How to remove a virtualenv created by "pipenv run" - pipenv

I am learning Python virtual environment. In one of my small projects I ran
pipenv run python
and it created a virtualenv for me in C:\Users\USERNAME\.virtualenvs
I found it also created or modified some files under my project source code directory. I am just wondering how to cleanly delete this virtualenv and reverse my project back to a no-virtualenv state.
I am using python 3.6.4, and PyCharm.

You can run the pipenv command with the --rm option as in:
pipenv --rm
This will remove the virtualenv created for you under ~/.virtualenvs

I know that question is a bit old but
In root of project where Pipfile is located you could run
pipenv --venv
which returns
Linux/OS X:
and then remove this env by typing
rm -rf /Users/your_user_name/.local/share/virtualenvs/model-N-S4uBGU
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force 'C:\Users\your_user_name\.virtualenvs\model-N-S4uBGU'
Command Prompt
rmdir /s "C:\Users\your_user_name\.virtualenvs\model-N-S4uBGU"


Pipenv always finds itself in a virtualenv

My Pipenv seems to always think it is in a virtual environment, even when it clearly is not:
$ cd /tmp/
/tmp $ mkdir hello
/tmp $ cd hello/
/t/hello $ pipenv install --python 3.8 --dev pylint
Courtesy Notice: Pipenv found itself running within a virtual environment, so it will automatically use that environment, instead of creating its own for any project. You can set PIPENV_IGNORE_VIRTUALENVS=1 to force pipenv to ignore that environment and create its own instead. You can set PIPENV_VERBOSITY=-1 to suppress this warning.
How can I fix this?

Docker ROS automatic start of launch file

I developed a few ROS packages and I want to put the packages in a docker container because installing all the ROS packages all the time is tedious. Therefore I created a dockerfile that uses a base ROS image, installed all the necessary dependencies, copied my workspace, built the workspace in the docker container and sourced everything afterward. You can find the docker file here:
FROM ros:kinetic-ros-base
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install locales
RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
&& rm -rf /var/likb/apt/lists/*
COPY . /catkin_ws/src/
WORKDIR /catkin_ws
RUN /bin/bash -c '. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash; catkin_make'
RUN /bin/bash -c '. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash; source devel/setup.bash'
CMD ["roslaunch", "master_launch sim_perception.launch"]
The problem is: When I run the docker container wit the "run" command, docker doesn't seem to know that I sourced my new ROS workspace and therefore it cannot launch automatically my launch script. If I run the docker container as bash script with "run -it bash" I can source my workspace again and then roslaunch my .launch file.
So can someone tell me how to write my dockerfile correctly so I launch my .launch file automatically when I run the container? Thanks!
From Docker Docs
Each RUN instruction is run independently and won't effect next instruction so when you run last Line no PATH are saved from ROS.
You need Source .bashrc or every environment you need using source first.
You can wrap everything you want (source command and roslaunch command) inside a sh file then just run that file at the end
If you review the convention of you can see how best to source the workspace you would like in the docker. We're all so busy learning how to make docker and ros do the real things, it's easy to skip over some of the nuance of this interplay. This sucked forever for me; hope this is helpful for you.
I looked forever and found what seemed like only bad advice, and in the absence of an explicit standard or clear guidance I've settled into what seems like a sane approach that also allows you to control what launches at runtime with environment variables. I now consider this as the right solution for my needs.
In the Dockerfile for the image you want to set the start/launch behavior;
towards the end; you should use ADD line to insert your own (example included); Set it as the ENTRYPOINT and then a CMD to run by default run something when the docker start.
note: you'll (obviously?) need to run the docker build process for these changes to be effective
Dockerfile looks like this:
all your other dockerfile ^^
# towards the end
COPY ./ /
CMD ["bash"]
set -e
# setup ros environment
if [ -z "${SETUP}" ]; then
# basic ros environment
source "/opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash"
#from environment variable; should be a absolute path to the appropriate workspaces's setup.bash
source $SETUP
exec "$#"
Used in this way the docker will automatically source either the basic ros bits... or if you provide another workspace's setup.bash path in the $SETUP environment variable, it will be used in the container.
So a few ways to work with this:
From the command line prior to running docker
export SETUP=/absolute/path/to/the/setup.bash
docker run -it your-docker-image
From the command line (inline)
docker run --env SETUP=/absolute/path/to/the/setup.bash your-docker-image
From docker-compose
network_mode: host
- SETUP=/absolute/path/to/the_workspace/devel/setup.bash #or whatever
command: roslaunch package_name launchfile_that_needed_to_be_sourced.launch
#command: /bin/bash # wake up and do something else

How to use bash profile in dockerfile

I am trying to build an image using dockerfile.
The commands in the dockerfile looks something like these:
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
RUN echo '# Python virtual environment wrapper' >> ~/.bashrc
RUN echo 'export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3' >> ~/.bashrc
RUN echo 'export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs' >> ~/.bashrc
RUN echo 'source /usr/local/bin/' >> ~/.bashrc
After these commands, I will use virtualenvwrapper commands to make some virtualenvs.
If I had only environment variables to deal with in ~/.bashrc, I would have used ARG or ENV to set them up.
But now I also have other shell script files like the will be setting some of their own variables.
Also, RUN source ~/.bashrc is not working (source not found).
What should I do?
You shouldn't try to edit shell dotfiles like .bash_profile in a Dockerfile. There are many common paths that don't go via a shell (e.g., CMD ["python", ""] won't launch any sort of shell and won't read a .bash_profile). If you need to globally set an environment variable in an image, use the Dockerfile ENV directive.
For a Python application, you should just install your application into the image's "global" Python using pip install. You don't specifically need a virtual environment; Docker provides a lot of the same isolation capabilities (something you pip install in a Dockerfile won't affect your host system's globally installed packages).
A typical Python application Dockerfile (copied from might look like
FROM python:3
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD ["python", "./"]
On your last question, source is a vendor extension that only some shells provide; the POSIX standard doesn't require it and the default /bin/sh in Debian and Ubuntu doesn't provide it. In any case since environment variables get reset on every RUN command, RUN source ... (or more portably RUN . ...) is a no-op if nothing else happens in that RUN line.
avoid using ~ => put your bashrc in a specific path
put source bashrc and your command on the same RUN line with ;
the RUN lines are totally independent from each others for the environment

Dockerfile manual install of multiple deb files

Working with Docker and I notice almost everywhere the "RUN" command starts with an apt-get upgrade && apt-get install etc.
What if you don't have internet access and simply want to do a "dpkg -i ./deb-directory/*.deb" instead?
Well, I tried that and I keep failing. Any advice would be appreciated:
dpkg: error processing archive ./deb-directory/*.deb (--install):
cannot access archive: No such file or directory
Errors were encountered while processing: ./deb-directory/*.deb
INFO[0002] The command [/bin/sh -c dpkg -i ./deb-directory/*.deb] returned a non-zero code: 1`
To clarify, yes, the directory "deb-directory" does exist. In fact it is in the same directory as the Dockerfile where I build.
This is perhaps a bug, I'll open a ticket on their github to know.
Edit: I did it here.
Someone answered a better way of doing this on the github issue.
* is a shell metacharacter. You need to invoke a shell for it to be expanded.
docker run somecontainer sh -c 'dpkg -i /debdir/*.deb'
!!! Forget the following but I leave it here to keep track of my reflexion steps !!!
The problem comes from the * statement which doesn't seem to work well with the docker run dpkg command. I tried your command inside a container (using an interactive shell) and it worked well. It looks like dpkg is trying to install the so called ./deb-directory/*.deb file which doesn't exist instead of installing all the .deb files contained there.
I just implemented a workaround. Copy a .sh script in your container, chmod +x it and then use it as your command.
(FYI, prefer using COPY instead of ADD when the file isn't remotely copied. Check the best practices for writing Dockerfiles for more info.)
This is my Dockerfile for example purpose:
FROM debian:latest
MAINTAINER Vrakfall <>
#debdir is a directory
COPY debdir /debdir
RUN chmod +x /
CMD ["/"]
The (copied at the root directory) simply contains:
dpkg -i /debdir/*.deb
And the following
docker build -t debiantest .
docker run debiantest
works well and install all the packages contained in the /debdir directory.

Change directory command in Docker?

In docker I want to do this:
git clone XYZ
cd XYZ
make XYZ
However because there is no cd command, I have to pass in the full path everytime (make XYZ /fullpath). Any good solutions for this?
To change into another directory use WORKDIR. All the RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT commands after WORKDIR will be executed from that directory.
RUN git clone XYZ
RUN make
You can run a script, or a more complex parameter to the RUN. Here is an example from a Dockerfile I've downloaded to look at previously:
RUN cd /opt && unzip && mv treeio-master treeio && \
rm -f && cd treeio && pip install -r requirements.pip
Because of the use of '&&', it will only get to the final 'pip install' command if all the previous commands have succeeded.
In fact, since every RUN creates a new commit & (currently) an AUFS layer, if you have too many commands in the Dockerfile, you will use up the limits, so merging the RUNs (when the file is stable) can be a very useful thing to do.
I was wondering if two times WORKDIR will work or not, but it worked :)
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y python3.6
WORKDIR /usr/src
COPY ./ ./
WORKDIR /usr/src/src
CMD ["python3", ""]
You can use single RUN command for all of them
RUN git clone XYZ && \
cd XYZ && \
make XYZ
In case you want to change the working directory for the container when you run a docker image, you can use the -w (short for --workdir) option:
docker run -it -w /some/valid/directory/inside/docker {image-name}
docker run options:
Mind that if you must run in bash shell, you need not just the RUN make, but you need to call the bash shell before, since in Docker, you are in the sh shell by default.
Taken from /bin/sh: 1: gvm: not found, which would say more or less:
Your shell is /bin/sh, but source expects /bin/bash, perhaps because it
puts its initialization in ~/.bashrc.
In other words, this problem can occur in any setting where the "sh" shell is used instead of the "bash", causing "/bin/sh: 1: MY_COMMAND: not found".
In the Dockerfile case, use the recommended
RUN /bin/bash -c 'source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash'
or with the "[]" (which I would rather not use):
RUN ["/bin/bash", "-c", "source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash"]
Every new RUN of a bash is isolated, "starting at 0". For example, mind that setting WORKDIR /MY_PROJECT before the bash commands in the Dockerfile does not affect the bash commands since the starting folder would have to be set in the ".bashrc" again. It needs cd /MY_PROJECT even if you have set WORKDIR.
Side-note: do not forget the first "/" before "opt/../...". Else, it will throw the error:
/bin/bash: opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash: No such file or directory
=> [stage-2 18/21] RUN ["/bin/bash", "-c", "source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash"] 0.5s
=> [stage-2 19/21] [...]
See “/bin/sh: 1: MY_COMMAND: not found” at SuperUser for some more details on how this looks with many lines, or how you would fill the ".bashrc" instead. But that goes a bit beyond the actual question here.
PS: You might also put the commands you want to execute in a single bash script and run that bash script in the Dockerfile (though I would rather put the bash commands in the Dockerfile as well, just my opinion):
set -e
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
