Can Webapp work exactly same as a desktop app using electron? - electron

if I build an angular app and feed run it using electron, will it work exactly like a web-application ?

Short answer: yes it does work exactly like web-application.
Electron is chromium browser, and nodejs bundled together. Every app that is made for chrome would seamlessly work in electron, and would work exactly like a web app.


Electron adding basic browser features

I would like to activate basic browser features in electron like tabs, url input, contextmenu, download manager and forms autofill. Since electron based on chromium maybe there's easy way to just activate them all? Or everything has to be reimplamented?
The official policy of the Electron project is that browser features are left to the developer. See #15753 for one such statement. In many cases browser features are implemented in Chrome/Chromium code that isn't shared with Electron.

Does the vue.js work properly on wkwebview

Does the vue.js work properly on wkwebview? I understand it just a javascript when compiled but i want to make it quite sure about.
Our team is planning to make some part of our iOS app's content by web using vue.js and display it from iOS app using wkwebview.
Since our team has no experience using vue.js before nor displaying web page using vue.js from wkwebview. Just in advance to start making contents using vue.js we really would like to make sure.
We've tested to display sample page using vue.js from wkwebview and had no problem.
We're also planning to use Firebase Cloud Firestore with vue.js.
Yes, it does. Vue works just fine in wkwebview.

Combine JQM, MVC and PhoneGap together

I have a site which uses microsoft mvc 3 on the server side, jQuery Mobile on the client side and I want to combine it with PhoneGap and produce executes for Android and iOS.
Is it possible?
Yes, it is possible.
If you must use Phonegap, there are a couple of things to do:
First, you must create a project corresponding to each platform , following these instructions. Once you do that, you basically copy all the client side code (js, html, css) to the www folder of your project. This is one of the reasons, the app could load faster, since it's reading its resources from the local filesystem, and not receiving them from an http connection each time.
Second, you must find a way to provide your server side data to your app. If you are already using REST services or RPC methods to populate your website, then that's done, but if not, you must start by building them, and then calling them from your client (through ajax calls from jQUery most likely), and then rendering them through javascript (you can use the multiple templating libraries out there or just plain javascript, I recommend the latter only if the UI updates are minimal).
As you can see, the second part requires quite a little bit more work. Especially if you haven't built web services before.
The other option ,which does not require phonega/cordova is to use an embedded webview. Then you wouldn't have to do anything. It would work similarly to a browser (Loading the remote URL of your site), with the added advantage of being inside and android/ios app, and you could add other views or communicate with the embedded webview using native code. If you are planning to load html files from the filesystem and not from your server, you would have to do the same thing you have to do with phonegap.
It happened to me, if you have a web app depending on server code I would go with a WebView based app, and not a Cordova app.
It's really simple to create those webviews apps for Android or IPhone.
Here you have an example for building a webview based app on android
Here you have an example for building a webview based app on IOS
Hope it helps.
If you want to reuse your site you'll need a webview that browses it.
Phonegap wouldn't be needed if you use this approach, but the application will not be as responsive as a native app, and the IPhone moderators may reject your app for that reason (it happened to me).
Another approach would be that you recreate your site as a pure Javascript application and only communicate with your servers to execute some REST Services. In this case Apache Cordova makes sense.

Debugging web app on ipad without Mac

I'm tasked with fixing a bug on the mobile version of a project I just came on (and still learning my way around it). Its a heavy use 24/7 kinda job, so not keen on the trial and error guess/upload/test style of debugging.The bug is that almost none of the controls, particularly tabs, respond to user "clicks" on the ipad. The app was developed in MVC4 and I work on windows 7 in vs2012.
We are not a mac shop, but still need to support the Ipad and phone.
This is probably a simple question: but my searching keeps taking me
here: iOS6 - removed console log for IPad - how to use web inspector on windows?
and here: Accessing iOS Safari Web Inspector from Windows Machine.
I need a way to gather actually diagnostics, like what would be available in web inspector, without having to acquire a mac.
Use weinre. It runs a webserver that that can repond to a bookmarklet or <script> to run a remote inspector.
weinre is a debugger for web pages, like FireBug (for FireFox) and Web Inspector (for WebKit-based browsers), except it's designed to work remotely, and in particular, to allow you debug web pages on a mobile device such as a phone.
Get NodeJS, NPM, and a webkit-based desktop browser to run it.
To install with yarn:
yarn add --dev weinre
then because it's no longer maintained, you may get TypeError: mime.lookup is not a function when you try to use it, then you have to edit node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/static.js and change require('mime') to require('mime-types') on line 21 (thanks). Then start with
yarn run weinre
If you now open the url showed there, you'll see the bookmarklet you can use etc. (Note: If using this from other computers, you may have to open local firewall ports, and if debugging a https site you may have to add a reverse proxy with cors headers.)

How to call Java EE SOAP or REST services from mobile platform. etc Dxtreme, Jquery Mobile, Icenium

I want to develop mobile apps based on HTML, JS. It must work on any device etc iphone, ipad, android and windows phone...
I must use JAVA EE on server side. First I choosed Dxtreme. after I learned dxtreme, it is possible REST Service using ASP.NET Web API. But it is inpossible on Java EE. following error :
But call along #POST, #PUT and #DELETE methods throws error
"XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.restserver/Service/item. Origin
http://www.localhost:51140 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin".
I believe there must be something that people must be using SOAP or REST Service on Mobile.
Which mobile framework is it possible ?
Please help me.
have You read About Phonegap?U can use phonegap to build application that can work around different Mobile platform.Its uses HTML5,CSS3,Javascript.Hope this helps you......
Generally, people access web services using RESTful interfaces on the server end. You can create that with ASP.NET Web API and many other server side frameworks of course. Your error, I'm guessing, but not sure, is from your client application. If I'm correct, you are probably running some simulator or the app within a browser client, and not one of the mobile framework simulators, and are running into the problem where the browser restricts your access to services on systems other than the site your started with. I.e. if you got to and try to look up something on within the app, the browser will stop you unless you add certain things to your web server/page telling the browser that that is OK. Look up "CORS". With Icenium, if you use the browser development environment "Mist" you will get those issues. If you use the Windows environment "Graphite" there is no such restriction. If you use the Intel HTML5 XDK at, it runs some process to get around those issues, while running a simulator in a browser. If you end up building PhoneGap apps, which you can using Icenium,, Intel HTML5 XDK, PhoneGap Build and others, the built app, installed on the phone, will not be restricted as an in-browser "app" would. However, I had problems with the Intel framework's XHR code handling all the different methods. Sorry this probably doesn't cover everything you need - you'll have to live and learn a lot of this.
