iOS App started crashing without updates - ios

My app was updated 3 months ago.
And was working 100% fine (Crashlytics had more than 96% crash free users)
Yesterday - 2/1/2018 all of a sudden i received a late night email from crashlytics that there is an issue with my app.
And all of the users that were trying to enter on a viewcontroller from a tab bar was crashing.
I understand that the pod JTAppleCalendar is not on the latest version ok.
But for 3 months everything was ok and in one night there is an issue.
As far as my mind goes, Apple is secretly updating their libraries and not only on iOS updates.
Has anyone experienced anything like this before?
The swift file is the following (with the version i use)
and its in the line 283.
The updated pod version works fine. Although now i'm uploading a new version this is really weird.
FYI. All I'm trying to do is to raise awareness because i'm not sure if Apple has informed developers that they do
background updates on their libraries.


(Stickerpack for iOS Messages deployment error) WARNING ITMS-90863: "Apple silicon Macs support issue

Upon attempting to "Distribute App" archive in xCode, I get this error:
WARNING ITMS-90863: "Apple silicon Macs support issue. The app has LSApplicationLaunchProhibited set to true. This is not supported on Mac."
I have iPhone and iPad checked, but not MacOS. It is my understanding that stand-alone stickerpacks are not supported on Big Sur yet (nor has there been a hint that this will ever happen).
These projects were made using the StickerPack template in Xcode - not as an iMessage application - so there is zero coding involved on my end. I set the deployment target. I added the accessibility info - but that is it. I have no code on my end to toggle or fiddle with.
This is a VERY new error which surfaced as of Tuesday. I believe this is on Apple's end - some sort of update on their servers, because I had already successfully uploaded a stickerpack to the AppStore through AppConnect w/ the same version of Xcode a day before.
I already had 5 sticker packs published in the App Store for the past 3 years. I published updates to 2 of them literally just days ago. Then they had the Apple Event on Nov. 10 about Silicate macs and literally the next evening I got this error when trying to update another stickerpack.
I learned from previous errors before this that you need to make your product deployment target as 10.x because anything higher will give you a completely different error about 32 bit and 64 bit architecture. I dealt with that crap for over a week before I figured it out. That's what happens when you don't touch xCode for 2 years. Oops!
So after the error I cited showed up;
I tried creating a brand new version of the sticker pack from scratch that I was trying to update - since all I had to do was drag in my assets and re-type in all the accessibility tags for the visually impaired. Still no go.
So then, I updated to Big Sur - installation successful. Still no joy.
Then I updated Xcode after Big Sur. Successful updating, but still no joy.
I created a new archive w/ a different build number. Validated it successfully - but it failed AGAIN with the error I cited above. I've searched the Internet for an answer or a clue w/o success, but I think this is so new, a lot of people haven't figured this out yet. I'm waving my white flag now.
see the answer I posted to ITMS-90747: Basic sticker pack with no code, yet App Store Connect thinks there's 32bit code in there
(Apparently I'm not allowed to share the same answer to multiple posts about the same issue. Everyone is looking for this solution and I want it to be known!)
In short: You can opt out of the Apple Silicon Mac on the connect hub website, under availability and pricing

ITMS-90561: Invalid Swift SupportĀ - The watchOS application has Swift libraries at both - Xcode 12

I recently tried to submit an update to an app that I have been constantly updating, the last update was done using Xcode 11. This time when I Distributed the App using Xcode 12, everything went smoothly without any errors but after a few minutes, I got the following email from Apple.
But I'm not really sure what do I need to do to make it work.
Any idea what could be wrong?
I solved my issue by changing Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries from Yes to No. for the Watch App.

After migrating to xcode 7 cocoa pods libraries stopped working

Recently new ios and xcode appeared so I decided to update to have a latest version. First of all migration manager popped out and left many syntax errors. But after one hour I fixed them all. App compiled and it was a disaster. I use several external libraries (written in objc) using cocoa pods. They mostly don't work now.
I'm using facebook image picker to get images from facebook - doesn't work, same for instagram image picker. As of my code also now ALAssets aren't working - well partially they are - I'm just not getting posterImages of groups and thumbnails of all photos. I can see correct amount of photos just thumbnails are all nils now.
There are more problems. Sometimes back button in navigation controller is not appearing. Anyone maybe I'd be able to fix that errors of 'my' code, but there's no way I'd fix all issues in these external libraries (especially in such a short time). I thought only swift will be impacted, but objc libraries are also under attack.
So is there an issue with some cocoa pods settings or just libraries will no longer work? I heard there's no way to use swift 1.2 in xcode 7. So I decided to downgrade back to 6.4. App compiled without any problem (after cleaning up derivedData). In simulator (ios 8.4) works like a charm. But on device with ios9 all the same issues are present. No photos thumbnails from gallery etc :)
Anyway there's one more thing. My app has to offer similar functionality to the one client has sent me few weeks ago. I may be unexperienced in ios programming, but this app isn't working as well! No photos from gallery :) And it's from appstore. It looked very professional. I smell serious changes under the ios 9 hood.
So I don't think it's something wrong with swift 2.0 - it's an ios itself.
I fixed all the problems! I just want to say they were not related to migration from swift 1.2 to swift 2.0. Going one by one:
nil thumbnails from ALAssetsLibrary - not sure why this was happening, but I restarted device and problem never came back. So good advice is to check if they're not nil (as I did).
Not working instagram and facebook libraries. Well first of all there's nothing wrong with cocoa pods. Reason of all this mess is App Transport Security. I had to add this to Info.plist file (last one not related to facebook/instagram):
You simple have to add all servers that app connects.
Not working back button - well that was a problem with my storyboard. I had many push segues, but every viewController was embeedded in navigationController. That worked on ios8, but not on ios9. I had to get rid of them and left first one and ones that were appearing by replace segue.
No need to downgrade :)

App doesn't work when downloaded from app store, but works in xcode

I've ran into quite an odd problem today. Today my app successfully got onto the app store. However, when I downloaded it I immediately noticed that the apps basic functionality wasn't working. It just hangs when trying to get outside information. I went back to my xcode project, ran it and it worked perfectly. I removed the app store version, and re-deployed the xcode version to my phone, and again it worked perfectly.
Did Apple do something to my code? The part that messes up seems to be a where my app creates a NSURLSESSION that is used to gather data from a website. Perhaps they "cleansed" the url strings that I use? This functionality that messes up is crucial to my app and hasn't been changed since I've submitted to the app store.
Anyone have any ideas why this is happening or how to fix this?
Just posting the "solution":
Edit your Scheme and set the "Run" build configuration to "Release". After saving that, clean the project (cmd+shift+k) and run again on your device. By default, that will make you run the app in your device just as it will be ran when published in the AppStore.
And yes, unfortunately you will have to wait another week for Apple to aprove your app's new version as it will go through the review process again. Good luck! :)
For me it was that I was using old promocodes for testing.
That promocodes were from old version of the app (ios downloads app version that corresponds to promocode version), but I was expecting new functionality. So use latest promocodes!

Logging suddenly stopped working in iOS app with xCode 4.6

I am using xCode 4.6. I upgraded when it first came out, with no problem.
Today, logging suddenly stopped working in my app. It has been logging no problem since I first created the app (years ago), then today it just stopped.
I have tried:
*Cleaning the project
*Deleting the derived data
*Closing and restarting xcode
*Deleting the app from the simulator
*Resetting the simulator
*Searching to see if NSLog (or DLog, as I am mostly using, though I do use some NSLog as well) was redefined somewhere (they weren't)
I have looked at other posts on this site, and they have not helped the solve the problem. I really do not know what to do from here.
You may need to choose Debug Configuration in Schema Info.
