Calling functions in the serial queue in Swift - ios

I've got a function which is called by observing the NotificationCenter:
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(observedPosition(_: ), name: "calculatePosition", object: nil)
and then the function:
#objc func observedPosition(_ notification: NSNotification) {
if let data = notification.object as? Int {
self.sendPosition(from: data)
As this function can be called multiple times in very short time periods I would like to add it to the queue and call sendPosition() only once the previous sendPosition() has finished.
I tried something like this but dunno if it's a correct approach:
#objc func observedPosition(_ notification: NSNotification) {
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: queueLabel, attributes: [], targer: nil)
queue.sync {
if let data = notification.object as? Int {
self.sendPosition(from: data)

Xcode Version 10.3 (10G8), Swift 5
Key features
Implemented own queue which will execute functions one by one
All operations (closures) stored in array
Thread safety
// MARK: - StackableOperationsQueue performs functions from the stack one by one (serial performing)
class StackableOperationsQueue {
private let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
private lazy var operations = [QueueOperation]()
private lazy var isExecuting = false
fileprivate func _append(operation: QueueOperation) {
func append(operation: QueueOperation) { _append(operation: operation) }
private func execute() {
guard !operations.isEmpty, !isExecuting else { semaphore.signal(); return }
let operation = operations.removeFirst()
isExecuting = true
isExecuting = false
// MARK: - StackableOperationsCuncurentQueue performs functions from the stack one by one (serial performing) but in cuncurent queue
class StackableOperationsCuncurentQueue: StackableOperationsQueue {
private var queue: DispatchQueue
init(queue: DispatchQueue) { self.queue = queue }
override func append(operation: QueueOperation) {
queue.async { [weak self] in self?._append(operation: operation) }
// MARK: QueueOperation interface
protocol QueueOperation: class {
var сlosure: (() -> Void)? { get }
var actualityCheckingClosure: (() -> Bool)? { get }
init (actualityCheckingClosure: (() -> Bool)?, serialClosure: (() -> Void)?)
func perform()
extension QueueOperation {
// MARK: - Can queue perform the operation `сlosure: (() -> Void)?` or not
var isActual: Bool {
guard let actualityCheckingClosure = self.actualityCheckingClosure,
self.сlosure != nil else { return false }
return actualityCheckingClosure()
func perform() { if isActual { сlosure?() } }
init (actualIifNotNill object: AnyObject?, serialClosure: (() -> Void)?) {
self.init(actualityCheckingClosure: { return object != nil }, serialClosure: serialClosure)
class SerialQueueOperation: QueueOperation {
let сlosure: (() -> Void)?
let actualityCheckingClosure: (() -> Bool)?
required init (actualityCheckingClosure: (() -> Bool)?, serialClosure: (() -> Void)?) {
self.actualityCheckingClosure = actualityCheckingClosure
self.сlosure = serialClosure
Usage example
class TEST {
private lazy var stackableOperationsQueue: StackableOperationsCuncurentQueue = {
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "custom_queue", qos: .background,
attributes: [.concurrent], autoreleaseFrequency: .workItem, target: nil)
return StackableOperationsCuncurentQueue(queue: queue)
private func addOperationToQueue(closure: (() -> Void)?) {
let operation = SerialQueueOperation(actualIifNotNill: self) { closure?() }
stackableOperationsQueue.append(operation: operation)
print("!!!! Function added ")
private func simpleFunc(index: Int) {
print("Func \(index) started")
print("Func \(index) ended")
func run() {
(0...3).forEach { index in
addOperationToQueue { [weak self] in self?.simpleFunc(index: index) }
let test = TEST()
Usage example results
// qos: .background
!!!! Function added
!!!! Function added
!!!! Function added
!!!! Function added
Func 0 started
Func 0 ended
Func 1 started
Func 1 ended
Func 2 started
Func 2 ended
Func 3 started
Func 3 ended
// qos: .userInitiated
!!!! Function added
Func 0 started
!!!! Function added
!!!! Function added
!!!! Function added
Func 0 ended
Func 1 started
Func 1 ended
Func 2 started
Func 2 ended
Func 3 started
Func 3 ended

That is correct, so long as you ensure the same queue is being used to schedule all sendPosition method calls. For example, if this queue were a local variable, it would be of no use at all.


How to remove passed closure from UIViewController

sorry maybe title not so much informative, so here is my problem
I want to create ThemeManager and apply to all screens, theme can be changed in the app, thats why I added closureList which will fire and update all related screens
class ThemeManager {
static let shared = ThemeManager()
private(set) var theme: Theme
private var bindedList: [()->Void] = []
private init () {
self.theme = AppGreenTheme()
func apply(theme: Theme) {
self.theme = theme
func bind(closure: #escaping ()->Void) {
func bindAndFire(closure: #escaping ()->Void) {
bind(closure: closure)
here is how I want to use it from any UIViewController, or any UIView
ThemeManager.shared.bindAndFire {
// here I will get theme changes and update my screen
so I wanted to know, in this case will I create reference cycle for UIViewController, or UIView, and which is the best approach to remove closures from the list after parent UIViewController or UIView, will be removed from memory.
Its safe as long as you pass your UIViewController as a weak reference, like so
ThemeManager.shared.bindAndFire { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
// here I will get theme changes and update my screen
But NotificationCenter is better approach for this to rely on, here is basic ThemeManager example
class ThemeManager {
static let shared = ThemeManager()
static let NotificationName = NSNotification.Name("Notifacation.ThemeManager")
var theme: Theme!
func switchTheme(_ theme: Theme) {
self.theme = theme ThemeManager.NotificationName, object: self.theme)
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(themeDidUpdate(_:)), name: ThemeManager.NotificationName, object: nil)
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
#objc func themeDidUpdate(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let theme = notification.object as? Theme else { return }
// here I will get theme changes and update my screen
Update-2 Example NotificationCenter with a closure
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: ThemeManager.NotificationName, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) { [weak self] (notification) in
guard let strongSelf = self, let theme = notification.object as? Theme else { return }
// here I will get theme changes and update my screen
You can wrap the closures with a struct that has also has a property you can check for equality and return the value of that property when a closure is added. The view controller can then pass this id if it wants to remove the closure.You can hide the wrapper from the rest of the code. You can also use UUID if you don't want to keep track of some counter. You can also use a dictionary to store the closure with the id as the key.
class ThemeManager {
private var counter = 0
private var closures: [ClosureWrapper] = []
private struct ClosureWrapper {
let id: Int
let closure: () -> Void
func bind(closure: #escaping () -> Void) -> Int {
counter += 1
let wrapper = ClosureWrapper(id: counter, closure: closure)
func removeClosure(with id: Int) {
guard let index = closures.firstIndex(where: { $ == id }) else {
closures.remove(at: index)
Here's version where you don't need to keep track of an id for the closure. It uses NSMapTable with weak keys to store the closures. You can pass the view controller as the key and when it is deallocated the passed closure will be automatically removed from the map table.
class ThemeManager {
private let closureTable = NSMapTable<NSObject, ClosureWrapper>(keyOptions: .weakMemory, valueOptions: .strongMemory)
private class ClosureWrapper {
let closure: () -> Void
init(closure: #escaping () -> Void) {
self.closure = closure
func bind(from source: NSObject, closure: #escaping () -> Void) {
let wrapper = ClosureWrapper(closure: closure)
closureTable.setObject(wrapper, forKey: source)
func callClosures() {
for key in closureTable.keyEnumerator().allObjects {
let wrapper = closureTable.object(forKey: key as? NSObject)

xcode 8.3 error with generics

protocol PubSubEvent {
associatedtype EventResult
static func eventName() -> String
func event() -> EventResult
func send()
class BGEventBus: EventBus {
static let sharedInstance = BGEventBus()
init() {
super.init(queue: OperationQueue())
class BGEventBusEvent: PubSubEvent {
typealias EventResult = BGEventBusEvent
class func eventName() -> String {
return String(describing: self)
func send() {
BGEventBus.sharedInstance.send(event: self)
func event() -> BGEventBusEvent.EventResult {
return self
class BGDidLoginEvent: BGEventBusEvent {
typealias EventResult = BGDidLoginEvent
var password: String?
var facebookToken: String?
init(password: String? = nil, facebookToken: String? = nil) {
self.password = password
self.facebookToken = facebookToken
class EventBus {
var queue: OperationQueue
init(queue: OperationQueue) {
self.queue = queue
func send(event: AnyObject) {
func handleEvent<T: PubSubEvent>(target:EventBusObservable, handleBlock: ((T.EventResult) -> Void)!) where T.EventResult == T {
class EventBusObserver {
var objectProtocol: NSObjectProtocol?
func addObserver(forName name: NSNotification.Name?, object obj: Any?, queue: OperationQueue?, using block: #escaping (Notification) -> Swift.Void) {
self.objectProtocol = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: name, object: obj, queue: queue, using: block)
deinit {
if let obj = self.objectProtocol {
self.objectProtocol = nil
print("deinit observer!")
protocol EventBusObservable {
func handleBGEvent<T: PubSubEvent>(handleBlock: ((T.EventResult) -> Void)!) where T.EventResult == T
extension EventBusObservable {
func handleBGEvent<T>(handleBlock: ((T) -> Void)!) where T : PubSubEvent, T.EventResult == T {
BGEventBus.sharedInstance.handleEvent(target: self, handleBlock:handleBlock)
class sample: EventBusObservable {
func test() {
self.handleBGEvent { (event: BGDidLoginEvent) in
Hello guys I updated the Xcode to 8.3 and now I'm getting some errors like this:
Cannot convert value of type '(BGDidLoginEvent) -> ()' to expected argument type '((_) -> Void)!''
can anybody help me?
here the sample file
I think you have to write the generic requirement exactly the same way every time. So, in EventBus:
class EventBus {
// ...
func handleEvent<T>(target:EventBusObservable, handleBlock: ((T) -> Void)!) where T : PubSubEvent, T.EventResult == T {
In EventBusObservable:
protocol EventBusObservable {
func handleBGEvent<T>(handleBlock: ((T) -> Void)!) where T : PubSubEvent, T.EventResult == T
In the EventBusObservable extension:
extension EventBusObservable {
func handleBGEvent<T>(handleBlock: ((T) -> Void)!) where T : PubSubEvent, T.EventResult == T {
BGEventBus.sharedInstance.handleEvent(target: self, handleBlock: handleBlock)
That compiles. Finally we are left with your class sample. This one wasn't so easy; I found I had to declare event as a BGEventBusEvent:
class sample: EventBusObservable {
func test() {
self.handleBGEvent {
(event:BGEventBusEvent) in

Why GCD dispatch group notify is not called in Playground and Unit tests

I have the code working in simulator/device and I'm trying to write unit tests for it. However, notify callback is not called in unit tests. Here's is a code for Playgrounds which is also not calling notify callback. I suspect it I may be using the wrong queue, but cannot figure out which one I should use.
import UIKit
class Loader {
func fetch(callback: ((_ result: String)-> Void)) {
class MyService {
var list: Array<String> = Array()
var loader: Loader = Loader()
var dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
func loadList(callback: #escaping (()-> Void)) {
for i in 1...3 {
self.loader.fetch(callback: { [weak self] (string) in
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
var service = MyService()
service.loadList {
print("Done is not called")
Thanks to #paulvs, we need to enable indefinite execution. However, how to enable that for unit tests?
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
class Loader {
func fetch(callback: ((_ result: String)-> Void)) {
class MyService {
var list: Array<String> = Array()
var loader: Loader = Loader()
var dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
func loadList(callback: #escaping (()-> Void)) {
for i in 1...3 {
self.loader.fetch(callback: { [weak self] (string) in
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
var service = MyService()
service.loadList {
print("Done is called now!")
Thanks for the idea to #paulvs, and to this post, here's the code needed for unit tests:
let service = MyService()
let expect = expectation(description: "longRunningFunction")
service.loadList {
self.waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.5) { error in
XCTAssert(service.isLoaded, "Not loaded")

Execute completion handler when condition is met

I have a function which relies on the completionHandler of another function. This completionHandler should be called when the delegate method completedLogin is called. Below is a snippet of my code:
class loginClass : LoginScreenDelegate {
var loginCompleted : Bool = false
func performLogin(completionHandler: (() -> Void)) {
let qualityOfServiceClass = QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND
let backgroundQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(qualityOfServiceClass, 0)
dispatch_async(backgroundQueue, {
while self.loginCompleted != true {
// Do nothing
func didLogin(sender: LogInScreen, success: Bool) {
// Do nothing
func completedLogin(sender: LogInScreen) {
self.loginCompleted = true
However, using a while loop inside a background thread seems like a very resource intensive way. I have tried using NSTimer() but the problem is is that it executes another function so i cannot use my callback function anymore. Is there a better / resource friendly way to keep checking this?
You have to add a completion handler to the function which needs to be completed before the other like this:
func completedLogin(sender: LogInScreen, completionHandler :(evaluatedSuccessfully: Bool) -> ()){
self.loginCompleted = true
completionHandler(evaluatedSuccessfully: true)
And then you can just call this function in any other function like this:
completedLogin(sender: <your sender>){ success in
If success{
//do something
//report an error
class loginClass : LoginScreenDelegate {
var loginCompleted : Bool = false
var completionHandler: (() -> Void)!
func performLogin(completionHandler: (() -> Void)) {
self.completionHandler = completionHandler
func didLogin(sender: LogInScreen, success: Bool) {
// Do nothing
func completedLogin(sender: LogInScreen) {
self.loginCompleted = true

How can I debounce a method call?

I'm trying to use a UISearchView to query google places. In doing so, on text change calls for my UISearchBar, I'm making a request to google places. The problem is I'd rather debounce this call to only request once per 250 ms in order to avoid unnecessary network traffic. I'd rather not write this functionality myself, but I will if I need to.
I found: , but I'm not quite sure how to use it:
func debounce( delay:NSTimeInterval, #queue:dispatch_queue_t, action: (()->()) ) -> ()->() {
var lastFireTime:dispatch_time_t = 0
let dispatchDelay = Int64(delay * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))
return {
lastFireTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW,0)
queue) {
let now = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW,0)
let when = dispatch_time(lastFireTime, dispatchDelay)
if now >= when {
Here is one thing I've tried using the above code:
let searchDebounceInterval: NSTimeInterval = NSTimeInterval(0.25)
func findPlaces() {
// ...
func searchBar(searchBar: UISearchBar!, textDidChange searchText: String!) {
The resulting error is Cannot invoke function with an argument list of type '(NSTimeInterval, $T5, () -> ())
How do I use this method, or is there a better way to do this in iOS/Swift.
Here's an option for those not wanting to create classes/extensions:
Somewhere in your code:
var debounce_timer:Timer?
And in places you want to do the debounce:
debounce_timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: false) { _ in
print ("Debounce this...")
If you like to keep things clean, here's a GCD based solution that can do what you need using familiar GCD based syntax:
DispatchQueue.main.asyncDeduped(target: self, after: 0.25) { [weak self] in
findPlaces() will only get called one time, 0.25 seconds after the last call to asyncDuped.
Swift 3 version
1. Basic debounce function
func debounce(interval: Int, queue: DispatchQueue, action: #escaping (() -> Void)) -> () -> Void {
var lastFireTime =
let dispatchDelay = DispatchTimeInterval.milliseconds(interval)
return {
lastFireTime =
let dispatchTime: DispatchTime = + dispatchDelay
queue.asyncAfter(deadline: dispatchTime) {
let when: DispatchTime = lastFireTime + dispatchDelay
let now =
if now.rawValue >= when.rawValue {
2. Parameterized debounce function
Sometimes it's useful to be have the debounce function take a parameter.
typealias Debounce<T> = (_ : T) -> Void
func debounce<T>(interval: Int, queue: DispatchQueue, action: #escaping Debounce<T>) -> Debounce<T> {
var lastFireTime =
let dispatchDelay = DispatchTimeInterval.milliseconds(interval)
return { param in
lastFireTime =
let dispatchTime: DispatchTime = + dispatchDelay
queue.asyncAfter(deadline: dispatchTime) {
let when: DispatchTime = lastFireTime + dispatchDelay
let now =
if now.rawValue >= when.rawValue {
3. Example
In the following example you can see, how the debouncing works, using a string parameter to identify the calls.
let debouncedFunction = debounce(interval: 200, queue: DispatchQueue.main, action: { (identifier: String) in
print("called: \(identifier)")
}) .background).async {
usleep(100 * 1000)
usleep(100 * 1000)
usleep(100 * 1000)
usleep(300 * 1000) // waiting a bit longer than the interval
usleep(100 * 1000)
usleep(100 * 1000)
usleep(300 * 1000) // waiting a bit longer than the interval
usleep(100 * 1000)
usleep(100 * 1000)
usleep(100 * 1000)
usleep(100 * 1000)
Note: The usleep() function is only used for demo purposes and may not be the most elegant solution for a real app.
You always get a callback, when there is an interval of at least 200ms since the last call.
called: 4
called: 7
called: 12
Despite several great answers here, I thought I'd share my favorite (pure Swift) approach for debouncing user entered searches...
1) Add this simple class (Debounce.swift):
import Dispatch
class Debounce<T: Equatable> {
private init() {}
static func input(_ input: T,
comparedAgainst current: #escaping #autoclosure () -> (T),
perform: #escaping (T) -> ()) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
if input == current() { perform(input) }
2) Optionally include this unit test (DebounceTests.swift):
import XCTest
class DebounceTests: XCTestCase {
func test_entering_text_delays_processing_until_settled() {
let expect = expectation(description: "processing completed")
var finalString: String = ""
var timesCalled: Int = 0
let process: (String) -> () = {
finalString = $0
timesCalled += 1
Debounce<String>.input("A", comparedAgainst: "AB", perform: process)
Debounce<String>.input("AB", comparedAgainst: "ABCD", perform: process)
Debounce<String>.input("ABCD", comparedAgainst: "ABC", perform: process)
Debounce<String>.input("ABC", comparedAgainst: "ABC", perform: process)
wait(for: [expect], timeout: 2.0)
XCTAssertEqual(finalString, "ABC")
XCTAssertEqual(timesCalled, 1)
3) Use it wherever you want to delay processing (e.g. UISearchBarDelegate):
func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {
Debounce<String>.input(searchText, comparedAgainst: searchBar.text ?? "") {
Basic premise is that we are just delaying the processing of the input text by 0.5 seconds. At that time, we compare the string we got from the event with the current value of the search bar. If they match, we assume that the user has paused entering text, and we proceed with the filtering operation.
As it is generic, it works with any type of equatable value.
Since the Dispatch module has been included in the Swift core library since version 3, this class is safe to use with non-Apple platforms as well.
Put this at the top level of your file so as not to confuse yourself with Swift's funny parameter name rules. Notice that I've deleted the # so that now none of the parameters have names:
func debounce( delay:NSTimeInterval, queue:dispatch_queue_t, action: (()->()) ) -> ()->() {
var lastFireTime:dispatch_time_t = 0
let dispatchDelay = Int64(delay * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))
return {
lastFireTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW,0)
queue) {
let now = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW,0)
let when = dispatch_time(lastFireTime, dispatchDelay)
if now >= when {
Now, in your actual class, your code will look like this:
let searchDebounceInterval: NSTimeInterval = NSTimeInterval(0.25)
let q = dispatch_get_main_queue()
func findPlaces() {
// ...
let debouncedFindPlaces = debounce(
Now debouncedFindPlaces is a function which you can call, and your findPlaces won't be executed unless delay has passed since the last time you called it.
First, create a Debouncer generic class:
// Debouncer.swift
// Created by Frédéric Adda
import UIKit
import Foundation
class Debouncer {
// MARK: - Properties
private let queue = DispatchQueue.main
private var workItem = DispatchWorkItem(block: {})
private var interval: TimeInterval
// MARK: - Initializer
init(seconds: TimeInterval) {
self.interval = seconds
// MARK: - Debouncing function
func debounce(action: #escaping (() -> Void)) {
workItem = DispatchWorkItem(block: { action() })
queue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + interval, execute: workItem)
Then create a subclass of UISearchBar that uses the debounce mechanism:
// DebounceSearchBar.swift
// Created by Frédéric ADDA on 28/06/2018.
import UIKit
/// Subclass of UISearchBar with a debouncer on text edit
class DebounceSearchBar: UISearchBar, UISearchBarDelegate {
// MARK: - Properties
/// Debounce engine
private var debouncer: Debouncer?
/// Debounce interval
var debounceInterval: TimeInterval = 0 {
didSet {
guard debounceInterval > 0 else {
self.debouncer = nil
self.debouncer = Debouncer(seconds: debounceInterval)
/// Event received when the search textField began editing
var onSearchTextDidBeginEditing: (() -> Void)?
/// Event received when the search textField content changes
var onSearchTextUpdate: ((String) -> Void)?
/// Event received when the search button is clicked
var onSearchClicked: (() -> Void)?
/// Event received when cancel is pressed
var onCancel: (() -> Void)?
// MARK: - Initializers
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
delegate = self
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
delegate = self
override func awakeFromNib() {
delegate = self
// MARK: - UISearchBarDelegate
func searchBarCancelButtonClicked(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) {
func searchBarSearchButtonClicked(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) {
func searchBarTextDidBeginEditing(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) {
func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {
guard let debouncer = self.debouncer else {
debouncer.debounce {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.onSearchTextUpdate?(self.text ?? "")
Note that this class is set as the UISearchBarDelegate. Actions will be passed to this class as closures.
Finally, you can use it like so:
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
// Create the searchBar as a DebounceSearchBar
// in code or as an IBOutlet
private var searchBar: DebounceSearchBar?
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.searchBar = createSearchBar()
private func createSearchBar() -> DebounceSearchBar {
let searchFrame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 375, height: 44)
let searchBar = DebounceSearchBar(frame: searchFrame)
searchBar.debounceInterval = 0.5
searchBar.onSearchTextUpdate = { [weak self] searchText in
// call a function to look for contacts, like:
// searchContacts(with: searchText)
searchBar.placeholder = "Enter name or email"
return searchBar
Note that in that case, the DebounceSearchBar is already the searchBar delegate. You should NOT set this UIViewController subclass as the searchBar delegate! Nor use delegate functions.
Use the provided closures instead!
I used this good old Objective-C inspired method:
override func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {
// Debounce: wait until the user stops typing to send search requests
NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self)
perform(#selector(updateSearch(with:)), with: searchText, afterDelay: 0.5)
Note that the called method updateSearch must be marked #objc !
#objc private func updateSearch(with text: String) {
// Do stuff here
The big advantage of this method is that I can pass parameters (here: the search string). With most of Debouncers presented here, that is not the case ...
The following is working for me:
Add the below to some file within your project (I maintain a 'SwiftExtensions.swift' file for things like this):
// Encapsulate a callback in a way that we can use it with NSTimer.
class Callback {
let handler:()->()
init(_ handler:()->()) {
self.handler = handler
#objc func go() {
// Return a function which debounces a callback,
// to be called at most once within `delay` seconds.
// If called again within that time, cancels the original call and reschedules.
func debounce(delay:NSTimeInterval, action:()->()) -> ()->() {
let callback = Callback(action)
var timer: NSTimer?
return {
// if calling again, invalidate the last timer
if let timer = timer {
timer = NSTimer(timeInterval: delay, target: callback, selector: "go", userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().addTimer(timer!, forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
Then set it up in your classes:
class SomeClass {
// set up the debounced save method
private var lazy debouncedSave: () -> () = debounce(1,
private func save() {
// ... actual save code here ...
func doSomething() {
You can now call someClass.doSomething() repeatedly and it will only save once per second.
The general solution as provided by the question and built upon in several of the answers, has a logic mistake that causes problems with short debounce thresholds.
Starting with the provided implementation:
typealias Debounce<T> = (T) -> Void
func debounce<T>(interval: Int, queue: DispatchQueue, action: #escaping (T) -> Void) -> Debounce<T> {
var lastFireTime =
let dispatchDelay = DispatchTimeInterval.milliseconds(interval)
return { param in
lastFireTime =
let dispatchTime: DispatchTime = + dispatchDelay
queue.asyncAfter(deadline: dispatchTime) {
let when: DispatchTime = lastFireTime + dispatchDelay
let now =
if now.rawValue >= when.rawValue {
Testing with an interval of 30 milliseconds, we can create a relatively trivial example that demonstrates the weakness.
let oldDebouncerDebouncedFunction = debounce(interval: 30, queue: .main, action: exampleFunction) .background).async {
This prints
called: 1
called: 2
called: 3
This is clearly incorrect, because the first call should be debounced. Using a longer debounce threshold (such as 300 milliseconds) will fix the problem. The root of the problem is a false expectation that the value of will be equal to the deadline passed to asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime). The intention of the comparison now.rawValue >= when.rawValue is to actually compare the expected deadline to the "most recent" deadline. With small debounce thresholds, the latency of asyncAfter becomes a very important problem to think about.
It's easy to fix though, and the code can be made more concise on top of it. By carefully choosing when to call .now(), and ensuring the comparison of the actual deadline with most recently scheduled deadline, I arrived at this solution. Which is correct for all values of threshold. Pay special attention to #1 and #2 as they are the same syntactically, but will be different if multiple calls are made before the work is dispatched.
typealias DebouncedFunction<T> = (T) -> Void
func makeDebouncedFunction<T>(threshold: DispatchTimeInterval = .milliseconds(30), queue: DispatchQueue = .main, action: #escaping (T) -> Void) -> DebouncedFunction<T> {
// Debounced function's state, initial value doesn't matter
// By declaring it outside of the returned function, it becomes state that persists across
// calls to the returned function
var lastCallTime: DispatchTime = .distantFuture
return { param in
lastCallTime = .now()
let scheduledDeadline = lastCallTime + threshold // 1
queue.asyncAfter(deadline: scheduledDeadline) {
let latestDeadline = lastCallTime + threshold // 2
// If there have been no other calls, these will be equal
if scheduledDeadline == latestDeadline {
func exampleFunction(identifier: String) {
print("called: \(identifier)")
func sleep(_ dispatchTimeInterval: DispatchTimeInterval) {
switch dispatchTimeInterval {
case .seconds(let seconds):
case .milliseconds(let milliseconds):
usleep(useconds_t(milliseconds * 1000))
case .microseconds(let microseconds):
case .nanoseconds(let nanoseconds):
let (sec, nsec) = nanoseconds.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: 1_000_000_000)
var timeSpec = timespec(tv_sec: sec, tv_nsec: nsec)
withUnsafePointer(to: &timeSpec) {
_ = nanosleep($0, nil)
case .never:
Hopefully, this answer will help someone else that has encountered unexpected behavior with the function currying solution.
Here you have totally Swift 5 friendly and smooth solution 👌🏻
You can use it for example when detecting tableView scrolls to bottom.
NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self,
selector: #selector(didScrollToBottom),
object: nil)
perform(#selector(didScrollToBottom), with: nil, afterDelay: TimeInterval(0.1))
#objc private func didScrollToBottom() {
print("finally called once!")
A couple subtle improvements on quickthyme's excellent answer:
Add a delay parameter, perhaps with a default value.
Make Debounce an enum instead of a class, so you can skip having to declare a private init.
enum Debounce<T: Equatable> {
static func input(_ input: T, delay: TimeInterval = 0.3, current: #escaping #autoclosure () -> T, perform: #escaping (T) -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) {
guard input == current() else { return }
It's also not necessary to explicitly declare the generic type at the call site — it can be inferred. For example, if you want to use Debounce with a UISearchController, in updateSearchResults(for:) (required method of UISearchResultsUpdating), you would do this:
func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) {
guard let text = searchController.searchBar.text else { return }
Debounce.input(text, current: searchController.searchBar.text ?? "") {
// ...
Swift 5.7
Note that it is only available in iOS 16.0 or newer.
var task: Task<(), Never>?
func debounce(interval: Duration = .nanoseconds(10000),
operation: #escaping () -> Void) {
task = Task {
do {
try await Task.sleep(for: interval)
} catch {
You can use it like
for i in 0...1000 {
debounce {
// 0
// 25
// 81
// 1000
Prior to iOS 16
import Foundation
// < iOS 16
var task: Task<(), Never>?
func debounce(seconds: Double = 1.0,
operation: #escaping () -> Void) {
task = Task {
do {
try await Task.sleep(seconds: seconds)
} catch {
for i in 0...1000 {
debounce(seconds: 1.0 * 0.00001) {
// 0
// 123
// 1000
extension Task where Success == Never, Failure == Never {
static func sleep(seconds: Double) async throws {
let duration = UInt64(seconds * 1_000_000_000)
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: duration)
Here is a debounce implementation for Swift 3.
import Foundation
class Debouncer {
// Callback to be debounced
// Perform the work you would like to be debounced in this callback.
var callback: (() -> Void)?
private let interval: TimeInterval // Time interval of the debounce window
init(interval: TimeInterval) {
self.interval = interval
private var timer: Timer?
// Indicate that the callback should be called. Begins the debounce window.
func call() {
// Invalidate existing timer if there is one
// Begin a new timer from now
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: interval, target: self, selector: #selector(handleTimer), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
#objc private func handleTimer(_ timer: Timer) {
if callback == nil {
NSLog("Debouncer timer fired, but callback was nil")
} else {
NSLog("Debouncer timer fired")
callback = nil
owenoak's solution works for me. I changed it a little bit to fit my project:
I created a swift file Dispatcher.swift:
import Cocoa
// Encapsulate an action so that we can use it with NSTimer.
class Handler {
let action: ()->()
init(_ action: ()->()) {
self.action = action
#objc func handle() {
// Creates and returns a new debounced version of the passed function
// which will postpone its execution until after delay seconds have elapsed
// since the last time it was invoked.
func debounce(delay: NSTimeInterval, action: ()->()) -> ()->() {
let handler = Handler(action)
var timer: NSTimer?
return {
if let timer = timer {
timer.invalidate() // if calling again, invalidate the last timer
timer = NSTimer(timeInterval: delay, target: handler, selector: "handle", userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().addTimer(timer!, forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().addTimer(timer!, forMode: NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode)
Then I added the following in my UI class:
class func changed() {
let debouncedChanged = debounce(0.5, action: MainWindowController.changed)
The key difference from owenoak's anwer is this line:
NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().addTimer(timer!, forMode: NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode)
Without this line, the timer never triggers if the UI loses focus.
Scenario: User taps on button continuously but only last one is accepted and all previous request is cancelled.To keep it simple fetchMethod() prints the counter value.
1: Using Perform Selector After a delay:
working example Swift 5
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var stepper = 1
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func StepperBtnTapped() {
stepper = stepper + 1
NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self)
perform(#selector(updateRecord), with: self, afterDelay: 0.5)
#objc func updateRecord() {
print("final Count \(stepper)")
2:Using DispatchWorkItem:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private var pendingRequestWorkItem: DispatchWorkItem?
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func tapButton(sender: UIButton) {
counter += 1
let requestWorkItem = DispatchWorkItem { [weak self] in self?.fetchMethod()
pendingRequestWorkItem = requestWorkItem
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() +.milliseconds(250),execute: requestWorkItem)
func fetchMethod() {
fetchMethod:1 //clicked once
fetchMethod:4 //clicked 4 times ,
//but previous triggers are cancelled by
// pendingRequestWorkItem?.cancel()
reference link
