Creating A Google Sheets Query From Two Tabs - google-sheets

I'm creating a google sheet where I want to display a Query on Sheet A, and have it look through data on Sheet B.
My sheets tabs names are the following:
Sheet A = List
Sheet B = Master Database
Currently, I'm using the following formula on Sheet A:
=SELECT(Sheet'Master Database'!A:K, WHERE 'Master Database'!C CONTAINS ‘”,'List'!B5,”‘”)
However, I'm getting Error, Formula parse error. Please help!

On Google Sheets, there isn't a built-in function called SELECT. To learn what are the available functions see Google Sheets Functions List. Maybe you are looking for QUERY function.
By the other hand the references and quotes are wrong. See Reference data from other sheets


Trying to index match data from a different workbook

My colleague collects data in Google Sheet A. I want to reference and index-match some of that into my sheet B where I track the progress of projects. I've tried two different ways of doing it, and neither of them work for me.
Here are the two ways I tried:
I created a new tab in sheet B. Then I used importrange to sync with the data from sheet A. Then I used index match to reference the data from the importrange in the same sheet. Indexmatch did not work with the importrange data. Only once I copied and pasted it as values, did the data come over, but that of course broke the live synced importrange.
I tried to do the indexmatch and importrange at the same time using this formula from this forum:
But that just gave me an error.
Any other ideas on how to approach this?
use vlookup:
=VLOOKUP(A1; 'Sheet A'!A:H; 2; 0)
Maybe because it's just schematic, but have you used the quotation marks this way? --> Tab"!A4:H26"
You should use them like this --> "Tab!A4:H26"
And when you write "SheetA" you're writing the Spreadsheet Id, right??
And you should add another comma before the last parenthesis and tell which column you want to grab the final data from (1 for Column A, 2 for column B, etc.)

How can I Query Google Sheets data and Group the data where the data is names within a date column?

Hoping someone can help me with this one. I have the following Google Sheets data in Sheet 1:
I want to run Queries in another sheet so that when a date is selected the Query will return this:
The link to my working file is below:
Working File
I have started my query in cell D2 of the Other Attendances sheet. You will see that my query links to dropdowns, including a date range and I want all of the names who attended an event to be listed under the event and the date of the event rather than listed separately for each date. I also tried to create an IF statement if 'All' is selected but couldn't get that to work either.
I would appreciate help with a formula.
I used two formulae in the Results sheet, cells A6 and B8.
The name data is messy, but you could work on the input to get it cleaned up.
Shared Sheet

Using text from a cell in a formula in Google Sheets

I would like to use the text from a cell in a formula in Google Sheets.
I have a document with multiple sheets that a variety of people can edit with a H,M,L (high, medium, low) value from a drop-down list. Each person has their own tab in the Google Sheet.
I then have a dashboard that populates based on their choices of H,M,L. I know that I can use the formula =('Jay Delacruz'!C6) for example to populate a cell in another sheet by manually selecting the cells on the other sheet.
However, I am looking to make quite a few of these documents automatically with another Google Script that I am running that creates the individual sheets from a roster of names on the first tab.
My question is, is it possible to have a =('Jay Delacruz'!C6) type formula that instead of the sheet reference it can pull the name of the person from the roster, as this will match exactly the sheets that are automatically generated by the script I have running.
So I would essentially have a pre-populated dashboard of formulae that would become valid once the sheets are created with the names, as created by the other script.
If it makes it a little clearer, there is a link below to make a copy of the Sheet I am working with. All names were randomly generated, so don't reference any real people or data.
Thank you in advance!
Also see here for more info on INDIRECT() function.

How can I get single sheet from a spreadsheet collection from Google Sheets with Google Sheets API v4?

I'm trying to build a webapp based on Google Sheets. I'm a little bit confused with the API. I have a spreadsheet which is shared with me by Drive and contains 2 sheets. I can get the first sheet with
GET /v4/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}
Returns the spreadsheet at the given ID.
endpoint. But I couldn't figure out how to get the second sheet. Is there a way I can get spesific sheet from a spreadsheet?
The problem in here is when you are using ranges parameter you have to specify the sheet title with A1 notation syntax as described in this document:
I was using the ranges parameter and using the A1 notation correctly but I wasn't specifying the sheet title. In that scenario the default sheet is the first one. If you want the get another sheet other than the first one you have to specify the title, like this:{spreadsheetId}?ranges=sheetTitle!A3:F20

Is there a way to list all sheets on a google spreadsheet using native functions?

I create many dashboards on Google Spreadsheet, which are basically a spreadsheet containing a bunch of sheets with all sort of different data. Some of these spreadsheets can have up to 30 sheets or more.
I want a way to list the name of all sheets in a spreadsheet on a column using native functions.
I know this could be easily done with a custom function. However this would bring some complications regarding the workflow in my company.
Is there a way to accomplish that without using custom functions?
Thank You very much!
This works in Excel, so if you are able to export your workbook and save it as an Excel file rather than Google Doc this will work.
Go to your "Name Manager"
Create a 'New' name and call it "Sheets"
Insert this formula into the 'Refers to' box =TRANSPOSE(GET.WORKBOOK(1))&T(NOW())
Now insert this formula where you want the list of Sheet names =IFERROR(INDEX(MID(Sheets,FIND("]",Sheets)+1,255),ROW(A1),1),"")
Drag the formula down so A1 progresses (A1 represents the sheet number that you are getting the name of).
Source of solution
