Collect metrics from dockers in Kubernetes - docker

I work with Docker and Kubernetes.
I would like to collect application specific metrics from each Docker.
There are various applications, each running in one or more Dockers.
I would like to collect the metrics in JSON format in order to perform further processing on each type of metrics.
I am trying to understand what is the best practice, if any and what tools can I use to achieve my goal.
Currently I am looking into several options, none looks too good:
Connecting to kubectl, getting a list of pods, performing a command (exec) at each pod to cause the application to print/send JSON with metrics. I don't like this option as it means that I need to be aware to which pods exist and access each, while the whole point of having Kubernetes is to avoid dealing with this issue.
I am looking for Kubernetes API HTTP GET request that will allow me to pull a specific file.
The closest I found is GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/log and it seems it is not quite what I need.
And again, it forces me to mention each pop by name.
I consider to use ExecAction in Probe to send JSON with metrics periodically. It is a hack (as this is not the purpose of Probe), but it removes the need to handle each specific pod
I can't use Prometheus for reasons that are out of my control but I wonder how Prometheus collects metric. Maybe I can use similar approach?
Any possible solution will be appreciated.

From an architectural point of view you have 2 options here:
1) pull model: your application exposes metrics data through a mechanisms (for instance using the HTTP protocol on a different port) and an external tool scrapes your pods at a timed interval (getting pod addresses from the k8s API); this is the model used by prometheus for instance.
2) push model: your application actively pushes metrics to an external server, tipically a time series database such as influxdb, when it is most relevant to it.
In my opinion, option 2 is the easiest to implement, because:
you don't need to deal with k8s APIs in order to discover pods addresses;
you don't need to create a local storage layer to store your metrics (because you push them one by one as they occour);
But there is a drawback: you need to be careful how you implement this, it could cause your API to become slower and you might need to deal with asynchronous calls to your metrics server.
This is obviously a very generic answer, but I hope it could point you in the right direction.

Pity you can not use Prometheus, but it's a good lead for what can be done in this scope. What Prom does is as follows :
1: it assumes that metrics you want to scrape (collect) are exposed with some http endpoint that Prometheus can access.
2: it connects to kubernetes api to perform a discovery of endpoints to scrape metrics from (there is a config for it, but generaly it means it has to be able to connect to the API and list services/deployments/pods and analyze their annotations (as they have info about metrics endpoints) to compose a list of places to scrape data from
3: periodicaly (15s, 60s etc.) it connects to the endpoints and collects the exposed metrics.
That's it. Rest is storage/postprocessing. The kube related part might be a significant amount of work to do though, so it would be way better to go with something that already exists.
Sidenote: while this is generaly a pull based model, there are cases where pull is not possible (vide short lived scripts like php), that is where Prometheus pushgateway comes into play to allow pushing metrics to a place where Prometheus will pull from.


How to collect messages (total number and size) between microservices?

I have a microservices based software architecture.
There is a php application which orchestrates the communication among microservices and the application's whole logic.
I need to simulate the communication between microservices as a graph.
There will be edges with weights , which will represent the affinities between microservices.
I am searching for a tool in order to collect all messages and their size.
I have read that there are distibuted tracing systems like Zipkin which i have already deployed, and could accomplish this task.
But, i cannot find how to collect the messages i want.
This is the php library i used for the instrumentation of my app
Any ideas about other tools or how to use Zipkin differently to achieve my goal?
Let me add to this thread my three bits. Speaking of Envoy, yes, when attached to your application it adds a lot of useful features from observability bucket, e.g. network level statistics and tracing.
Here is the question, have you considered running your legacy apps inside service mesh, like Istio ?.
Istio simplifies deployment and configuration of Envoy for you. It injects sidecar container (istio-proxy, in fact Envoy instance) to your Pod application, and gives you these extra features like a set of service metrics out of the box*.
Example: Stats produced by Envoy in Prometheus format, like istio_request_bytes are visualized in Kiali Metrics dashboard for inbound traffic as request_size (check screenshot)
*as mentioned by #David Kruk, you still needs to have Prometheus server deployed in your cluster to be able to pull these metrics to Kiali dashboards.
You can learn more about Istio here. There is also a dedicated section on how to visualize metrics collected by Istio (e.g. request size).

How to update in all replicas when hitting an endpoint

I have 3 replicas of same application running in kubernetes and application exposes an endpoint. Hitting the endpoint sets a boolean variable value to true which is having a use in my application. But the issue is, when hitting the endpoint, the variable is updated only in one of the replicas. How to make the changes in all replicas just by hitting one endpoint?
You need to store your data in a shared database of some kind, not locally in memory. If all you need is a temporary flag, Redis would be a popular choice, or for more durable stuff Postgres is the gold standard. But there's a wide and wonderful world of databases out there, explore which match your use case.
Seems like you're trying to solve an issue with your app using Kubernetes.
Let me elaborate:
If you have several pods behind a service, you can't access all of them using a single request. This have been proposed here, but in my opinion - isn't best practice.
If you need to share data between your apps, you can have them communicate with each other using a cluster service.
You probably assume you can share data using Kubernetes volumes, such as gcePersistentDisk or some other sort of volume, but then again, volumes were not meant to solve such problems.
In conclusion, the way I would solve such issue, is by having the pods communicate changes with each other. Kubernetes can't solve this for you.
Another approach could be having a shared storage (for example a single pod containing mongoDB for example) but I would say that it's a bit of an overkill for your issue. Also because in order to communicate with this pod you would probably need in-cluster communication anyway.

How to configure Prometheus in a multi-location scenario?

I love using Prometheus for monitoring and alerting. Until now, all my targets (nodes and containers) lived on the same network as the monitoring server.
But now I'm facing a scenario, where we will deploy our application stack (as a bunch of Docker containers) to several client machines in thier networks. Nearly all of the clients networks are behind a firewall or NAT. So scraping becomes quite difficult.
As we're still accountable for our stack, I'd like to have a central montioring server, altering and dashboards.
I was wondering what could be the best architecture if want to implement it with Prometheus, but I couldn't find any convincing approaches. My ideas so far:
Use a Pushgateway on our side and push all data out of the client networks. As the docs state, it's not intended that way:
Use a federation setup ( Place a Prometheus server in every client network behind a reverse proxy (to enable SSL and authentication) and aggregate relevant metricts there. Open/forward just a single port for federation scraping.
Other more experimental setups, such as SSH Tunneling (e.g. here or VPN!?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Nobody posted an answer so I will try to give my opinion on the second choice because that's what I think I would do in your situation.
The second setup seems the most flexible, you have access to the datas and only need to open one port on for the federating server, so it should still be secure.
One other bonus of this type of setup is that even if the firewall stop working for a reason or another, you will still have a prometheus scraping, you will have an alert because you won't be able to access the server(s) but when the connexion comes again you will have all the datas. You won't have a hole in the grafana dashboards because there was no datas, apart during the incident.
The issue with this setup is the fact that you need to maintain a number of server equivalent to the number of networks. A solution for this would be to have a packer image or maybe an ansible playbook to deploy.

What is recommended solution for monitoring heterogeneous infrastructure?

I am looking for monitoring tool for the following use cases:
Collect basic metrics about virtual machine (cpu usage, memory usage, i/o, available space)
Extract metrics from SQL Server (probably running some queries)
Extract information from external service about processing i.e how many processing are currently running and for how long. I am thinking about writing python scripts, but don't know how to combine with monitoring tool
Have the ability to plot charts and manage alerts and it will nice to have ability to send not only mails, but send message to slack/ms teams.
I was thing about Prometheus, because it has wmi_exporter, node_exporter, sql exporter, alert manager with possibility to send notifications to multiple destinations, but I don't know what to do with this external service and python scripts.
Any suggestions?
Prometheus can definitely do what you say you need done. Some of it may not be trivial, but you can definitely fill in the blanks yourself.
E.g. you can get machine metrics basically out of the box by firing up a node_exporter and having it scraped by Prometheus, but I don't think it has e.g. information on all running processes. The latter might require you to write an agent/exporter: a simple web server that exposes metrics on /metrics; there exists a Python client library to help with that. Or have said processes (assuming they're your code) push metrics to a Pushgateway instead, if they're short lived batch jobs.
Oh, and for charts/dashboards you probably want Grafana, as Prometheus' abilities in that area are rather limited and Grafana integrates rather well with Prometheus.

Which approach is better for discovering container readiness?

This question is discussed many times but I'd like to hear some best practices and real-world examples of using each of the approaches below:
Designing containers which are able to check the health of dependent services. Simple script whait-for-it can be usefull for this kind of developing containers, but aren't suitable for more complex deployments. For instance, database could accept connections but migrations aren't applyied yet.
Make container able to post own status in Consul/etcd. All dependent services will poll certain endpoint which contains status of needed service. Looks nice but seems redundant, don't it?
Manage startup order of containers by external scheduler.
Which of the approaches above are preferable in context of absence/presence orchestrators like Swarm/Kubernetes/etc in delivery process ?
I can take a stab at the kubernetes perspective on those.
Designing containers which are able to check the health of dependent services. Simple script whait-for-it can be useful for this kind of developing containers, but aren't suitable for more complex deployments. For instance, database could accept connections but migrations aren't applied yet.
This sounds like you want to differentiate between liveness and readiness. Kubernetes allows for both types of probes for these, that you can use to check health and wait before serving any traffic.
Make container able to post own status in Consul/etcd. All dependent services will poll certain endpoint which contains status of needed service. Looks nice but seems redundant, don't it?
I agree. Having to maintain state separately is not preferred. However, in cases where it is absolutely necessary, if you really want to store the state of a resource, it is possible to use a third party resource.
Manage startup order of containers by external scheduler.
This seems tangential to the discussion mostly. However, Pet Sets, soon to be replaced by Stateful Sets in Kubernetes v1.5, give you deterministic order of initialization of pods. For containers on a single pod, there are init-containers which run serially and in order prior to running the main container.
