Slack bot that goes out and reads data from external page then posts? - slack-api

I have an external website that has some dynamic data on it that refreshes regularly. I'd like to set up a Slack bot reaches out to that site (maybe by a curl or with screen scraping) and return the first line of data into a message in a channel.
I browsed some integrations and I haven't found anything that fits the bill quite yet. I don't have control over the external site to put a send to Slack button on it.

Assuming the curl/scraping part works as intended, you should have no specific issue. When the user types either a slash command or a bot keyword, you can perform the scraping from your server then:
if it was a slash command, use a delayed response (you have up to 30min to respond, see documentation
If the request came from a bot, simply post the text in the channel as a standard message
It would help if you shared more details about the framework you use or even share your code

If you are writing your bot in Go, you are more than welcome to use my Slack Bot framework
You can easily create a bot that responds to mentions and direct messages then respond back.
For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
bot := slacker.NewClient("<YOUR SLACK BOT TOKEN>")
bot.Command("ping", "Ping!", func(request *slacker.Request, response *slacker.Response) {
bot.Command("read <url>", "Read content of a URL", func(request *slacker.Request, response *slacker.Response) {
urlContent := readData(request.Param("url"))
err := bot.Listen()
if err != nil {
As for the readData method, reading data from external pages should be relatively straightforward in Go. Here is an example using gorequest:
request := gorequest.New()
response, body, errs := request.Get("").End()


Output from Studio Flow via API not being sent to website callback

We are trying to implement a chatbot on our website.
My code successfully triggers the Flow. The Conversations log on Twilio shows that my code sent a message of "Hi" and the Flow triggered and sent the expected greeting.
The problem is that I'm not seeing anyplace where the Flow output is being sent to my website callback and so I'm not able to output the Flow messages to my website user.
When the Flow sends a message, where is the configuration that makes a callback to my website so I can output the message to the user?
onMessageAdded DOES get called on my website callback, but only for messages sent by the website code - not the Flow.
At this point I think the problem is a Twilio configuration for Conversations, Messages or the Flow, but it could be a configuration problem in my code.
Here is my rough initial code:
TwilioClient.Init(_twilioAccountSid, _twilioAuthToken);
// Create Conversation
var conversation = ConversationResource.Create(
friendlyName: "Test conversation",
messagingServiceSid: _twilioMessagingServiceSid,
attributes: null,
xTwilioWebhookEnabled: ConversationResource.WebhookEnabledTypeEnum.True
_log.Info("Conversation.Create: " + conversation.Sid);
// Attach Flow to Conversation
var webhook = WebhookResource.Create(
configurationMethod: WebhookResource.MethodEnum.Post,
configurationFlowSid: _twilioStudioFlowSid,
target: WebhookResource.TargetEnum.Studio,
configurationFilters: new List<string> {
pathConversationSid: conversation.Sid
_log.Info("WebhookResource.Create: " + webhook.Sid);
// Create a Participant
var participant = ParticipantResource.Create(
identity: _identity,
pathConversationSid: conversation.Sid
_log.Info("Participant.Create: " + participant.Sid);
// Send Message
var message = MessageResource.Create(
author: _identity,
body: "Hi!",
xTwilioWebhookEnabled: MessageResource.WebhookEnabledTypeEnum.True,
pathConversationSid: conversation.Sid
_log.Info("Message.Create: " + message.Sid);
Is there a reason you decided to not use the Twilio Conversations SDK for JavaScript?
The architecture you are using may require this additional configuration.
Triggering Webhooks for REST API Events
Upon configuration, only actions from SDK-driven clients (like mobile phones or browsers) or SMS-based Participants will cause webhooks without further action on your part. This includes both Service-level webhooks and Conversation-Scoped Webhooks. This is a default behavior to help avoid infinite feedback loops.
Your Post-Event Webhook target, however, may be an important tool for archiving. In this case, you may also want to enable webhook "echoes" from actions you take on the REST API. To do so, you can add a header X-Twilio-Webhook-Enabled=true to any such request. Requests bearing this header will yield webhooks to the configured Post-Event webhook target.
Troubleshooting Webhook Delivery for Conversations or Chat
I don’t think there is a way to set this header when using Twilio Studio widgets.

How to access data field in Dialogflow?

As the Dialogflow documentations states, the data field represents
Additional data required for performing the action on the client side.
The data is sent to the client in the original form and is not
processed by Dialogflow.
How should one access it in the iOS framework?
request?.setMappedCompletionBlockSuccess({ (request, response) in
I couldn't find it in the response object and can't find any documentation for iOS.
Your question is a bit vague (can you edit and narrow it down?), but i think you got it the other way round, what that snippet of documentation that you pasted means is that you are supposed to send that payload to DialogFlow and it will forward it to a connected Client (e.g Messenger, Slack etc) un-touched. It simply means that DialogFlow assumes that you know what you are doing.
Here is a sample Fulfilment response to DialogFlow in JS
module.exports.sendGenericMessageWithText = function(message) {
return {
data: {
facebook: [
text: message

Is it possible calling other API in Cloud functions using firebase?

I'd like to make some push alarm on iOS
When user set Alarm on specific time, and Server sends Weather Data by calling Weather API (ex OpenweatherMap) that time.
is it possible by using cloud functions in Firebase
Yes, this can be done with the request module.
See Use firebase cloud function to send POST request to non-google server where you will find:
// import the module
var request = require('request');
// make the request
request('put your external url here', function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
//here put what you want to do with the request
Note that you will have to activate a paid plan, because the free plan (Spark plan) only allows "outbound network requests only to Google-owned services"
Note also that you have to install the request package before being able to call it as shown above.

Slack deep link into client: how to link into im if im not open

I made a platform-independent contactlist-style standalone client for Slack in Qt/C++.
It uses Slack's Deep Linking scheme to navigate through the official Slack-Client when clicking Items in my ContactList.
The problem is, when clicking a user item in my list (which gets the user id and creates the link), the slack client will only enter the im dialog, if it was open before (if i have a im history with that user).
Otherwise it will just show the team directory context for that user, where i manually have to click "message" to actually enter the chat dialog.
Is there really no way to do it right just with slack:// deep links?
The only solution that i can think of right now is to open a new im, if not exist, using api call from my application before opening the link. or maybe open im's for all users at app launch.
But that's kind of a dirty workaround, that i don't like.
Is there a more elegant way to go directly to a new IM than this?
EDIT: quick Workaround without error handling is working this way:
void Window::contactListDoubleClicked(QTableWidgetItem *item)
QString id = listWidget->item(item->row(),1)->text();
int type = listWidget->item(item->row(),3)->text().toInt();
if (type == 1) { // if item is a user, we have to ensure that im exists by requesting
QEventLoop eventLoop;
QNetworkAccessManager mgr;
QObject::connect(&mgr, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
QNetworkRequest req(QUrl(QString("").append(m_token).append("&user=").append(id)));
QNetworkReply *reply = mgr.get(req);
// block stack until reply is ready
qDebug() << reply->readAll();
} else {

StatusCallback does not work as expected

I am working on a VB.NET application that places a call into Twilio, the number is not a test number. I am using the C# library with the code written in VB.Net.
When I use this line of code:
Console.WriteLine(account.SendSmsMessage(Caller, to1, strBody))
I receive a text message on my phone however the post back is never posted to my website. I have included the URL of the site on the account under Messaging > Request URL.
When I reply to the message, Twilio does make a post to my site. From what I understand, a POST should have been made when Twilio was first sent a message from my application, however this is not the case.
When using this code, I do not get any text message and no POST is made.
Console.WriteLine(account.SendMessage(Caller, to1, strBody, PostBackURL))
I have tried SendSMSMessage, I have tried it with the URL on my account and without it,
nothing seems to effect the behavior.
I need the SmsMessageSid at the time the message is sent. From everything I have seen, Twilio does not provide a response other then what is sent to the PostBackURL, I could parse a response for the
SmsMessageSid however since there is no response that is not an option. If I am mistaken on that point that would be great, however it looks like the only way to get a reply is with the post back URL. Thanks for your help with this! Below you will find an excerpt of the code I am working with:
PostBackURL = "http%3A%2F%2F173.111.111.110%3A8001/XMLResponse.aspx"
' Create Twilio REST account object using Twilio account ID and token
account = New Twilio.TwilioRestClient(SID, Token)
message = New Twilio.Message
'Console.WriteLine(account.SendSmsMessage(Caller, to1, strBody))
Console.WriteLine(account.SendMessage(Caller, to1, strBody, PostBackURL))
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: {0}", e.Message)
End Try
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue")
I'm doing something similar with C# and like you, I'm not getting the POST to the callback URL. I don't know why that's not working, but if all you need is the sid when you send the message, you should be able to do this:
message = SendSmsMessage(Caller, to1, strBody))
and message.Sid will give you what you need, assuming no exceptions.
