>
How do I fix this? I heard inherited_resources helped, but I don't know how to use it to fix this bug.
Because in the first version #posts was probably the result of running something like
#posts = Post.page(2).per(50)
So Kaminari returned an array like object, which paginate helper method expects.
When you call #user.posts directly you are in fact just loading a plain old ActiveRecord association.
The short answer is that you need to let Kaminari generate the variable you are in fact using with the paginate helper method

Rails pagination of subset of a class

I have a rails app and I'm trying to set up pagination for a view of the Essays class. I'm new to rails... so I can do this for ALL of them, but I only want certain ones to be in this list (where all the essays are contained in Essay.find(Ranking.where(:user_id=>current_user.id).essay_id)).
home.html.erb contains (among other things):
`<%= will_paginate #essays%>
<ul class="users">
<%= render #essays %>
<%= will_paginate #essays%>`
in the Pages Controller:
def home
#essays = Essay.paginate(:page => params[:page])
I tried adding #essays=Essay.find(Ranking.where(:user_id=>current_user.id).essay_id) before the #essays=Essay.paginate(:page => params[:page]) but the method essay_id for the Ranking class is not available here. How do I get around this? Thanks!
This should work:
.where(:rankings => {:user_id => current_user.id})
.paginate(:page => params[:page])
While this can be done with will_paginate. I've had some issues with this plugin for Rails 3. A much smoother solution, in my opinion, was to use another pagination plugin called Kaminari.
Assuming, essay_id is passed as a param, you could try:
#ranking = Ranking.where(:user_id => current_user.id, :essay_id => params[:essay_id]).page(params[:page]).per(10)
Or depending on your logic. If the essay object has already been identified in your controller:
#essay = Essay.find(1234)
#ranking = Ranking.where(:user_id => current_user.id, :essay_id => #essay.id).page(params[:page]).per(10)
And then, in your view:
<%= paginate #ranking %>
Even better, to get you started on Kaminari, you can view this rails cast. As noted from the rails cast:
The first-choice gem for pagination in
Rails is will_paginate, but the
currently released version doesn’t
support Rails 3. There is a
pre-release version available that
works but it hasn’t been updated for
several months. If will_paginate is no
longer in active development are there
any other gems we could use?
One alternative is Kaminari. This
seems to provide a cleaner
implementation of pagination and
offers several improved features, too,
so let’s try it in our application
Hope that helps!
Simply chain paginate method after find method:
#essays=Essay.find(Ranking.where(:user_id=>current_user.id).essay_id).paginate(:page => params[:page])

will_paginate error in rails

Excuse me I have a problem with will_paginate plugin.
In localhost, in my controller, I use person.operations.descend_by_date.paginate :page => params[:page] || 1. However in production the method show error. I think that the problem is thye parameter page. Because person.operation.descend_by_date return a collection i try passing only params[:page] || 1.
However in localhost show error. The rare subject is:
If I evaluate the method once => Show error
IF i evaluate the method twice or more times => works ok
Rails show this message error: hash parameters expected
Why could be the error?
First i convert the will_paginate object to array and then i use the method for arrays of will_paginate
person.operations.descend_by_date.to_a.paginate params[:page] || 1
