Unable to connect outside database from Docker container App - docker

we have two machine…one is windows machine and another in Linux machine. My application is running under Docker Container at Linux machine. our data base is running at Windows machine.our application need to get data from windows machine DB.
As we have given proper data source detail like IP, username ,password in our application. it works when we do not use docker container but when we use docker container it do not work.
Can anyone help me out to get this solution that how we can connect outside DB from Docker enabled application as we are totally new guys in term of Docker.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Container's default network is "bridge",you should choose macvlan or host network.
method 1
docker run -d --net host image
this container will share your host IP address and will be able to access your database.
method 2
Use docker network create command to create a macvlan network,refrence here
then create your container by
docker run -d --net YOURNETWORK image
The container will have an IP address which is the same gateway with its host.

There are a lot of issues that could be affecting your container's ability to communicate with your database. In the future you should compose your question with as much detail as possible. To correctly answer this you will, at a minimum, need to include the following details:
Linux distribution name & version
Docker version
Output of docker inspect from the container
Linux firewall configuration
Network configuration
Is your Windows machine running on the same local network / subnet as your Linux machine? If so, please provide information about the subnet, as the default bridge set up by Docker may restrict access to local resources, whereas those over a wide area network would still be accessible.
You can try passing the --network=host option to your docker run command like so: docker run --network=host <image name>. Doing so eliminates the need to specify port mappings in your run command, as they are ignored when using the host's network.
Please edit your question and include the above requested details to get a complete answer.


Communication from Docker-Container to outside

I am quite new to the docker topics and I have a question of connecting container services with traditional ones.
Currently I am thinking of replacing an traditional grafana installation (directly on a linux server) with a grafana docker container.
In grafana I have to connect to different data sources like a mysql instance, a Winsows SQL Database and so on. So grafana is doing a pull of data. All these data sources reside (and will still reside) on other hosts and they are not containers.
So how can I implement that my container is able to communicate with this data sources? Is it possible by default or do I have to implement a special kind of network? I saw that there is an option called macvlan...is that the correct way?
This should work out of the box, as far as I understand. At least, I'm using Grafana inside a docker container and it works perfectly.
You can test a connectivity from inside your docker container to some external resource by opening a container shell like this:
docker exec -it <container ID> /bin/bash
And then
root#a9cbebfc4564:/# curl google.com
root#a9cbebfc4564:/# ping <bla-bla>
Commands above depend on a docker image environment (like OS or installed software), but this can be solved in a same was as you can do on a regular Unix env
P.S. I encountered a docker2host connection issue once, but it was due to incorrect firewall configuration on a host side.
Since you are replacing a traditional installation, you can start with host networking. This mode give you same connectivity experience as installing on the host. A quick start is as simple as:
docker run --network host grafana/grafana
Notice there's no need to --publish or --publish-all ports as the Grafana container now share the host network.

Resource cannot be found error when accessing a page in Docker Container

I created a asp.net webform project in Visual Studio with Docker support (Windows). When I run the project using Visual Studio page comes up as below
Visual Studio creates a docker image which I saw using command
docker images
See image below (webapplication3)
Now I run another instance of Image (webapplication3) by command
Docker run webapplication3:dev
I can see container running
Docker ps
see image below
But now when I access this new running container using ip
it's not coming up, see image below (I have taken IP from docker inspect command, so it is correct.
Can someone tell me why am I not able to view the page? Why is it saying "Resource cannot be found" error?
When you run a Docker container default, the container will run with an internal IP address and an expose port map the local machine port, and the IP address will go out to the internet through the docker bridge which associated with the local machine network interface.
When you access the container inside the local machine, you just need to access the localhost with the port shows you. In your issue, you need to access the address http://localhost:62774/PageA.aspx. If you want to access the container from the Internet, you should access the IP address of your local machine with the port. For you, it means the address http://your-local-machine-public-ip:62774/PageA.aspx.
You can get more details from Docker Network. Also, I suggest you'd better run the container with the special port you plan just like docker run -d -p nodePort:containerPort --name containerName yourImage.

Rancher: Multiple hosts in the same physical machine

I'm getting in habit with rancher and docker and I'm now trying to figure out if it is possible to create multiple local custom hosts on the same physical machine. I'm running RancherOS in a local computer. Through the Rancher Web UI I'm able to create a local custom host and add containers to it.
When I try to add another local custom host copying the given command to the terminal (SSH into the rancher machine) it stars the process but nothing happen. The new host doesn't appear in the hosts list of the web interface and I don't receive any error from the terminal.
I couldn't get any useful information from the Rancher documentation about this possible issue.
I was wondering if it's not possible to have more than one custom virtual host on the same physical machine or if the command fails for some reason that I would like to know how to debug.
sudo docker run -e -d --privileged \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock rancher/agent:v0.8.2 \<registrationToken>
where registrationToken is replaced by the one provided by rancher.
There is nothing "virtual" about them. The agent talks to docker and manages one docker daemon, which is the entire machine. Running multiple does not make sense for a variety of reasons, such as when you type "docker run ..." on the machine, which agent is supposed to pick up that container? And they are not really isolated from each other regardless, because any of them can run privileged containers which can then do whatever they want that affects the others.
The only way to do what you're asking is to have actual virtual machines running on the physical machine, each with their own OS and docker daemon.
Another option might be to use linux containers to create separated environments, each having it's own ip address and running it's own docker daemon.

Port binding is not working in docker on windows

I have installed docker on my Windows m/c.
I am trying to install Gerrit on that.
Pull image is done-Successfully
Run image is also done -->
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 29418:29418 ******/gerrit
I try to connect it through browser with my container id:8080 but it throws error
This site can’t be reached
What is oing wrong.. Please help with suggestions.
You need to access your container by IP of virtual machine. You can obtain it with command: docker-machine ls. Then access container in browser by (replace ip)
This is a known limitation of windows containers at the moment as per the docker documentation (https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/troubleshoot/#limitations-of-windows-containers-for-localhost-and-published-ports).
As of Windows 10 Creator's update this has kinda been fixed where you can use host IP with the bounded host port(http://<hostIp>:<hostBoundedPort>), but still not localhost or any of it's aliases.
Alternatively you can avoid port mapping hit the container IP directly. There is numerous ways to get your container IP. Personally I would use:
docker ps
This lists out all the the running docker containers allowing you to find the Container ID for the container that you want to hit followed by:
docker inspect <initial_part_or_full_id>
This will output low level information about the container, including it's Network settings where you will find the NAT-ed endpoint details containing the IP. Then simply http://<containerIP>:<containerPort>.

Cross container communication with Docker

An application server is running as one Docker container and database running in another container. IP address of the database server is obtained as:
sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' db
Setting up JDBC resource in the application server to point to the database gives "java.net.ConnectException".
Linking containers is not an option since that only works on the same host.
How do I ensure that IP address of the database container is visible to the application server container?
If you want private networking between docker containers on remote hosts you can use weave to setup an overlay network between docker containers. If you don't need a private network just expose the ports using the -p switch and configure the addresses of the host machine as the destination IP in the required docker container.
One simple way to solve this would be using Weave. It allows you to create many application-specific networks that can span multiple hosts as well as datacenters. It also has a very neat DNS-based service discovery mechanism.
I should disclaim, I am one of Weave engineering team.
Linking containers is not an option since that only works on the same host.
So are you saying your application is a container running on docker server 1 and your db is a container on docker server 2? If so, you treat it like ordinary remote hosts. Your DB port needs to be exposed on docker server 2 and that IP:port needs to be configured into your application server, typically via environment variables.
The per host docker subnetwork is a Private Network. It's perhaps possible to have this address be routable, but it would be much pain. And it's further complicated because container IP's are not static.
What you need to do is publish the ports/services up to the host (via PORT in dockerfile and -p in your docker run) Then you just do host->host. You can resolve hosts by IP, Environment Variables, or good old DNS.
Few things were missing that were not allowing the cross-container communication:
WildFly was not bound to and thus was only accepting requests on eht0. This was fixed using "-b".
Firewall was not allowing the containers to communication. This was removed using "systemctl stop firewall; systemctl disable firewall"
Virtual Box image required a Host-only adapter
After this, the containers are able to communicate. Complete details are available at:
