Check if iOS app is running in BG - ios

I am running the application in background via VOIP notification, I fire a special function in timer which lets me know on cloud that application is running in BG.
The problem is when I check the apps running in BG by pressing two times home button it does not show me the application is running in background.
I want to cope this issue, I want to either make visible app in BG apps or I want to know that app is in BG or in invisible memory only.

Depends on how do you want to check , if you just wanted to be sure that the application is running in the background you can fire a local notification, or run it on simulator, or check the debug logs.
this is how you check application status from code
UIApplicationState state = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationState];
if (state == UIApplicationStateBackground)
//app in background
let state = UIApplication.sharedApplication().applicationState
if state == .Background {
//app in background


iBeacon-App: Custom code when launched from lockscreen

Since iOS 8, the operating system is indicating an iBeacon-enabled application, which is inside a defined region, with an icon in the left bottom corner of the lockscreen (see for reference).
I want to make use of this feature in my app by running custom code if the app is launched from the lockscreen (e.g. switch to specific view).
How to check in the Application Delegate if the app was launched from the lockscreen? I couldn't find any documentation on this.
AFAIK, it's not possible to detect whether your app was brought into the foreground via the "Suggested apps" feature (that's what Apple calls the icon on the lock screen), or by any other means (app switcher, app icon on the home screen).
You could do some heuristics. If the app came into the foreground and there are no beacons in range (you can check that with ranging), then there's no way it was via the lock screen icon.
There is a Excellent article on this topic by Matt Coneybeare
Below I have pointed out some of the important points from that article , for more info check out that article.
From Article of Matt Coneybeare
On iOS 6 and lower it could be detected using the current UIApplicationState in applicationWillEnterForeground
UIApplicationState state = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] ApplicationState];
if (UIApplicationStateInactive == state)
// Coming from locked screen (iOS 6)
// Coming from Springboard, another App, etc...
But From iOS 7 onwards, the state value is UIApplicationStateBackground in both scenarios.
It seems that there is no possible way to detect where the App is being launched from on iOS 7, but there is a way to detect if you are going to the Lockscreen vs Homescreen (or something else).
The trick is to read the screen brightness in applicationDidEnterBackground.
When the App hits the background due to the lock button being pressed or an auto-lock timeout, the brightness will be 0.0 on iOS 7.
Otherwise, it will be > 0 when the home button is pressed or another App launched from the multitask selector or notification center.
When the app is launched by beacon detection, your AppDelegate's (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didEnterRegion:(CLRegion *)region method will be invoked.
You can put any custom code inside that method, perhaps to set a flag indicating this is how the app was launched.
The following code shows how to detect that tapping a local notification launched the app from the lock screen. For details, see:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
UILocalNotification *localNotif =
[launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey];
if (localNotif) {
// do something
return YES;
This is not the same as launching the app by tapping the icon on the bottom of the lock screen, but it is similar. If you present a local notification on beacon detection it will work as described above if tapped.
I believe the app icon shows up on the bottom of the lock screen only if your app is launched into the background by beacon detection and does not present a local notification. If this is the case you are looking for, you might examine the launchOptions above and see if a different key is present in this case.

Determining the event when the iOS App is in Closed State to send a LocalNotification on seeing a Beacon

I'm Developing a App using a iBeacon functionality. I want to fire an event when the App is in background & when it is closed. These have different Alert messages. I was able to determine when the App goes to Background. But was finding it difficult when the App gets closed.
I set a checkpoint for the App when it is in background state. But how should we find if the App is closed completely.
i don't know what exactly you want but you can check you app state by following line of code
UIApplicationState state = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationState];
UIApplicationStateBackground when application is in background
UIApplicationStateInactive when app is not in background
Take a look at UIApplicationDelegate's - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application method. Seems like what you need. It will be called before application is terminated (for example as a result of user removing it from the list of running apps).

Detecting when app is becoming active from lockscreen vs other on iOS7

My app has different behavior when becoming active from the lockscreen (locked while active), or becoming active from anything else.
On iOS 6 and lower I could detect this
UIApplicationState state = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationState];
if (UIApplicationStateInactive == state)
// Coming from locked screen (iOS 6)
// Coming from Springboard, another app, etc...
But on iOS 7, the state value is UIApplicationStateBackground in both scenarios. Is this the intended behavior? How can I properly detect whether the app is launching from the lockscreen now?
Registered devs, I already posted this on the devforums before the NDA was lifted, see here
I was able to figure out a hack on this and so far seems to be reliable. It only works on the device, not the simulator, and has been tested on an iPhone 5s, 5 and 4S running iOS 7.
It seems that there is no possible way to detect where the app is being launched from on iOS 7, but there is a way to detect if you are going to the lock-screen vs springboard. The trick is to read the screen brightness in applicationDidEnterBackground. When the app hits the background due to the lock button being pressed or an auto-lock timeout, the brightness will be 0.0 on iOS 7. Otherwise, it will be > 0 when the home button is pressed or another app launched from the multitask selector or notification center.
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application {
CGFloat screenBrightness = [[UIScreen mainScreen] brightness];
NSLog(#"Screen brightness: %f", screenBrightness);
self.backgroundedToLockScreen = screenBrightness <= 0.0;
Now that I have an ivar holding this info, I can use it in applicationWillEnterForeground to determine my app flow.
- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application {
if (self.backgroundedToLockScreen) {
... // app was backgrounded to lock screen
} else {
... // app was backgrounded on purpose by tapping the home button or switching apps.
self.backgroundedToLockScreen = NO;
It is not the exact same as the iOS 6 behavior though. On iOS 6, you could inspect the UIApplicationState to detect where you were coming from, and this solution answers the similar, but not exactly the same, question of where you were going when the app was backgrounded. For example, perhaps the app was backgrounded due to a screen lock timeout, but then a notification for another app woke the device, and the user went there directly from the lockscreen, then back to my app. My app would have determined on backgrounding that the user went to the lockscreen, but when they come back they are actually coming from an active screen. For my app, this difference is negligible, but your milage may vary.
So what about older OS support? My app also supports iOS 6 so I needed to get the old behavior too. Simple. Just the application state monitoring to the foreground method:
- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application {
UIApplicationState state = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationState];
if (UIApplicationStateInactive == state || // detect if coming from locked screen (iOS 6)
self.backgroundedToLockScreen) // detect if backgrounded to the locked screen (iOS 7)
... // app is coming from or was backgrounded to lock screen
} else {
... // app was backgrounded on purpose by tapping the home button or switching apps
self.backgroundedToLockScreen = NO;
I am not sure how reliable the brightness reading is, or whether or not it will change in future OS builds, but in the meantime, this hack seems to be the best we can get. Hope this helps.
Actually the only proper way to set your app behavior when becoming active is via the app delegate methods.
- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application
// Called as part of the transition from the background to the active state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background.
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
// Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.
These two are called when the app is running in the background and becomes active either via multitasking UI or after a call or other interruption.
When the app is opened from the Springboard and is not running in the background this method is called:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
// Override point for customization after application launch.
return YES;

Display applicationState iOS

I have a button which when pressed creates an object thing. It then sleeps for ten seconds and then calls thing.go which gets the application state like
UIApplicationState state = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationState];
Then following this question's answer and comments I check if the app is in the background, and if it is, it displays a local notification.
So I press the button and immediately press the home key to go to the main screen (thereby putting the app in the background)
However, I can tell that the if statement is returning false and is therefore not executing any code within (by putting an NSLog inside the if statement).
So my next thought process was to somehow display the date in the console using NSLog(state). Obviously I cannot do this.
So how can I display the applicationState to resolve my issue? Or is there another way I can check to see if the app is running in the background within this class's method?
Here is the go function which is called inside the IBAction when the button is pressed
-(void)go {
if (state == UIApplicationStateBackground) {
NSLog(#"App is in background");
Here is the IBAction which is linked to the button, i.e. runs when button is pressed
- (IBAction)button_help {
myclass* thingy = [[myclass alloc] init];
You should pretty much NEVER use sleep. Forget it exists. It locks up your app, and nothing changes, including transitions to the background.
What you want to do is to set a timer for 10 seconds that then invokes thing.go.
However, that's going to be complicated by the fact that normally timers don't run in the background. In fact, unless you take special steps, your app doesn't get any processor time in the background. You get told that you are going to the background, and then the next call you get is the return-to-foregraound.
When your app gets a message that it is being sent to the background, it will need to make the system call that asks for background processing time. (I don't remember the call off the top of my head, and don't have Xcode running at the moment.)
Apple changed the rules for background processing in iOS 7, but you say this is iOS 6, so those changes don't apply.
If I understand correctly, you're checking to see if the app is returning from a local notification or if it was already active?
if (state == UIApplicationStateActive) {
// do something
NSLog(#"application was active ");
} else {
NSLog(#"sent from notification");

Need clarification about UIApplicationState

I need your help in clarifying my understanding of the various states of an app. I am going to state my interpretation - but please feel free to correct me.
1) App is launched and running in the foreground: state = UIApplicationStateActive
2) User pushes home button: state = UIApplicationStateBackground (????).
Debug stmt in my app shows it to be Active
3) User double-taps Home and kills the app: state = UIApplicationStateInactive
If the value for case 2 is indeed Active, then when is the value set to Background?
My location-based app relies on this values to take appropriate action for the user.
if ( ([UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState == UIApplicationStateBackground) ||
([UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState == UIApplicationStateInactive) ) {
// isInBackground = YES;
// ------ UI not available
else {
// isInBackground = NO;
// ------ UI is available
When the user taps on the app icon, the app briefly goes through a transitional state of UIApplicationStateInactive on its way to becoming UIApplicationStateActive. This is where the app gets itself ready to display to the user.
When the app is open, the application state is UIApplicationStateActive.
If the user presses the home button, and is returned to the springboard (home screen), or the application is interrupted by something, such as a phone call, the application state transitions back to UIApplicationStateInactive.
For the application state of your app to become UIApplicationStateBackground, your application would have to register for a background process. Look into how to background your location services.
Apple documentation:
UIApplicationState Constants Reference
Swift: .Active | Objective-C: UIApplicationStateActive
The app is running in the foreground and currently receiving events.
Available in iOS 4.0 and later.
Swift: .Inactive | Objective-C: UIApplicationStateInactive
The app is running in the foreground but is not receiving events. This
might happen as a result of an interruption or because the app is
transitioning to or from the background.
Available in iOS 4.0 and later.
Swift: .Background | Objective-C: UIApplicationStateBackground
The app is running in the background.
Available in iOS 4.0 and later.
Some examples:
UIApplicationStateActive - App is running in foreground. Simple.
UIApplicationStateInactive - E.g. App was in the background and is opening through a push notification (transitioning atm). Or the control/notification center is presented above your app. You kind of see it, is in foreground.
UIApplicationStateBackground - App is in the background, but still running. E.g. playing music. Then - this can take a while or not (depending on process you are running in background), but in one point your app is killed. You will see app's snapshot and icon between minimized apps, but the app will be launch again first.
