Update to Xcode 9 makes fonts blurry - ios

I've recently updated my iOS app project for Xcode 9 and iPhone X and have a very strange problem.
The app, which looked good when built with Xcode 8.3.3, now looks all blurry. Fonts are not longer crisp.
The app is iPhone only and the target platform for the app is iOS 9.
I've noticed that the only device the app still looks good on is the "iPhone mode" (little sreen in the middle) of an iPad Air.
It seems as if some weird scaling effect is happening in the background but I can't figure out what it is.
I've tried setting the frames of labels with CGRectIntegral() method, to insure OK coordinates, but it did not change.

If you are noticing this behavior in the simulator, it's likely that you enabled Physical Size scaling. Go to Window and select Pixel Accurate to disable this function.


Xcode 8.1 iPad simulator draws screen twice

I'm trying to bring my App current to iOS 10.1, using Xcode 8.1. My App is targeted to both iPhone and iPad. All the simulators for the iPhones work o.k. However all the iPad simulators draw a screen that is bad, and after a second, the good screen appears.
The bad screen looks like:
After about a second the actual screen appears. It looks like:
This did not happen in earlier versions of Xcode, and I sure would appreciate some suggestions on why Xcode 8.1 is doing this.
The problem is that you are still using a launch screen image file. Those no longer work. The initial screen nowadays is your LaunchScreen.xib or LaunchScreen.storyboard. You need to have one and configure it so that it matches your actual initial interface.

iOS simulator screen doesn't resize to actual device size even though used scaling in Xcode 6.4

I have recently upgraded Xcode 6.1.1 to 6.4. The simulators in 6.4 has large screen sizes. Even though I used scaling, the simulator become smaller as well as the screen also got small with respect to simulator. I have tried using different scaling sizes (75,50,33,25)% and also performed "Reset content and settings" option of iOS simulators.
Thanks in Advance.

iOS 8 and Xcode 6 Simulator Display Out of Alignment

The display is stuck on zoomed in. I did a clean install Xcode install and it's still broken.
I just updated to the Xcode 6.2 Beta and it works on the retina display of my macbook. Unfortunately it just shows a white screen on my main monitor ...
Maybe the want to force me to use the MB screen as a simulator display ;-)
Having the same issue since the Yosemite beta update.
It's definitely not a permanent fix but moving the simulator to a screen with a different pixel scale factor makes the simulator usable on one or another of the screens.

XCode iPhone simulator does not look like an iPhone

Silly question, but.. I am not been able to see the device appearance when running the iPhone simulator. I don't remember after which XCode update this started but the iPhone simulator shows only as a simple window without showing the device case like it used to be (see this image).
That's how my simulator looks like:
Is there a way to make it look like an actual iPhone 5?
EDIT: Unfortunately in my hardware->device options I see only iPhone retina (which is currently selected), but there are no more options. So it seems like the default beheaviour to look like a thin window, unless I missed out some other configuration.
Here is what I see overlayed to a user answer.
The Simulator window only shows an iPhone (4/4s) bezel when:
The simulated device is a 3.5 inch non-Retina iPhone, and
The window scale is 100%.
In Xcode 5, you can't do the first one unless you download the iOS 6.1 simulator, because 3.5 inch non-Retina devices are not supported by iOS 7.
(For simulated devices other than 3.5-inch non-Retina, you'll also see a bezel at 100% scale, but this bezel doesn't look exactly like any particular device.)
If you want device images to use in promotional artwork for your app, see Apple's App Store Marketing Resources page.
First of all this does with retina devices.
STEP 1: Follow this step if you using Xcode 5 as you need to download the iOS simulator.
Go to XCode,
Open the main XCode Preferences option then Downloads. Click on
iOS 6 Simulator Change to the simulator you want by going to the
"Hardware" menu. Close the simulator. Run the project.
As you required just change device from Hardware -> device to iPhone as shown in the image.
And in the next step be sure set the window scale to 100 %.
For some reason it looks like an iPhone on my retina Macbook Pro, but not on my iMac.
They're probably looking at the resolution of the Mac, which doesn't really make sense, since you see less at 2880x1800 retina, than 1920x1080 non retina.
The problem I think is not with your XCode, but with your display. Check this : iPhone skin on Simulator
Check this Goto IOS Hardware >>Device >>iPhone
then window +1
Unfortunately it works like that for anything else - there is no option to show a case for any other simulators.
Absolutely correct, im using IOS simulator 7.0, there is no option regarding this. i did every possible step to make it look like iPhone but hard luck IOS simulator not having this option in Devices.
I've had this issue also. As indicated earlier, I went to preferences, downloads and then clicked on the ios 6.1 download. After installing it gave me the option of the "iphone". This option actually looks like the iphone. After the install it still includes the retina options as well.
It could be a scaling issue. In the simulator toolbar, go to Window -> Scale, and make sure that 100% is checked. Regarding how to enable iPhone non-retina if not shown, I wrote some steps in my blog on how to do it.

Xcode 4.3.1 iPad Simulator Changes related to screen size and multitouch

I've noticed a few weird things about the simulator in Xcode 4.3.1.
1) The simulator is now too big to fit on my screen and I have to scroll up and down while testing my App. I have a 13" Macbook and it used to resize it to fit my screen which was much more convenient.
2) Option clicking used to allow me to test multitouch gestures but it does not do anything in the simulator after installing 4.3.1. I can still test multitouch gestures in the iPhone simulator though.
Any help or insight into these two issues would be appreciated. Is it just me experiencing this or is it a common issue. Is what I am experiencing a bug or a "feature"?
Same here on my old Macbook, I had to go to Window->Scale: 50% and now it's reasonable.
As iPad Simulator does not auto-rotate on default, I'll just add this: Also make sure to simulate rotation for iPad Simulator, to get iPad display to fit horziontal: Cmd & → (or ←).
