iOS 11 CloudKit Record changes notifications not received in Single App or Guided Access Mode - ios

In iOS 11, no CloudKit record change notifications are received when the app is in Single App Mode (SAM) or Guided Access Mode (GAM).
The foreground app would be receiving silent notifications just fine and updating the UI, but once I put it in GAM or SAM, didReceiveRemoteNotification is not called (neither the background method nor the older foreground-only method).
I have an iOS 9 iPad in Single App Mode (SAM) that receives all the CloudKit notifications, and I remember my iOS 10 iPad also worked, so this is an iOS 11 issue.
I wonder if Apple is disabling push notifications in general if a device is in SAM or GAM?

This appears to be fixed in the newest iOS 11.2.5 beta 4. Will wait for the GM release of 11.2.5. Thanks!


Unable to receive firebase notification on ios 15 version device when the app is in foreground state

i am using ionic framework and integrated firebase messaging for notification. ios 15 device is not receiving firebase push notifications when the app is in foreground state, it is working fine when the device is in the background state.
Xcode version => 13,
ios version => 15.3.1
On android devices it is working fine on both foreground and background states. The issue is only on ios particularly when the app is in foreground state.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Swift: Local Notification on iPhone and independent Watch App

I work on an app for iOS and watchOS. The watch app is independent but users will be able to use it side-by-side to the iPhone app, synced via iCloud.
The iOS app includes a daily reminder (via UNUserNotificationCenter) to open the app, the notification shows up on both devices (as usually with all other apps).
But what if the user only downloads the watch version of the app? I scheduled the same local notifications I have in the iOS app into the watch app, too.
Now, the iPhone gets the notification, and the watch gets two notifications.
How can I manage to get the iPhone notification only on the user's iPhone so that the Apple Watch does not receive two notifications? Or is there a smarter solution?
Thanks in advance

After upgrade to iOS 11, iOS App not receiving APNS message when in Background

After upgrading iOS device to IOS 11 Beta version, my app has stopped receiving APNS message when it is in background. It does receive the message when it is in foreground. As per the device logs, APNS messages are being delivered to the device and are available in the notification center.
Has anyone experienced this issue?
This seems to be the global thread to jump onto. Not resolved, but has to do with iOS11 throttling / no-delivery of notifications in certain circumstances. Actually a lot of circumstances.
Very painful, as we depend on the delivery of silent pushes when app is active.
Silent pushes not delivered to the app on iOS 11

Iphone 6 & 6++ not receiving push notifications

I have developed IOS app and it is published in app store. When i am sending push notification from back end (using php script) only iphone5 & iphone5s users are getting the notification. Both of these phones are having IOS 8 installed.
iphone6 & iphone6+ devices not receiving any push notifications, all my devices are having same ios version 'ios8.1.3'. I also updated iphone6+ to ios 8.2 but nothing.
I have tried various things such as resetting the notification dialogue etc.. but nothing has helped so far.
Is there any solution for this problem.
Thanks in advance.

iOS 8.1.2 Remote Notification Issue When App Is In The Background

I am having issues with processing push notifications in the background on iOS 8.1.2, specifically on the iPhone.
So basically, when I send a push notification to my iPad (running iOS 8.1.2), the method application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: always gets called whether my app is running in the foreground or suspended in the background. However on my iPhone (also running iOS 8.1.2) the method only gets called when my app is in the foreground.
Has anyone experienced this problem before, or maybe know the solution?
FYI, my app already has the remote-notifications background mode enabled and I have added content-available = 1 to the notification payload. I am also sending the push notifications on a production environment.
