Is it possible calling other API in Cloud functions using firebase? - ios

I'd like to make some push alarm on iOS
When user set Alarm on specific time, and Server sends Weather Data by calling Weather API (ex OpenweatherMap) that time.
is it possible by using cloud functions in Firebase

Yes, this can be done with the request module.
See Use firebase cloud function to send POST request to non-google server where you will find:
// import the module
var request = require('request');
// make the request
request('put your external url here', function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
//here put what you want to do with the request
Note that you will have to activate a paid plan, because the free plan (Spark plan) only allows "outbound network requests only to Google-owned services"
Note also that you have to install the request package before being able to call it as shown above.


IOS app to display values via BLE from an ESP32

I have an ESP32 Battery monitor system (BMS) whose status I want to view on an iPhone, there are about 100 values to be monitored with a maximum update rate of once per second. I also needs to be able to send settings to the BMS occasionally.
Blynk seemed to be the perfect app to do this but the new version 2.0 doesn't support BLE! Does anyone know a similar app that could do this?
Have you tried setting the ESP32 up as a web server and creating an API based on the values? Using this instead of bluetooth allows you to view the values from anywhere with internet connection, and is easier to implement and use across different platforms
You can do this by implementing code into the ESP32, so that when you make http requests, it returns with a value, just like any other API would. Then in Xcode where you are building your IOS app you can make http requests to the web server and retrieve values
for example, in the ESP32 you can do something like this (assuming you are using the Arduino IDE to program it):
server.on("/value", [](AsyncWebServerRequest * request))
String value = "value"
request->send(200,"text/plain", value)
This YouTube video shows you this in more detail:
Then, in Xcode you can implement something along the lines of:
func loadData() async {
guard let url = URL(string: "http://IP-address-of-esp32/path-of-value", ) else {
print("Invalid URL")
do {
let (data, _) = try await url)
// process data here with the 'data' variable
} catch {
print("Invalid Data")
//Be aware that this is asynchronous when calling it
This person also explains it in more detail in a YouTube video:
Now, since you have a web server and API set up on your ESP32, and a method of retrieving the values in your IOS app, you can go on and use the values to build the app to your liking.
Good Luck!

How to create a "challenge" for my Cloud Functions server

I'm trying use Apple's new DeviceCheck API to verify that network calls in my app are actually coming from an uncompromised version of my app.
After successfully verifying a key’s attestation, your server can
require the app to assert its legitimacy for any or all future server
requests. The app does this by signing the request. In the app, first
obtain a unique, one-time challenge from the server. You use a
challenge here, like for attestation, to avoid replay attacks. Then
combine the challenge with the server request to create a hash:
let challenge = <# A string from your server #>
let request = [ "action": "getGameLevel",
"levelId": "1234",
"challenge": challenge ]
guard let clientData = try? JSONEncoder().encode(request) else { return }
let clientDataHash = Data(SHA256.hash(data: clientData))
Use this hash and the key identifier that you generated earlier to
create an assertion object by calling the
generateAssertion(_:clientDataHash:completionHandler:) method:
service.generateAssertion(keyId, clientDataHash: clientDataHash) { assertion, error in
guard error == nil else { /* Handle the error. */ }
// Send the assertion and request to your server.
I'm trying to add this assertion functionality to my Swift function, which is a helper function that calls a Firebase Cloud Function.
I want the assertion object to be passed as data to the Cloud Function, to verify that the Cloud Function is being called from an uncompromised version of my app:
func callFunction(name: String, data: [String:Any?], completion: #escaping (HTTPSCallableResult?, Error?)->()){
var functions = Functions.functions()
functions.httpsCallable(name).call(data){ (result, error) in
completion(result, error)
(Example of callFunction() being used below):
let data: [String:Any?] = [
"answer": answer,
"answeredAt": Date().millisecondsSince1970
callFunction(name: "answerQuestion", data: data){ res, err in
print("Submitted answer: \(res.debugDescription) | Error: \(err)")
if let err = err { = .initial
To generate the assertion object to send to my server (cloud function), it requires me to generate a challenge as stated above. However I'm not sure how to generate this challenge.
Apple says it should be "A string from your server". But I'm not sure what the string should be. Is it meant to be a dynamic string based on the user's UID? A Base64-encoded string of the user ID and a static secret string? And when I try to retrieve this string from the server, the user will just be able to read it as they can see incoming network JSON (I presume I would retrieve the string with a Cloud Function call) - so it seems pointless as it's not a secret string anymore?
Any idea how I can make the challenge work securely?
The point of the challenge is to avoid replay attacks, so it can be any randomised string. A UUID would be fine. It doesn't need to be a secret.
The challenge string is combined with the transaction data and a hash is generated. You send the hash to and you send that to generateAssertion and receive the assertion object. You then send this to your server along with the request data.
Now your server can combine the received request data with the challenge (which it knows, since it sent it to the client initially), generate the same hash and validate the attestation.
The server-side attestation article provides detail on the challenge data:
Provide a Challenge
Every time your app needs to communicate attestation data to your server, the app first asks the server for a unique, one-time challenge. App Attest integrates this challenge into the objects that it provides, and that your app sends back to your server for validation. This makes it harder for an attacker to implement a replay attack.
When asked for a challenge, provide your app with a randomized data value, and remember the value for use when verifying the corresponding attestation or assertion objects sent by the client. How you use the challenge data depends on the kind of object that you need to validate.

Sending sms from iOS app using Plivo API swift

How do I use plivo SMS API in my iOS app using Swift. I read lot of documentation regarding this. I'm not sure how to implement it on swift.
var plivo = require('plivo');
var p = plivo.RestAPI({
authId: 'Your AUTH_ID',
authToken: 'Your AUTH_TOKEN'
var params = {
'src': '1111111111', // Sender's phone number with country code
'dst' : '2222222222', // Receiver's phone Number with country code
'text' : "Hi, text from Plivo", // Your SMS Text Message - English
//'text' : "こんにちは、元気ですか?", // Your SMS Text Message - Japanese
//'text' : "Ce est texte généré aléatoirement", // Your SMS Text Message - French
'url' : "", // The URL to which with the status of the message is sent
'method' : "GET" // The method used to call the url
// Prints the complete response
p.send_message(params, function (status, response) {
console.log('Status: ', status);
console.log('API Response:\n', response);
console.log('Message UUID:\n', response['message_uuid']);
console.log('Api ID:\n', response['api_id']);
The above code is in Node.js, I want it to write in swift, and also I'm not sure how to integrate plivo into iOS app. I'm developing an app where it should send a sms to admin whenever user requests an order. So I just want the outgoing message from Plivo to admin. Any suggestions is really helpfull.
Plivo Sales Engineer here. Our recommendation is to host a server to which your iOS app would make a request to send the SMS. Then your server can use a Plivo helper library to make the API request which would send the SMS. This way your AuthID and AuthToken are stored on your server (to which only you have complete access) and you don't expose your Plivo credentials in your iOS app.
If you make a direct request of the Plivo API from your iOS app, then users potentially could find and misuse your credentials.
tl;dr - don't put your authentication credentials in places other people can read it.
So without a helper library you will have to just make use of their REST API. From their site, sending an SMS can be done by POSTing your information to{auth_id}/Message/
As for the Swift part take a look at NSMutableURLRequest or if you need help with the networking request you can look at Alamofire
If you want to use Rest API you can do like this:
lazy var plivoRestAPI: PlivoRest = {
let rest = PlivoRest(authId: Constants.Credentials.Plivo.AuthId,
andAuthToken: Constants.Credentials.Plivo.AuthToken)!
rest.delegate = self
return rest
let params = ["to": phoneNumberToCall,
"from": "1111111111",
"answer_url": "",
"answer_method": "GET"]

Slack bot that goes out and reads data from external page then posts?

I have an external website that has some dynamic data on it that refreshes regularly. I'd like to set up a Slack bot reaches out to that site (maybe by a curl or with screen scraping) and return the first line of data into a message in a channel.
I browsed some integrations and I haven't found anything that fits the bill quite yet. I don't have control over the external site to put a send to Slack button on it.
Assuming the curl/scraping part works as intended, you should have no specific issue. When the user types either a slash command or a bot keyword, you can perform the scraping from your server then:
if it was a slash command, use a delayed response (you have up to 30min to respond, see documentation
If the request came from a bot, simply post the text in the channel as a standard message
It would help if you shared more details about the framework you use or even share your code
If you are writing your bot in Go, you are more than welcome to use my Slack Bot framework
You can easily create a bot that responds to mentions and direct messages then respond back.
For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
bot := slacker.NewClient("<YOUR SLACK BOT TOKEN>")
bot.Command("ping", "Ping!", func(request *slacker.Request, response *slacker.Response) {
bot.Command("read <url>", "Read content of a URL", func(request *slacker.Request, response *slacker.Response) {
urlContent := readData(request.Param("url"))
err := bot.Listen()
if err != nil {
As for the readData method, reading data from external pages should be relatively straightforward in Go. Here is an example using gorequest:
request := gorequest.New()
response, body, errs := request.Get("").End()

eBay API GET request using Parse backend

Parse's documentation states that a cloud function would look like so:
[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:#"averageStars"
withParameters:#{#"movie": #"The Matrix"}
block:^(NSNumber *ratings, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
// ratings is 4.5
However, I can't seem to figure out where the API request would be placed if I wanted to ping eBay's item database. The format of the request I'm referring to is below:
var url = "";
url += "?OPERATION-NAME=findItemsByKeywords";
url += "&SERVICE-VERSION=1.0.0";
url += "&GLOBAL-ID=EBAY-US";
url += "&callback=_cb_findItemsByKeywords";
url += "&REST-PAYLOAD";
url += "&keywords=harry%20potter";
url += "&paginationInput.entriesPerPage=3";
The request to PFCloud class is used to interact with parse's servers, it can't connect directly with third party services.
You can however, interact with third party services via http requests. You can perform an httpRequest via your cloud code function. Http requests are pretty standard JavaScript, you can read about them here!
If eBay has a javascript library, you might be able to wrap it as a custom module and use it that way. You can read about that here.
And, just a reminder, Make sure you're not doing anything too heavy, as timeout is I think, 15 seconds.
