xcode 8.3 error with generics - ios

protocol PubSubEvent {
associatedtype EventResult
static func eventName() -> String
func event() -> EventResult
func send()
class BGEventBus: EventBus {
static let sharedInstance = BGEventBus()
init() {
super.init(queue: OperationQueue())
class BGEventBusEvent: PubSubEvent {
typealias EventResult = BGEventBusEvent
class func eventName() -> String {
return String(describing: self)
func send() {
BGEventBus.sharedInstance.send(event: self)
func event() -> BGEventBusEvent.EventResult {
return self
class BGDidLoginEvent: BGEventBusEvent {
typealias EventResult = BGDidLoginEvent
var password: String?
var facebookToken: String?
init(password: String? = nil, facebookToken: String? = nil) {
self.password = password
self.facebookToken = facebookToken
class EventBus {
var queue: OperationQueue
init(queue: OperationQueue) {
self.queue = queue
func send(event: AnyObject) {
func handleEvent<T: PubSubEvent>(target:EventBusObservable, handleBlock: ((T.EventResult) -> Void)!) where T.EventResult == T {
class EventBusObserver {
var objectProtocol: NSObjectProtocol?
func addObserver(forName name: NSNotification.Name?, object obj: Any?, queue: OperationQueue?, using block: #escaping (Notification) -> Swift.Void) {
self.objectProtocol = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: name, object: obj, queue: queue, using: block)
deinit {
if let obj = self.objectProtocol {
self.objectProtocol = nil
print("deinit observer!")
protocol EventBusObservable {
func handleBGEvent<T: PubSubEvent>(handleBlock: ((T.EventResult) -> Void)!) where T.EventResult == T
extension EventBusObservable {
func handleBGEvent<T>(handleBlock: ((T) -> Void)!) where T : PubSubEvent, T.EventResult == T {
BGEventBus.sharedInstance.handleEvent(target: self, handleBlock:handleBlock)
class sample: EventBusObservable {
func test() {
self.handleBGEvent { (event: BGDidLoginEvent) in
Hello guys I updated the Xcode to 8.3 and now I'm getting some errors like this:
Cannot convert value of type '(BGDidLoginEvent) -> ()' to expected argument type '((_) -> Void)!''
can anybody help me?
here the sample file https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1zPtsTG7crPQncxYnEyWTBpSXM

I think you have to write the generic requirement exactly the same way every time. So, in EventBus:
class EventBus {
// ...
func handleEvent<T>(target:EventBusObservable, handleBlock: ((T) -> Void)!) where T : PubSubEvent, T.EventResult == T {
In EventBusObservable:
protocol EventBusObservable {
func handleBGEvent<T>(handleBlock: ((T) -> Void)!) where T : PubSubEvent, T.EventResult == T
In the EventBusObservable extension:
extension EventBusObservable {
func handleBGEvent<T>(handleBlock: ((T) -> Void)!) where T : PubSubEvent, T.EventResult == T {
BGEventBus.sharedInstance.handleEvent(target: self, handleBlock: handleBlock)
That compiles. Finally we are left with your class sample. This one wasn't so easy; I found I had to declare event as a BGEventBusEvent:
class sample: EventBusObservable {
func test() {
self.handleBGEvent {
(event:BGEventBusEvent) in


Calling functions in the serial queue in Swift

I've got a function which is called by observing the NotificationCenter:
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(observedPosition(_: ), name: "calculatePosition", object: nil)
and then the function:
#objc func observedPosition(_ notification: NSNotification) {
if let data = notification.object as? Int {
self.sendPosition(from: data)
As this function can be called multiple times in very short time periods I would like to add it to the queue and call sendPosition() only once the previous sendPosition() has finished.
I tried something like this but dunno if it's a correct approach:
#objc func observedPosition(_ notification: NSNotification) {
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: queueLabel, attributes: [], targer: nil)
queue.sync {
if let data = notification.object as? Int {
self.sendPosition(from: data)
Xcode Version 10.3 (10G8), Swift 5
Key features
Implemented own queue which will execute functions one by one
All operations (closures) stored in array
Thread safety
// MARK: - StackableOperationsQueue performs functions from the stack one by one (serial performing)
class StackableOperationsQueue {
private let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
private lazy var operations = [QueueOperation]()
private lazy var isExecuting = false
fileprivate func _append(operation: QueueOperation) {
func append(operation: QueueOperation) { _append(operation: operation) }
private func execute() {
guard !operations.isEmpty, !isExecuting else { semaphore.signal(); return }
let operation = operations.removeFirst()
isExecuting = true
isExecuting = false
// MARK: - StackableOperationsCuncurentQueue performs functions from the stack one by one (serial performing) but in cuncurent queue
class StackableOperationsCuncurentQueue: StackableOperationsQueue {
private var queue: DispatchQueue
init(queue: DispatchQueue) { self.queue = queue }
override func append(operation: QueueOperation) {
queue.async { [weak self] in self?._append(operation: operation) }
// MARK: QueueOperation interface
protocol QueueOperation: class {
var сlosure: (() -> Void)? { get }
var actualityCheckingClosure: (() -> Bool)? { get }
init (actualityCheckingClosure: (() -> Bool)?, serialClosure: (() -> Void)?)
func perform()
extension QueueOperation {
// MARK: - Can queue perform the operation `сlosure: (() -> Void)?` or not
var isActual: Bool {
guard let actualityCheckingClosure = self.actualityCheckingClosure,
self.сlosure != nil else { return false }
return actualityCheckingClosure()
func perform() { if isActual { сlosure?() } }
init (actualIifNotNill object: AnyObject?, serialClosure: (() -> Void)?) {
self.init(actualityCheckingClosure: { return object != nil }, serialClosure: serialClosure)
class SerialQueueOperation: QueueOperation {
let сlosure: (() -> Void)?
let actualityCheckingClosure: (() -> Bool)?
required init (actualityCheckingClosure: (() -> Bool)?, serialClosure: (() -> Void)?) {
self.actualityCheckingClosure = actualityCheckingClosure
self.сlosure = serialClosure
Usage example
class TEST {
private lazy var stackableOperationsQueue: StackableOperationsCuncurentQueue = {
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "custom_queue", qos: .background,
attributes: [.concurrent], autoreleaseFrequency: .workItem, target: nil)
return StackableOperationsCuncurentQueue(queue: queue)
private func addOperationToQueue(closure: (() -> Void)?) {
let operation = SerialQueueOperation(actualIifNotNill: self) { closure?() }
stackableOperationsQueue.append(operation: operation)
print("!!!! Function added ")
private func simpleFunc(index: Int) {
print("Func \(index) started")
print("Func \(index) ended")
func run() {
(0...3).forEach { index in
addOperationToQueue { [weak self] in self?.simpleFunc(index: index) }
let test = TEST()
Usage example results
// qos: .background
!!!! Function added
!!!! Function added
!!!! Function added
!!!! Function added
Func 0 started
Func 0 ended
Func 1 started
Func 1 ended
Func 2 started
Func 2 ended
Func 3 started
Func 3 ended
// qos: .userInitiated
!!!! Function added
Func 0 started
!!!! Function added
!!!! Function added
!!!! Function added
Func 0 ended
Func 1 started
Func 1 ended
Func 2 started
Func 2 ended
Func 3 started
Func 3 ended
That is correct, so long as you ensure the same queue is being used to schedule all sendPosition method calls. For example, if this queue were a local variable, it would be of no use at all.

How to change protocol to typealias or closure

In my code I do not want to use protocol I want use closures but I couldn't get it done because I am new on Swift.
Here is the example of class
class SplashPresenterImp: SplashPresenter, OnFinishedListener {
private var interactor: SplashInteractor
private var splashNetworkProtocol: SplashNetworkProtocol
init() {
interactor = SplashNetworking()
func startDownloadConfigs(splashNetworkProtocol: SplashNetworkProtocol){
if interactor != nil {
interactor.loadConfigs(listener: self)
self.splashNetworkProtocol = splashNetworkProtocol
func startDownloadDictionary(splashNetworkProtocol: SplashNetworkProtocol) {
if interactor != nil {
interactor.loadDictionary(listener: self)
self.splashNetworkProtocol = splashNetworkProtocol
func onFinishedGetDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary) {
//save dictionary
if splashNetworkProtocol != nil {
func onFinishedGetConfigs(config: Config) {
//save configs
if splashNetworkProtocol != nil {
func onFinishedWithError(error: AMError) {
if splashNetworkProtocol != nil {
splashNetworkProtocol.onError(error: error)()
Here is the protocol
protocol SplashNetworkProtocol: class {
func onSuccess()
func onError(error: AMError)
What I want to have on my viewcontroller to have closure when downloadConfig is complete to start downloadDictionary.
I know how it handle on Java here is the code
mPresenter.startDownloadConfigs(new SplashNetworkProtocol() {
public void onSuccess() {
public void onError(final AMError error) {
I want to have same result in swift. Is anyone can give me advice how to do this?
More clearly I want get rid of SplashNetworkProtocol and use only closure.
swift result should be this
mPresenter.startDownloadConfigs(onSuccess: {} onError{}
Should be as simple as:
func startDownloadDictionary(onSuccess: () -> Void, onError: () -> Void)
But even better to use a single closure that handles both success and error. For instance, with an error as an optional parameter:
func startDownloadDictionary(onCompletion: (Error?) -> Void)
A full example:
func someOtherFunc() {
startDownloadDictionary(onCompletion: {(error) -> Void in
if let error = error {
//no error
func startDownloadDictionary(onCompletion: (Error?) -> Void)
var error: Error?
// if error happens, create it
If you need help with Swift closure syntax, this is a good resource:

Cannot receive event with custom DelegateProxy and Protocol

I try to migrate delegate of DifficultyViewDelegate to observable. This is my DifficultyViewDelegate :
#objc protocol DifficultyViewDelegate: class {
func levelDidIncrease()
func levelDidDecrease()
And my DifficultyView :
weak var delegate: DifficultyViewDelegate?
#IBAction func decreaseLevel(_ sender: Any) {
#IBAction func increaseLevel(_ sender: Any) {
And this is my RxDifficultyViewDelegateProxy
class RxDifficultyViewDelegateProxy: DelegateProxy, DelegateProxyType {
static func currentDelegateFor(_ object: AnyObject) -> AnyObject? {
let difficultyView: DifficultyView = object as! DifficultyView
return difficultyView.delegate
static func setCurrentDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject?, toObject object: AnyObject) {
let difficultyView: DifficultyView = object as! DifficultyView
difficultyView.delegate = delegate as? DifficultyViewDelegate
I also added an extension on my DifficultyView :
extension DifficultyView {
public var rx_delegate: RxDifficultyViewDelegateProxy {
return RxDifficultyViewDelegateProxy.proxyForObject(RxDifficultyViewDelegateProxy.self)
public var rx_levelDidIncrease: Observable<Void> {
return rx_delegate.methodInvoked(#selector(DifficultyViewDelegate.levelDidIncrease)).map { _ in return }
But it seems that when I do :
difficultyView.rx_levelDidIncrease.asObservable().subscribe(onNext: {
print("did increase")
It's never called. Someone has any pointers ?
Try use PublishSubject:
class DifficultyView: UIView {
var levelDidIncrease = PublishSubject<Void>()
var levelDidDecrease = PublishSubject<Void>()
#IBAction func decreaseLevel(_ sender: Any) {
#IBAction func increaseLevel(_ sender: Any) {
And then:
var difficultyView = DifficultyView()
.subscribe(onNext: {
print("did decrease")
difficultyView.decreaseLevel(theSender) // <- THIS line performs the side effect

Swift closure in protocol extension

I want to Decorate UIViewController with the ability to adjust it's interface when setInteractionEnabled method is called from another class (ex. Network State Manager). All changes (if any) should be provided in the concrete controller by overriding onInteractionChanged. Here is my code:
import Foundation
typealias InteractionClosure = ((enabled: Bool) -> Void)
protocol Interaction: class {
var onInteractionChanged: InteractionClosure? { get set }
func setInteractionEnabled(enabled: Bool)
extension Interaction where Self: UIViewController {
// Default: Do nothing
// Throws: - Extensions may not contain stored properties
var onInteractionChanged: InteractionClosure? = nil
func setInteractionEnabled(enabled: Bool) {
onInteractionChanged?(enabled: enabled)
extension UIViewController : Interaction {}
How to add default implementation for onInteractionChanged?
Answering my own question is something usually I don't do, but here is my solution:
typealias InteractionClosure = (enabled: Bool) -> Void
protocol Interaction: class {
func addOnInteractionChanged(closure: InteractionClosure)
func setInteractionEnabled(enabled: Bool)
extension Interaction where Self: UIViewController {
func addOnInteractionChanged(closure: InteractionClosure) {
onInteractionChanged = closure
func setInteractionEnabled(enabled: Bool) {
onInteractionChanged?(enabled: enabled)
// MARK: - Private
private var onInteractionChanged: InteractionClosure? {
get {
let wrapper =
objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &icAssociationKey) as? ClosureWrapper
return wrapper?.closure
set(newValue) {
extension UIViewController : Interaction {}
// Helpers
private var icAssociationKey: UInt8 = 0
private class ClosureWrapper {
var closure: InteractionClosure?
init(_ closure: InteractionClosure?) {
self.closure = closure
Client class:
class LoginViewController: UIViewController {
// MARK: - Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
// MARK: - Private
private func setup() {
// ...
addOnInteractionChanged { [unowned self] (enabled) in
self.signInButton.enabled = enabled
self.activityIndicatorView.hidden = !enabled
In manager class:
If you would like property to have only { get } ability, you can use:
protocol TestProtocol {
var testClosure: ((_ parameter: Bool) -> Void)? { get }
extension TestProtocol {
var testClosure: ((_ parameter: Bool) -> Void)? {
return { parameter in

How to create protocol-oriented generic services?

I'm trying to create a protocol that will serve data for view controllers. I'm trying to take the protocol approach and makes things flexible, so the view controllers can conform using any type of data.
However, I'm getting the error: Protocol 'Serviceable' can only be used as a generic contraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
This is what I'm trying to do:
protocol Serviceable {
associatedtype DataType
func get(handler: ([DataType] -> Void)?)
struct PostService: Serviceable {
func get(handler: ([Postable] -> Void)? = nil) {
print("Do something...")
struct AuthorService: Serviceable {
func get(handler: ([Authorable] -> Void)? = nil) {
print("Do something...")
protocol Postable {
var title: String { get set }
var content: String { get set }
protocol ServiceControllable: class {
var service: Serviceable { get } // Error: Protocol 'Serviceable' can only be used as a generic contraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
extension ServiceControllable {
func setupDataSource() {
service.get { items in
// Do something
class MyViewController: ServiceControllable {
let service: Serviceable = PostService() // Error: Same as above
override func viewDidLoad() {
How do I set this up so that my view controllers can implement ServiceControllable and have access to a generic setupDataSource that populates tables, collections, etc?
You want something like this.
import UIKit
protocol Serviceable {
associatedtype DataType
func get(handler: ([DataType] -> Void)?)
struct PostService: Serviceable {
func get(handler: ([Postable] -> Void)? = nil) {
print("Do something...")
protocol Authorable {}
struct AuthorService: Serviceable {
func get(handler: ([Authorable] -> Void)? = nil) {
print("Do something...")
protocol Postable {
var title: String { get set }
var content: String { get set }
protocol ServiceControllable: class {
// THIS is the way to use generic-constraint-protocols in protocols.
associatedtype _Serviceable: Serviceable
var service: _Serviceable { get }
extension ServiceControllable {
func setupDataSource() {
service.get { items in
// Do something
class MyViewController: UIViewController, ServiceControllable {
let service = PostService()
override func viewDidLoad() {
The related documentation section: Protocol Associated Type Declaratio.
