Okay so I have a potential problem that I need help/advice on. I have two functions that do the job of pulling keys from my database and then passing those keys to another function which ultimately grabs all the data.
This is the first function
static func showEvent(for currentLocation: CLLocation,completion: #escaping ([Event]) -> Void) {
//getting firebase root directory
var currentEvents = [Event]()
var geoFireRef: DatabaseReference?
var geoFire:GeoFire?
geoFireRef = Database.database().reference().child("eventsbylocation")
geoFire = GeoFire(firebaseRef: geoFireRef)
let circleQuery = geoFire?.query(at: currentLocation, withRadius: 10.0)
circleQuery?.observe(.keyEntered, with: { (key: String!, location: CLLocation!) in
print("Key '\(key)' entered the search area and is at location '\(location)'")
EventService.show(forEventKey: key, completion: { (event) in
This function uses the EventService.show function to ultimately grab the data like mentioned before.
static func show(forEventKey eventKey: String, completion: #escaping (Event?) -> Void) {
// print(eventKey)
let ref = Database.database().reference().child("events").child(eventKey)
//pull everything
ref.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, andPreviousSiblingKeyWith: { (snapshot,eventKey) in
//print(snapshot.value ?? "")
guard let event = Event(snapshot: snapshot) else {
return completion(nil)
When both of these functions are done it returns back to my main function with the array of events to help populate my collectionView.
This is that function
#objc func grabUserLoc(){
LocationService.getUserLocation { (location) in
guard let currentLocation = location else {
PostService.showEvent(for: currentLocation, completion: { (events) in
self.allEvents = events
print("Event count in PostService Closure:\(self.allEvents.count)")
print("Latitude: \(currentLocation.coordinate.latitude)")
print("Longitude: \(currentLocation.coordinate.longitude)")
Now upon tracing the stack I see that reloadData is called multiple times. Is there any way that I can go about fixing these functions to actually do the completion block when all the data is pulled. So that reloadData is called only once not every single time an instance of an event comes back?
I hope my question makes sense
DispatchGroups were brought to my attention could anyone maybe show me an implementation of an answer
Taken from the article in my comment:
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
longRunningFunction { dispatchGroup.leave() }
longRunningFunctionTwo { dispatchGroup.leave() }
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
print("Both functions complete 👍")
You create a group, in each Async activity you enter the group, when that Async activity finishes you leave the group, when the dispatch group leaves as many things as it enters it will call the notify.
So in your case you can either pass the group to the funcs, to leave when they are done or have each func have an optional completion which then is called back to your original to leave the group.
I need to loop through a Firebase query call.
My loop is initiated before the Firebase call as it holds the uids needed.
for uid in following_uids {
What is the proper way to loop variable uid into the Firebase reference & query?
for uid in following_uids {
let fbRef = ref.child("users").child(uid).child("posts")
//query firebase call
func getRecentPostsFromFollowers(following_uids: [String]) {
for uid in following_uids {// first loop
let fbRef = ref.child("users").child(uid).child("posts")
fbRef.queryOrderedByKey().queryLimited(toLast: 5).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {snapshot in
let values = snapshot.children.compactMap { ($0 as? DataSnapshot)?.value }
for postData in values {
guard let restDict = (postData as AnyObject) as? [String: Any] else { continue }
//do with data
}//end first loop
print("Completion handler - Loop Done")
PSEUDO code:
func getFollowerUIDS(completion: #escaping (_ followers: [String]) -> Void) {
for uid in following_uids {
let fbRef = ref.child("users").child(uid).child("posts")
//query firebase call
Xcode Version 14.2 (14C18)
I'm assuming you'd like to combine the results from all user posts and return them as a single array of posts.
When you call observeSingleEvent on your document reference, the second parameter is a type of closure. This is essentially just another function that the Firebase SDK will call when it has the data ready for you.
The idea is that: because it may take some time to fetch this data, we don't want to block the rest of your function/code from running while the network call is taking place.
This means you will likely see the end of the loop "Completion handler - Loop Done" called before your data is made available.
This means your getRecentPostsFromFollowers function will return before any of your closures are called with data.
In order to allow callers of your getRecentPostsFromFollowers function to know when the data is ready, you can add your own completion handler to provide this data back to them.
This is a closure that you will call when you know all the data is ready.
However, because there's multiple closures with data that we need to combine, we can use something like a DispatchGroup for this purpose.
We'll combine the posts in an allPosts variable and return the data when it's combined from all the requests.
We need to lock around the access to allPosts as observeSingleEvent's completion handler can run on any thread, and multiple threads could try to access this variable at once.
typealias PostData = [String: Any]
func getRecentPostsFromFollowers(following_uids: [String], completion: #escaping ([PostData]) -> Void) {
let group = DispatchGroup()
let lock = NSLock()
var allPosts = [PostData]()
for uid in following_uids {
let fbRef = ref.child("users").child(uid).child("posts")
fbRef.queryOrderedByKey().queryLimited(toLast: 5).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {snapshot in
defer { group.leave() }
let values = snapshot.children.compactMap { ($0 as? DataSnapshot)?.value }
defer { lock.unlock() }
for postData in values {
guard let restDict = (postData as AnyObject) as? PostData else { continue }
group.notify(queue: .main) {
Side Notes
Swift async/await is a more modern way to handle asynchronous-based tasks like this without some of the pitfalls in this solution, it's worth looking into.
Performing a separate Firestore query for each user to retrieve all their data is not very efficient.
This is because each query requires a separate network request and will cost you at least one document read per query made, regardless if there are results or not per-user.
You should consider structuring your data within your Firestore database so you can return all the data you require in a single query.
This may involve denormalizing some of your data to allow for more efficient queries.
I apologize if this question is simple or the problem is obvious as I am still a beginner in programming.
I am looping over an array and trying to make an async Firestore call. I am using a DispatchGroup in order to wait for all iterations to complete before calling the completion.
However, the Firestore function is not even getting called. I tested with print statements and the result is the loop iterations over the array have gone through with an enter into the DispatchGroup each time and the wait is stuck.
func getUserGlobalPlays(username: String, fixtureIDs: [Int], completion: #escaping (Result<[UserPlays]?, Error>) -> Void) {
let chunkedArray = fixtureIDs.chunked(into: 10)
var plays: [UserPlays] = []
let group = DispatchGroup()
chunkedArray.forEach { ids in
DispatchQueue.global().async { [weak self] in
self?.db.collection("Users").document("\(username)").collection("userPlays").whereField("fixtureID", in: ids).getDocuments { snapshot, error in
guard let snapshot = snapshot, error == nil else {
for document in snapshot.documents {
let fixtureDoc = document.data()
let fixtureIDx = fixtureDoc["fixtureID"] as! Int
let choice = fixtureDoc["userChoice"] as! Int
plays.append(UserPlays(fixtureID: fixtureIDx, userChoice: choice))
There are a few things going on with your code I think you should fix. You were dangerously force-unwrapping document data which you should never do. You were spinning up a bunch of Dispatch queues to make the database calls in the background, which is unnecessary and potentially problematic. The database call itself is insignificant and doesn't need to be done in the background. The snapshot return, however, can be done in the background (which this code doesn't do, so you can add that if you wish). And I don't know how you want to handle errors here. If one document gets back an error, your code sends back an error. Is that how you want to handle it?
func getUserGlobalPlays(username: String,
fixtureIDs: [Int],
completion: #escaping (_result: Result<[UserPlays]?, Error>) -> Void) {
let chunkedArray = fixtureIDs.chunked(into: 10)
var plays: [UserPlays] = []
let group = DispatchGroup()
chunkedArray.forEach { id in
db.collection("Users").document("\(username)").collection("userPlays").whereField("fixtureID", in: id).getDocuments { snapshot, error in
if let snapshot = snapshot {
for doc in snapshot.documents {
if let fixtureIDx = doc.get("fixtureIDx") as? Int,
let choice = doc.get("choice") as? Int {
plays.append(UserPlays(fixtureID: fixtureIDx, userChoice: choice))
} else if let error = error {
// There was an error getting this one document. Do you want to terminate
// the entire function and pass back an error (through the completion
// handler)? Or do you want to keep going and parse whatever data you can
// parse?
// This is the completion handler of the Dispatch Group.
group.notify(queue: .main) {
I have read up a lot on this subject but have still been stumped on this specific problem. I have many Firebase calls that rely on each other. This is a kind of simplified example of my code. I had trouble making it any shorter and still getting the point across:
class ScoreUpdater {
static let ref = Database.database().reference()
var userAranking = Int?
var userBranking = Int?
var rankingAreceived = false
var rankingBreceived = false
var sum = 0
// Pass in the current user and the current meme
static func beginUpdate(memeID: String, userID: String) {
// Iterate through each user who has ranked the meme before
ScoreUpdater.ref.child("memes/\(memeID)/rankings")observeSingleEvent(of: .value) {
let enumerator = snapshot.children
while let nextUser = enumerator.nextObject() as? DataSnapshot {
// Create a currentUpdater instance for the current user paired with each other user
let currentUpdater = ScoreUpdater()
This is where the asynchronous calls start. Multiple gatherRankingValues functions can run at one time. This function contains a Firebase call which is asynchronous, which is okay for this function. The updateScores however cannot run until gatherRankingValues is finished. That is why I have the completion handler. I think this area is okay based on my debug printing.
// After gatherRankingValues is finished running,
// then updateScores can run
currentUpdater.gatherRankingValues(userA: userID, userB: nextUser.key as! String) {
currentUpdater, userA, userB in
currentUpdater.updateScores(userA: userA, userB:userB)
func gatherRankingValues(userA: String, userB: String, completion: #escaping (_ currentUpdater: SimilarityScoreUpdater, _ userA: String, _ userB: String) -> Void) {
// Iterate through every meme in the database
ScoreUpdater.ref.child("memes").observeSingleEvent(of: .value) {
snapshot in
let enumerator = snapshot.children
while let nextMeme = enumerator.nextObject() as? DataSnapshot {
Here is where the main problem comes in. The self.getRankingA and self.getRankingB never run. Both of these methods need to run before the calculation method. I try to put in the "while rankingReceived == false" loop to keep the calculation from starting. I use the completion handler to notify within the self.rankingAreceived and self.rankingBreceived when the values have been received from the database. Instead, the calculation never happens and the loop becomes infinite.
If I remove the while loop waiting for the rankings to be received, the calculations will be "carried out" except the end result ends up being nil because the getRankingA and getRankingB methods still do not get called.
self.getRankingA(userA: userA, memeID: nextMeme.key) {
self.rankingAreceived = true
self.getRankingB(userB: userB, memeID: nextMeme.key) {
self.rankingBreceived = true
while self.rankingAreceived == false || self.rankingBreceived == false {
So yes, every meme gets looped through before the completion is called, but the rankings don't get called. I can't figure out how to get the loop to wait for the rankings from getRankingA and getRankingB and for the calculation method to run before continuing on to the next meme. I need completion of gatherRankingValues (see below) to be called after the loop has been through all the memes, but each ranking and calculation to complete also before the loop gets called again ... How can I within the getRankingA and getRankingB completion handlers tell the meme iterating loop to wait up?
// After every meme has been looped through for this pair of users, call completion
completion(self, userA, userB)
function getRankingA(userA: String, memeID: String, completion: #escaping () -> Void) {
ScoreUpdater.ref.child("memes/\(memeID)\rankings\(userA)").observeSingleEvent(of: .value) {
snapshot in
self.userAranking = snapshot.value
function getRankingB(userB: String, memeID: String, completion: #escaping () -> Void) {
ScoreUpdater.ref.child("memes/\(memeID)\rankings\(userB)").observeSingleEvent(of: .value) {
snapshot in
self.userBranking = snapshot.value
func calculation() {
self.sum = self.userAranking + self.userBranking
self.userAranking = nil
self.userBranking = nil
func updateScores() {
Tomte's answer solved one of my problems (thank you!). The calculations will be carried out after userAranking and userBranking are received with this code:
while let nextMeme = enumerator.nextObject() as? DataSnapshot {
let group = DispatchGroup()
self.getRankingA(userA: userA, memeID: nextMeme.key) {
self.rankingAreceived = true
self.getRankingB(userB: userB, memeID: nextMeme.key) {
self.rankingBreceived = true
// is called when the last task left the group
group.notify(queue: .main) {
Still, the completion call to updateScores would happen at the end of the loop but before all of the userArankings and userBrankings are received and before the rankings undergo calculations. I solved this problem by adding another dispatch group:
let downloadGroup = DispatchGroup()
while let nextMeme = enumerator.nextObject() as? DataSnapshot {
let calculationGroup = DispatchGroup()
self.getRankingA(userA: userA, memeID: nextMeme.key) {
self.getRankingB(userB: userB, memeID: nextMeme.key) {
// is called when the last task left the group
calculationGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
self.calculation() {
downloadGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
completion(self, userA, userB)
I had to add a completion handler to the calculation method as well to ensure that the updateScores method would be called once userAranking and userBranking undergo calculations, not just once they are received from the database.
Yay for dispatch groups!
To wait for a loop to complete or better, do stuff after some async call is executed, you could use DispatchGroups. This example shows how they work:
let group = DispatchGroup()
var isExecutedOne = false
var isExecutedTwo = false
myAsyncCallOne() {
isExecutedOne = true
myAsyncCallTwo() {
isExecutedOTwo = true
group.notify(queue: .main) {
if isExecutedOne && isExecutedTwo {
} else {
This example shows you how the group is used to control the output. There is no need to wait() or something. You just enter the group in every iteration of the loop, leave it in the async callbacks and when every task left the group, group.notify()is called and you can do the calculations:
while let nextMeme = enumerator.nextObject() as? DataSnapshot {
let group = DispatchGroup()
self.getRankingA(userA: userA, memeID: nextMeme.key) {
self.rankingAreceived = true
self.getRankingB(userB: userB, memeID: nextMeme.key) {
self.rankingBreceived = true
// is called when the last task left the group
group.notify(queue: .main) {
group.notify()is called when all the calls have left the group. You can have nested groups too.
Happy Coding!
I have created a function getFriends that reads a User's friendlist from firestore and puts each friend in a LocalUser object (which is my custom user class) in order to display the friendlist in a tableview. I need the DispatchSemaphore.wait() because I need the for loop to iterate only when the completion handler inside the for loop is called.
When loading the view, the app freezes. I know that the problem is that semaphore.wait() is called in the main thread. However, from reading DispatchQueue-tutorials I still don't understand how to fix this in my case.
Also: do you see any easier ways to implement what I want to do?
This is my call to the function in viewDidLoad():
self.getFriends() { (friends) in
self.foundFriends = friends
And the function getFriends:
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
func getFriends(completion: #escaping ([LocalUser]) -> ()) {
var friendsUID = [String : Any]()
database.collection("friends").document(self.uid).getDocument { (docSnapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Error:", error!)
friendsUID = (docSnapshot?.data())!
var friends = [LocalUser]()
let friendsIdents = Array(friendsUID.keys)
for (idx,userID) in friendsIdents.enumerated() {
self.getUser(withUID: userID, completion: { (usr) in
var tempUser: LocalUser
tempUser = usr
if idx == friendsIdents.endIndex-1 {
print("friends at for loop completion:", friends.count)
friendsUID is a dict with each friend's uid as a key and true as the value. Since I only need the keys, I store them in the array friendsIdents. Function getUser searches the passed uid in firestore and creates the corresponding LocalUser (usr). This finally gets appended in friends array.
You should almost never have a semaphore.wait() on the main thread. Unless you expect to wait for < 10ms.
Instead, consider dispatching your friends list processing to a background thread. The background thread can perform the dispatch to your database/api and wait() without blocking the main thread.
Just make sure to use DispatchQueue.main.async {} from that thread if you need to trigger any UI work.
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
func getFriends(completion: #escaping ([LocalUser]) -> ()) {
var friendsUID = [String : Any]()
database.collection("friends").document(self.uid).getDocument { (docSnapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Error:", error!)
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async {
friendsUID = (docSnapshot?.data())!
var friends = [LocalUser]()
let friendsIdents = Array(friendsUID.keys)
for (idx,userID) in friendsIdents.enumerated() {
self.getUser(withUID: userID, completion: { (usr) in
var tempUser: LocalUser
tempUser = usr
if idx == friendsIdents.endIndex-1 {
print("friends at for loop completion:", friends.count)
// Insert here a DispatchQueue.main.async {} if you need something to happen
// on the main queue after you are done processing all entries
I'm trying to find out the best way to handle a completion on a function.
The function calls for data from firebase and adds them to an array of dictionaries. Because this is for maps and adding annotations the loop is adding lots of data before coming to the final appended version so its throwing loads of annotations dow in the same place. i want to know if i can call a completion on the loop when its finished and then call the function ShowSightings().
func getDatafromFB() {
DataService.ds.REF_POSTS.child("postCodes").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
let postsIds = value?.allKeys as! [String]
for postId in postsIds {
let refToPost = Database.database().reference(withPath: "posts/" + "postCodes/" + postId)
refToPost.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
if snapshot.exists() {
let postDict = snapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject]
print("Tony: before append post \(self.posts)")
print("Tony: post \(self.posts)")
}else {
print("Tony: Couldn't get the data")
print("Tony: The compleetion result \(self.posts)")
You can try this:
func doAsyncTask(completionHandler:#escaping (Bool) -> ()){
//do async tasks
completionHandler(true) //<- call this when the data is retrieved
//so in your case, see below
override func viewDidLoad{
doAsyncTask(){ succes in
//succes gives true or false
//your case
}else {
print("Tony: Couldn't get the data")
completionHandler(true) //<- right there
This is for 1 async task. I see you want to use multiple async task. This is a job for dispatch groups. I change some of my function to take parameters. Check this out:
func doAsyncTask(postID: String, completionHandler:#escaping (Bool) -> ()){
//do async tasks
override func viewDidLoad{
var arrPostIDs = [String]()
//append to arrPostIDs here
let postIDDispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
for postID in arrPostIDs{
doAsyncTask(postID: postID){ succes in
//succes gives true or false
postIDDispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
//everything completed :), do whatever you want