After upgrade to iOS 11, iOS App not receiving APNS message when in Background - ios

After upgrading iOS device to IOS 11 Beta version, my app has stopped receiving APNS message when it is in background. It does receive the message when it is in foreground. As per the device logs, APNS messages are being delivered to the device and are available in the notification center.
Has anyone experienced this issue?

This seems to be the global thread to jump onto. Not resolved, but has to do with iOS11 throttling / no-delivery of notifications in certain circumstances. Actually a lot of circumstances.
Very painful, as we depend on the delivery of silent pushes when app is active.
Silent pushes not delivered to the app on iOS 11


iOS remote notification type

Is there any apns push that can wake application up, do something in background and keep silence?
I found two solutions, but still not perfect:
Background notification. It can wakes app up in the background and gives it time to do something, but Apple doesn’t guarantee the delivery and it can't work after device is rebooted
UNNotificationServiceExtension. It can wakes app up and do something in the background, even if the device is rebooted. But, it can't be silent.
Our flow on iOS was:
Receive remote notification
Download data from server
Determine whether to notify from the content of the data
In iOS 12, our solution is PushKit, but it has some restrictions in iOS 13 now, so we have to make some changes.
Could anyone give me some advice, please? Thanks.

voip notification not coming when the app is inactive for around 8 hours

I am building a group calling app and using ionic3 for the same. I am using voIP notification when the app is in background on inactive in ios. Everything works fine and as expected. The problem I am facing is when the app is in background or inactive for around 8 hours, I do not receive the voIP notification and hence app doesn't wakes up.
i am just a beginner in iOS development so It would be a great help if anyone could help me figure out this issue.
Once you receive payload, you have to schedule local notification with sound file.
You can also debug is your app crashing in background or killed state.
About 8 hours or any hours, ideally there is no issue when your integration is perfect.
Keep whatsapp in background for 2 days, then make incoming call to that whatsapp, it will notify you.
Refer more information about VOIP integration

iOS 11 CloudKit Record changes notifications not received in Single App or Guided Access Mode

In iOS 11, no CloudKit record change notifications are received when the app is in Single App Mode (SAM) or Guided Access Mode (GAM).
The foreground app would be receiving silent notifications just fine and updating the UI, but once I put it in GAM or SAM, didReceiveRemoteNotification is not called (neither the background method nor the older foreground-only method).
I have an iOS 9 iPad in Single App Mode (SAM) that receives all the CloudKit notifications, and I remember my iOS 10 iPad also worked, so this is an iOS 11 issue.
I wonder if Apple is disabling push notifications in general if a device is in SAM or GAM?
This appears to be fixed in the newest iOS 11.2.5 beta 4. Will wait for the GM release of 11.2.5. Thanks!

iOS 8.1.2 Remote Notification Issue When App Is In The Background

I am having issues with processing push notifications in the background on iOS 8.1.2, specifically on the iPhone.
So basically, when I send a push notification to my iPad (running iOS 8.1.2), the method application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: always gets called whether my app is running in the foreground or suspended in the background. However on my iPhone (also running iOS 8.1.2) the method only gets called when my app is in the foreground.
Has anyone experienced this problem before, or maybe know the solution?
FYI, my app already has the remote-notifications background mode enabled and I have added content-available = 1 to the notification payload. I am also sending the push notifications on a production environment.

IOS 8 Silent push notification not working without Xcode

I'm trying to test out the silent push notification and I notice that my Iphone (IOS 8) can only receive silent notifications when my device is connected to Xcode. While it is unplugged, I can only receive one silent push in probably 5-10 tries. This only happen to IOS 8 because I have another phone which is running on IOS 7 and not even a single silent push is missed. Anyone face the same issue ?
More details:
If the phone is connected to power source, I'm able to get silent push notifications perfectly...
I have encountered similar issue. If my iPhone connects to the Xcode, it can be woken up successfully by silent push notification. However, if it disconnects to the Xcode, silent push notification can ONLY be received without being woken up to perform background fetch.
The root cause for my case is that I turned off the "Background App Refresh" on my device. ("Settings > General" > "Background App Refresh")
After I turn it on, my iPhone can work as expected again.
Good Luck!
Seems like you are using Debug certificate while interacting with APNs from the server side. And it only works while a device is in the debug mode.
For untethered push notification handling, you need to use Release certificate.
This article would give a better understanding on using certificates with APNs:
Sounds like a network issue to me. Are you sure that the PNs are actually delivered to your phone?
You could disable cellular radio (PNs are always delivered over cellular data even if on wifi) and use, e.g., tcpdump in promiscuous mode on your local wifi in order to see if there's anything coming in. Just look for packets from 17.x.x.x. Apple warned us they'd rate limit silent PNs, maybe that's the issue here (while that wouldn't really explain why it works while your phone is plugged in).
I know this questions is old but, according to Apple documentation, receiving and processing of silent push notifications depends on the conditions of the system, so I think that because you have a power supply, device will not throttle the delivery of notifications. Here is what Apple says:
The system treats background notifications as low-priority: you can
use them to refresh your app’s content, but the system doesn’t
guarantee their delivery. In addition, the system may throttle the
delivery of background notifications if the total number becomes
excessive. The number of background notifications allowed by the
system depends on current conditions, but don’t try to send more than
two or three per hour.
